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* — —— : ~ : —-^ 4 i2 The Publishers' Ci...
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* — —— : ~ : —-^ 4 I2 The Publishers' Ci...
* — —— : ~ : — - ^ 4 i 2 The Publishers' Circular May i , 1883 — »
Messrs SUcaxmtamrt . HOLME s & B S ulm & SOlsT , ' TO BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS , PRINTERS , NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS , & c . & c 6 6 a PATBRNOSTEE EOW , Are instructed to sell the following businesses : — - TfcOOKSELLING ¦ - > PRINTING- BUSINESS -, STATIONERY . —la splendid , Busi and ness town , North of England . Established nearly half a century . Very low rent and splendid premises . Returns over £ 3 , 000 a-year at very full strongl profits . y recoinm About £ ended 1 , 500 . to £ 2 , 000 required . Can be OTATTONBUY and PRINTING BUSI-* 3 NESS . —Situated in one of the most flourishing t to r * wns de . in Present England owner , -where retiring there , is having a large been shipp there ing have 37 years a future , and bsins interest ? the in owner his of successor the house . Return he will s about £ 1 , 500 now , might be doubled . About £ 700 required . OOKSELLING LIBRARY and FANCY , Tit STATIONER AD E . — Situated Y , in very attractive town . Has changed hands but once in 40 years . Death cause of sale . Returns over £ 3 , 000 a-year ; nett profits quite £ - > 00 a-year . . instalments 4 ? 1 , 000 will . be accepted in cash and balance by PRINTING BUSINESS . West End of ¦*• London . A very well known and old-established concern . Nett profits over £ 500 a year at the present man . About time . £ 1 A , and 500 splendid required chance . for a practical RIA T ^ INE ABTSARTISTS' MATE L an •* - hour BUSINESS and a , half . fro A m very London superior . In concern same , hands about 20 years . Splendid residence attached . A nett income of about £ 400 a year now derived . About £ 1 , 000 required . Open to erery investigation . * TATT 6 NERY and FANCY TRADE . — In same In very hands attractive 11 years town . Kent , West £ f ) 5 . of Good England shop . and profits house . About . Heturns £ 500 required about £ . 1 , 000 at \ ary high "" " CTATIONlfiliY andFANCYBUSINESS The * J nea whole r H of yde the Park rent . —In could same easil hands 16 covere years d . . Attached to the Business is the Post y Officewhich produces £ 80 a year . A very safe living . , About £ 400 required . iDuOKSttLLING , 8 TAT 10 WJl 3 LiY and J- > PRINTING BUSINESS . —About 30 miles retiring from London ; but . lie will In sam continue e hands to reside 24 years in the , o town wner . Profitable Agency attached which covers the rout . £ Returns 400 or £ £ 600 1 , 500 ii ^& to sh £ jind 2 , 000 - balance a-year by . instalments Will accept . PRINTING- ~ anT ~^ XTlONEK"i '' " JifjST •* - NESS . —In the finest commercial town in large England trad . e , A as sp there lendid is the opening nucleus for of doing it well a estab very - lished ; a return of £ 5 , 000 a year might he done . All will be sold without any premium and £ 100 to £ 500 accepted in cash and the balance spread over three years . I MONTHLY KKGlbTKK' of over 15 U ill BUSINESSES for DISPOSAL forwarded post 06 a - Paternoster free on application Row , London to Messrs , E . O . . Holmes & Son , ft
Mr VALUER . A . M & . ACCOUNTANT BTJBG-HBS , TO PUBLISHERS , BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS la PATERNOSTER PRINTERS , < £ ¦« ., ROW ' Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses , : STATIONERY and FANCY TRADE . — ^ Old-established unopposed business in a pleasant and prosperous town in Wilts . Nett garden profits . , £ 3 Rent . 105 . a onl week y £ . 18 House a year and . shop About with £ long 350 required : established 30 years ; a very safe concern . St ationery , piunting-, music , & g . stea * J d Man y con ufacturing cern . Nett town profits , Yorkshire £ 150 a year . ; A capable good Rent of much £ 50 . increase Abou . t £ Fine 2 o ( t required premises . in good position . position - p r intTn Wholesale . Xiow o ren 7 Bristol ~ 7 long ^ r A Leading lease i ^ I ^ Returns Business ^ ry ; exceed ; good to . successful £ 10 , 000 n trading year . . Proprietor About £ reti 3 , 000 ring req after uired 21 . ) years , FINE-ART TRADE ( Wholesale ) . — larger Old connection -established throug well ho -known ut the Business country , having . Nett : a j prolits proved to be £ 1 , 200 for many years . Very good promises at low rental . About £ 4 , 000 required . A rare , genuine and very favourable opening . ATIONERY and FAJNTCY . —Pleasant ST S . E . suburb . Returns nearly £ 600 a-year ; increasing . Large house . Fine shop . Rent £ i 8 ( very low ) . About £ 300 required . A good opening : for printing . Very superior neighbourhood . STATIONERY , & c—Main London West-*^ end thoroughfare . Splendid premises . Rent £ 120 ( £ 80 let off ) . Thirteen rooms and very handsome shop . Returns £ 1 , 200 . Full profits . About £ 550 required . Established five years and rapidly increa «» ia »• OTATIONEttY and FANCY . —West of locality ^ Eng . land Beautiful , County shop town and . show High- room class ; deli excellent ghtful business . Present returns , at full profits , ; £ l , 200 . About £ 800 required . A- good opening . ^ STATIONERY the best businesses , PRINTING in England , & . c— Important One oi ' Cathedral town . Proprietor retiring after thirty town year years . nett ' stead About . y Sp prosperi lendid £ 1 , 600 premises ty required . Profits . in best A proved lino posi opening at tion £ 800 of for tho na gentleman having a knowledge of the trade . aTATIOI ^ rYi" ^^ ^ London . Pleasant town in Essex . Bo 8 t bouse and position in the market-place . Kent £ \ ) 0 . Nett Thoroug profits hl £ 200 y sound a-year and . quite About safe . £ 400 An earl required y sale . desirable for ' . isatisfactorj reasons . ^ otati Busy 6 ¥ part ery "" of Birming aaidf b 6 o 1 S > elll eHtablished ^ g— . and safe . Returns over £ 500 a-year . Rent only £ 40 ; largo premises . About £ 22 ;> required good ^ VJTATlOltfEKY ba well * t -fitted pirt of premises Manchester , Ac— . Flourishing Rent . £ Return 45 . About * Business £ 1 , £ 200 f ) 50 ; required . ^ Favourable opening * . warded MonMyl pad- Keg free iater en application of Businesses to Mr for . A . Disposal M . jBubqhks for , - 1 a Patsrnister Koto , London , E . C , I : .. - -- — -rr ^^ SSSSS -WJ
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 1, 1883, page 412, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01051883/page/48/