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354 The Publishers' Circular sK»i'i Sj&'...
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Booksellers Wanting Assistants.
TO BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS , and PRINTERS . —FOR SALE , in Cheshire , on very favourable terms , a genuine BUSINESS , established over a century . Satisfactory reasons for Belling can be given . Rent low , an excellent commodious dwelling-house attached ; a lease can be secured . Returns about £ 2 , 000 .
354 The Publishers' Circular Sk»I'I Sj&'...
354 The Publishers' Circular sK » i ' i Sj & 'i ' : """
TJOOKSELLING and PUBLISHING . — J-J Wanted , a Gentleman thoroughly competent to undertake the Management of a large Wholesale and Retail Publishing Business , chiefly of a Religious and Educational character , in the City of London . Must possess practical knowledge of the trade in all its branches . State age , qualifications , and salary expected . Nothing requiring to be returned should accompany the application . —Address X . Y . Z ., 27 Southampton Buildings , E . C .
TITR . LEACH has a VACANCY for a " *• Sharp Youth ( out of doors ) who would get a good insight into a First-class Business . Slight experience required and good references . Small salary . —Leach ' s Library , Grand Parade , Eastbourne .
MR . LEACH has a VACANCY for a Good Saleswoman ( out of doors ) used to First-class Business . State experience , references , and salary required , to Leach ' s Library , Grand Parade , Eastbourne .
WANTED , an experienced Young Lady as ASSISTANT in a high-class Book , Stationery , and Fancy Business . Must be a good saleswoman . Apply , stating salary required and references Woodley Bros ., Central Library , Llandudno . ,
WANTED . —A First-CJass ASSISTANT * » of experience in the Retail Book Department . Must he a good saleswoman and churchwoman . Send particulars , with references , age , & c . —Bemrose & Sons , Derby .
Booksellers' Assistants Wanting Situations.
WANTED , Situation as ASSISTANT . * " Six years' experience in Wholesale and Retail Newspa General per Stationery Work , and . Good accustomed knowled to Travel ge of Printing . First- , class near Marlboroug references . — h . Apply to E . N . Bane , Burbage ,
yOUNG MAN ( 22 ) requires a SITUA ATION as Junior Assistant ^ Five years ' ex h , perience * ..,.., ,. ¦? .. ¦ ., „„ . . —A . B ., 125 .: ¦¦ High Street , Tewkesbury . . ;; yll .. , .. , «
WANTED , a Situation a * TOWN fjMi * VELLER or SENIOR ASSlSTAidS ^ i active energetic Man . Aged 29 . Well ^ D in ' Juvenile Literature and the Stationery and FancJ Trades . —A . B ., care of Mr . Sole , 6 Hawthorn Stteet Kingsbury Road , Islington , N . ^
i r i > TO -A- Wanted BOOKSELLERS , by a Young Man , STATIONERS , aged 20 , a Situation , & c . perience as ASSISTANT ; good references or LIBRARIAN . —Address . Six J . years A . ' H ex . - Messrs . Deighton & Co ,, Booksellers and Stationers Worcester .
TO ¦*¦ Wanted BOOKSELLERS ( in the Country , STATIONERS ) an Engagement , fa . Senior or Managing ASSISTANT . Has had nine years' experience of Town and Country trade and the Management Highest references of a Business . Moderate for the salary last . three —Address years . C . D ., 11 Sandall Road , Camden Road , London , N . W .
TO WHOLESALE , EETAIL , and LAW -L STATIONERS and PUBLISHERS—Adver-* tiser offers his services as ASSISTANT in above . Has had 8 years' experience , and possesses thorough knowledge of all its branches . Would not object to travel town . —Address L ., City News Rooms , 5 St . Bride Street , E . C .
WANTE D , by a Young Lady , a Situation as ASSISTANT in a Stationers' and Fancy Address Trade . M 6 i . years 27 Coiner ' experience Road . Hi Good hfield references Sheffield . . — , , g ,
TO WHOLESALE STATIONERS .-SENTATIVE i- Wanted by or a good Gentleman position , as . TOWN Thoroug RKPBK hly ex - - perienced and highest references . —Address W . w ., 107 Railton Road , Brixton , S . E .
TO BOOKSELLERSPUBLISHERS , 4 c . disengaged -L Wanted earl by y in Advertiser May , a , SITUATION age 26 , who as will Prin w ci retail pal . Assistant Has had or under nine years a manager ' experience . Wholesale in ootn or of departments stationery . in Satisfactory a leading house references . — Has as a knowledge to Office ability ot and general business habits . M . N ., Publisher ^ Circular , 3 88 Fleet Street , E . G .
"BOOKSELLING , STATIONERY , «»* J- > PRINTING . —RE-ENGAGEMfiNT wan t ^ w Assistant , or to take the management of ft 9 W * country business . Age 27 . Satisfactory ^ "JSSS from present an < l previous employ era . —^ r ^' , A . F ., care of Mr . Gale . Bbote $ eUerJbM # m *~ ^ : ~^«
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 1, 1880, page 354, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01051880/page/34/