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W > : :: " ' ¦ ¦ - . ¦ . ¦ - ¦ -- " - ' , ; . ^ : L ^* , yr ; „ -- ¦ , .: ^ JH i 43 » The Pnblmhera' Circular - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ aa ^ jglM
NEW PUBLICATIONS ¦ ; Cambridge I ' University OF THE Press * . Hew Volume of TEE CAMBRIDGE GREEK TESTAMENT , for Schools and Colleges . THE GOSPEL ACCORDING FTO ST . LUKE . By ARCHDEACON -AJErafcAR . ' ' ' ' With 4 Maps . 6 s . THE LISH AUTHORISED BIBLE ( 1611 ) , its Subsequent , Reprints EDITION and Modern Representatives OF THE . Being ENG the Intro - duction to the Cambridge Paragraph Bible ( 1873 ) , re-edited with corrections and additions . By F . H . A . Scrivener , M . A ., D . C . L ., LL . D ., Prebendary of Exeter and Vicar of Hendon . Crown THE 8 vo . cloth GREEK 7 s . 6 d ~ LITURGIES- Chiefly from Ori [ Immediatel ginal An y . - covers thorities , 1 . 6 s . By C . A , Swainson , D . D ., Master of Christ ' s College , Cambridge . Crown 4 to . Paper BREVIARIUM AD USUM INSIGNIS ECCLESIAE SARUM . Jiixta Editionem maximam pro Ciattdio Chevaixon et- Fbancisco IRegnault a . d . mdxxxi . in Alma Parisiorum Academia impressam : labore ac studio FRA ^ rciscr Pkoctfr , A . M ., et Christophori Wordsworth , A . M . Fasciculus III . In quo continetur Proprium Sanctorum quod et Sanctorale dicitur , nna cum accentuaxio . Demy 8 vo . '< [^ Nearly ready . THE WOODCUTTERS OF THE NETHERLANDS II during , Cata the logu last e of quarter their Woodcuts of the Fifteenth . By Wiixiam Century , Martin In Two Con Parts way : . I . D History epiy 8 vo of . 1 the 0 s . Gd Woodcutters . ; [ Immediately . London : C . J . CLAY , M . A ., & SON , Cambridge University Press Warehouse , 17 , Paternoster Row .
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 1, 1884, page 432, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01051884/page/24/