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^ p riu , 1884 The Publishers' Circular 353
THE PATENT BOOK-SHELF FITTINGS , As used in the PUBLIC LIBRARIES of LIVERPOOL , GLASGOW , BIRMINGHAM , & c , Hookham ' s enable Patent a nice adjustment Picture of Shelves Line to be made and without Patent trouble . Fasteners Afford the most secure and easy means of hanging Pictures . Illustrations and particulars sent POST FREE on application to WILIilAM TONES & SONS , Mosley Street , Birmingham .
TAYLOB BROTHERS , PUBLISHERS OF CHROMO SHEET ALMANACS , AS USED BY GROCERS , Thirty Choice Designs . Sample Set 5 s . allowed off first order . OFFICE CALENDARS FOR STATIONERS , Ac , ON SUPERFINE ENAMELLED CARDBOARD , Sample Hook sent on application , EXAMINATION CERTIFICATES FOR SCHOOLS . Samples now ready . W Chroxno Lithographers and Letterpress Printers to the Wholesale Trade . THE STEAM COLOUR-PRINTING WORKS , LEEDS .
fffii % * fi »! & k w $ # -t ) v- > / i \ i m # Cyc w v ^ / 1 Ni , ^^ ffi ^^^^ p ^ % \ ^^^^^ m WHOLESALE BOOKBINDERS , ^^ Sj ^^^ ** 5 « - 76 Fleet Street , LONDON , 76 Fleet Street . f 86 a * Publishers , Booksellers y and Trade in town and country are herewith informed thai this firm execute rapidly \ punctually , and in first stylt , all orders for Plain , Elegant , and Ornamental Binding ; original designs by good artists . Additional steam power and new machinery enable them to compete successfull y with other firms , in taste , speed , and price . Estimates and samples by return post .
LEIGHTON , SON , & HODGE , WHOLESALE BOOKBINDERS , 16 NEW-STREET SQUARE , FLEET STREET , E . C . they I execute s S ., < fe in H . the beg beat to intimate style an to d PUBLISHERS on the most reasonable , PRINTERS term , AUTHORS every descr , & iption c , that of Ih ^ Olesale ea ia most Bookbinding extensive and , eit varied her in and Cloth their or powerful Leather . Machinery Their Stock and of Steam Engraved -power Bras give » , * aem unrivalled advantages in the rapid execution of large orders . k- > 8 ., & H . have a separate department for Account-Book Binding * and are jJ ^ Pawd to undertake every description of work , including the supply of Paper , Ruling , ^^ ating , Perforating and Paging of Books for Commercial purposes . ^ jL ^^^^^^^ ' ^^^^^^^^**™''****'' Applications 1 for Estimates will meet with prompt attention . jj ^ ' ¦¦ Imjmm !!!!!'''' ''*' ' ^ " ^* " ^ " *^ " ***^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 1, 1884, page 353, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01041884/page/41/