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I ^^ [ I " ™""^^« t , - v .. __ jYirr Serial Works Ready May 26 . NEW AND REVISED EDITION . In MONTHLY PARTS , Td . ( Part I . May 26 . ) * COUNTRIES OFTHE WORLD . CONTAINING Graphic Sketches of the various Continents , Islands , Rivers , Seas , and Peoples of the Globe , according to the Latest Discoveries . By ROBERT BROWN ^ M . A ., JPh . D ., F . L . S ., F . R . GKS . Profusely and Beautifully Illustrated . With PART I . is issued , free of charge , a Large Coloured MAP OF THE WORLD measuring 22 J inches by 35 | inches , brought down to the latest date , and com- , prising a mass of interesting facts valuable for reference . ? ¦ , . .- . . . ^ NEW ISSUE , in MONTHLY PARTS , price . Od . PART 1 , ready MAY 26 . TP . TT"F ? , (^> k- > W . A "NT" ! Butterflies and Moths . \ By ~ W . F . KIRBY , Assistant in the Zoological Department s Britis , of h Museum London , ; and Secretary to the Entomological SocUty WITH FACSIMILE COLOURED PLATES . % The Trade are requested to apply for Prospectuses and Showbills of the above "Works , whioh . will be sent carriage-free on application to the Publishers , Ca , 88 ell & Company , Limited , Ludgate Hill , London . NOTICE AS TO THE PUBLICATION OF Summer Days , The EXTRA HOLIDAY NUMBER or ' CASSELL'S MAGAZIWE . ' I ¦ « I It has been decided to publish this SUMMER ANNUAL on , II JUNE 25 , instead of May 26 , as previously announced . I ! I II Cassell < fc Comjpany , Limited , Ludgate Hill , London . \\