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^ , * \ . . . .. ' . •• - . . ., ; ... - _ : . ?; ¦' ¦ : ¦ ¦¦^ mm $ 54 The Publislier ^ ' Circular att ' ^ p ^ vi ^ S
| o f ^ proprietors of ^ ieto ^ p apcxs b l $ ee & t \> anh igtontfytQ periodicals . MESSRS . W . H . & L . COLLINGRIDGE possess unusual facilities for the pro . duction of the best class of Newspaper and Periodical work—the several Departments of Composing * , Machining , Rolling , Folding , Stereotyping , Ac ., heing carried on in their New Premises , thus ensuring both SPEED and ECONOMY . A large stock of liigh-class Engravings , suitable for Periodical Illustration , is avail , able for the use of their customers upon very advantageous terms . Oily Press , 148 8 f 149 Aldersgate Street , and New Street Works 9 Cloth Fair , London , E . C ,
piloricK < X IHvJiN , \ s Bookbinders ! , JSV . JINN'S gWE ^ ja We i ^ Kg , (^ HURCH GNTRY , ( JARTER LANE , E . C .
JOHN DICKINSON & CO . MILLS 400 , 401 , 402 , 403 , 614 , 693 . Wholesale ani > Export Manufacturers op Printing , Plate , and Litho Papers ; Hand and Machine-made Writings & Printings ; Tinted Writings , Cartridge , & Blottings ; Tissues and Copying Papers ; Enamel Papers ; Cards , White and Coloured ; Envelopes and Note Papers . LONBON WAREHOUSE : I 65 OLD BAILEY , E . O ' iflpr ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ii . ' ¦ ...... i , , I ,. , ii ..... , m-mmtmm '' ' ¦! imi ¦¦»! ¦¦ p «^~————
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 1, 1884, page 354, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01041884/page/42/