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_ % i ) c " ^ tcttgious ^ taci < £ ooi " eig ' s < 4 ttei . ] i JSTIffVr BOOKB , . Tost published , crown 8 vo . 6 * . cloth boaritys . THE COMMENCEMENT HISTORY in OF 1706 PBO , to 1882 TESTA . By the NT Rev-. MISSIONS M . A . gHBRRHTO . M IK Jk . « . INDI Z , L . B . Newly A FROM . revtfed and THEIE tmraghjt dowti to date . By tlie Rev . E . Storrow , formerlj of Benares . With Fomj 3 £ ap 3 . Crown 8 va ft * , cloth boards . been The carefully only complete revised , sketch and the of latest the History information and present about state the work of Protestant carried on Missions by all the in different India * Mr societies . Sherrigp added ' * work by Mr has . at ftorrow each station . The . maps The will book be is fonnd enriched on examination by copious tables the best of that statistics have , an yet d appeared a very full , showing index . the various * g *™ m $ at work PBESENT-DAY TRACTS ON SUB- I KB CENT DISCOVERIES AT JEBTJ . JECTS OP CHRISTIAN EVIDENCE , DOCTBINB SALEM , By the Bev . J . King , JCJU Authorised Just AND Published MORALS , . containing By various : Tracts Writers . by Volume the Dean IV . — of Lecturer Maps , Flans to , the and Palestine Illustrations Exploration . Forming Fund No . . IV With . of Rawuhson CHSSTKtt 2 s . (> d . cloth , Professor . boards Dr . Noah . Blmslib Porteh . Prebendary , and Professor Row Bijukib , Canon , . ;« cloth By- : Patbs boards of . Bible Knowledge . ' Crown 8 vo . 2 # . td . LIFE Author The Condition 'S PLEASURE 'The s of Mirage a Happy of Life Life . GrABDEN By , ' W * The . Hai Culture « Mille ; or k , CUBIST 1 8 Thoughts 8 vo -20 . 4 ) . . cloth By on the AND boards the Rev Apostolic . . Dr THE . Adolfh Commission CHT Saphih ( Matt 7 BCH . . Crowa xxvii £ : Pleasure /& c . With Fine Illuetrationg . 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Price 25 8 * s . . in in morocco handsome . 'doth , gflfe edges , or r "¦ SCOTTISH PICTTJBES . Drawn with SEA PICTURES . Drawn with Pen and Pen and Pencil . By Dr . S . Gk Grbs £ n , Author of Pencil . By Dr . Macauuiy , Editor of "the 'Leisure 1 Illustrated * German . Pictures / ' French Pictures / & c . Profusely < Hour Mr Knsidn / « fcc . says With , « numerous This beautiful Engravings book is . far the best I % of what The Scotland volume will is , and be out prized of Scotland in Scotland as affording as an evidence know- have ' Opening ever seen this on tempting its subject volume . * with the idea of skim-Scotsman ledge of . places and of scenery of singular beauty . '— last ming . it It , we has have told read us much it almost we from never the knew first before page to and the it James * An ' s excellent Gazette . book for " the drawing-room table /—St . had has put fancied in a ourselves fresh and most enjoyable familiar form . 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Tiii « i . « If I . ! ¦ w gq zS 5 i eenes - ~ fford tho likely studies ¦ erious to of rivet cbaracter thought the attention and and descriptionfl , derelop toot which the of shall events better aluo } Smito bay By I * ( » of dy , and Bmxms Balca CHAMPS -rrea > icr ) , \ Ah Ci PirricBa _ a bbt aka . t . a A . Qoppakp . The MAC New twmm . L Voloma * « - dy L-JmeuT IoifD of - . ***** _ * of thoee into whose hands they fall . the * Girl's Own Bookshelf . * 1 * . 64 . oloth boards . ^ lliondon : 56 PATEBSOSTBR BOW . t ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 1, 1884, page 439, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01051884/page/31/