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¦ i ni iis&t ^e Publishers' Circular 339...
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¦ I Ni Iis&T ^E Publishers' Circular 339...
¦ i ni iis & t ^ e Publishers' Circular 339 - a ,
GRIFFITH & FARRAN' 8 NEW EDUCATIONAL BOOKS . NEW GEOGRAPHICAL HEADEKS . By J . R . BLakiston , M . A . With Maps and Book I Illustrations ., for Standard , satisfying I ., 100 - Paee all % the 40 latest Lessons requirements , a Map , and . 32 Illustrations , Ifxnp cloth , 8 d . ; cloth boards , \ 0 d . [ Ready . " ill IT . ., , „ ,, III IT . - , » 170 IT !) Pages Pages , , ' 63 40 Lessons Le-sons , , a 13 Map Maps of , and England 18 Illustrations ; 38 Illustrations , cloth , cloth boards board , 1 * . 3 * d . . Is . [ [ Rwdy R'ady . . „ IV V . * , , „ » 1 - V ' » . 184 . Page . s .. 60 Lesson .. s , 16 .. Marjs .. , and .. 22 Illuetrations .. .. , cloth M boards 4 J , 1 Is * . . 37 4 tf . . [ yporly [ Just rra vrady / ty . . „ VI ., « . Vf .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., ,. l £ 6 ^ . \ Preparing . 1 . ¦ ' ' — ¦ " —— — — ¦¦¦ - . - ...- ¦ — - —— . __ . _—__ ¦¦¦ — - .- ¦ ¦ — ¦ ¦¦ - 1 HISTORICAL BEADING BOOKS . ' By Oscar Browning , M . A ., King . ' s College , j ; Book Cambridge I . 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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 1, 1884, page 339, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01041884/page/27/