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34^ The Publishers' Circular April Ig- I
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34^ The Publishers' Circular April Ig- I
34 ^ The Publishers' Circular April Ig- I
Dedicated by special permission to SIR FREDERIC LEIGHTON , President of the Royal Academy . Messrs . SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , & Co . Save much pleasure in announcing that they have made arrangements with Mr . J . P . MAYALL , Photographer , Park Lane Studio , to produce a Monthly Series of absolutely permanent Photo-Engravings , entitled Hrtists at Home . MB . Painters J . P . MAY , Scul ALL ptors has , Architects been honoured , and Engravers with permission of the day to in p their hotograp studios h a or number in their of homes the leading , while this surrounded undertaking by the he pictures has alread , scul y ptures been , successful and other in objects obtaining of art most which satisfactory characterise Photograp those places hs of . tha In following artists ( a list to which other names will be added in due course ) : — I Albia Sir Boyal F . Leighton Tadema Academy , L , . President , . R . A , of the Graham Gregory Haag , Carl , , P E ., . . H J . . , A A . . R . A . Poyntb Petite Ouless , , b J W , ., E . R . W . J A . . , , . R R . . A A . . Ansdbix , R ., R . A . Hodgson , J . E ., R . A . Prinsep , V . C , A . R . A , | Barlow Armitage , T , . E O ., ., R R . A . A . . Horsley Hoix , Franx , J . C , . R , R . A . A . . Redg t rave ired R , . Ri A . chard , Hon . Ke-Bobhm Bod ley , , J Gr . E . F ., ., R A . A . R . . A . Johnson Hunter , , Coltn C . E . . Richmond Riviere , Briton , Gh , R , . A R . . A . Bouohton Caxderon , , P Gr . . H H . . , , R A . . A R . . A . Leslie Lawson , , G G . . D A ., . R . A . Stone Sant , , J Marcus ., R . A . , A . R . A , Cousins , S ., Hon . Retired R . A , Macbeth , R . W ., A . R . A . Storey , G . A ., A . R . A . Dickse Edis , Robert e , F ., A W . R . . , A F . . S . A , Marks MacWhirter , H . S . , R J . . , A A . . R . A . Thornycroft Watts , G . F- , . R W . A . H . ., A . R . I . Frith Faed , , T W ., . R P . A ., . R . A . Millais Maeshall , J . , W E . . , C R . , A R . . A . Webster Woolner , , T T . . , , Hon R . A . . Retired B . A . Gilbert , Sir J ., R . A . Morris , P . R ., A . R . A . Yeames , W . F ., R . A . Gow , A . C , A . R . A . Oakes , J . W ., A . R . A . Acad fGBT emy , It has may sat be for stated a photograph that the , * in his Bigh library t Hon at . W Haworden . E . Gladstone Castle , . M Other . P ., bs lay * Professor members of of Ancient the Academy History will * to the be added Royal to the series . re tions prod These of uce eminent d likenesses by an men ent have i , each y that new in t interest and he habi unquestionabl t which of his attaches life y , permanent and to in the every most process sense exact of at and home Pkoto characteristic . -E ? The bgravi port ? ig raits t representa and will issued be - in Monthly Every Pa Parts rt will at FIVE contain SHILLINGS . FOUR ENGRAVINGS each part . from the Photographs , all facsimiles of the Biogra originals phies , and will includ be e wri a tten short by , Biograp and the hy literary of each portion artist , of the h a work descr generall iption of y will his be studio under . The the paper and editorshi The It of . is Each further size p of l folio , of Mr part intend the . size F will . work Gr which ed . appear Stephens to will will print in be bo . an imperia a limited appropriate superior l quarto to One edition wrapper . Hundred The on . text India and paper plates , mounted taken will from be on printed each papier late on de Holland the before finest the ? , lettering roya is engraved upon , it ; Fifty of which will be reserved Impressions for American subscribers . p This edition will be published at Ten Shillings and Sixpence each party and supplied only to subscribers for not Jew than Twelve Monthly Parts , beginning with a volume . Thh First Part contains : — 2 1 . . T SIR . WEBSTE F . LEIGHTON R , R . A . , P . R . A . 4 3 . . W V . . C C . . PRINSE MARSHALL P , A , . R R . . A A . . Orders may bb given to any Bookseller iif Towi * out Countrf . London : SAMPSON LOWMARSTONSEARLE & RIVTNGTON , ! , , , Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E . C . I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 1, 1884, page 346, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01041884/page/34/