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ME 88 B 8 : MACALLAN < £ 00 , 'S HEW BOOKS . GENERAL GORDON ' S NEW BOOK . REFLECTIONS IN PALESTINE , 1883 . By CHAKLES GEOROE GOKDON . Crown & vo . 3 * . 6 d . ? It mu * t command the most respdctful attention . Tlic earnestness of General Gordon ia stamped on every line . '—Times . Now ready , with Two Portraits . 2 vols * Demy 8 vo . 36 s . The LIFE of FREDERICK DENISON MAURICE , CHIEFLY TOLD IN HIS OWN LETTERS . Edited by His Son , FREDERICK MAURICE . * Tliis book is one of profound interest- '—Timkb . PR . MORltZ BUSCH'S NEW WOEK ON PRINCE BISMARCK . OUR / O H . A . 3 ST O IE Xi Xj O IR ,. I Translated from the German Sketches by W . Beatty for an -Exvgston Historical , Aathor Picture of William . By Dr I ., German . Mobitz Emperor Btjsch , * . & c . 2 vote , crown 8 vo . 18 * . * A profoundly interesting book . '— Datly TKUcaitAPH . T'W'O ISTJBlVT '* XsTO \ r 33 XiS , A NEW AMEBJCAN NOVEL . MRS . OLIPHANTS NEW NOVEL . B E T H E S D A . THE WIZARD'S SON . By Barbara Etsox . By Mrs . Odiphant . 1 Undoubtedly 3 role a clever . Crown piece 8 voC of work 31 ^ . Qd /— . Athencenm . ' Author 3 of vote ' . The Crown ffurate 8 vo io . 31 Charge j . 6 d . , * Hester \ Just ready * &« . . I * _ BACON . By ENGLI the Very SH Rev MEN . R . AV \ Church LETTERS , Dean . of Ed St ited . Paul by John ' s . Moirley Crown . 8 y 6 . 2 s Volume . 6 d . . GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES . New Volume . SELECTIONS Rev . W . Benhah FROM , B . D . 13 mo COWPEB . 4 m . to . 'S IiETTEBS . Edited , with Introduction , by the ELLEN Crown WATSON 8 vo . 6 s . " , Record of . Arranged and Edited by Ajtna Bucklanv . With Portrait . EDITED BY THE AUTHOR OP c TOM BROWN'S SCHOOLDAYS / G . T . T Hughes .-GONE , Q . O . Crown TO TEXAS 8 vo . 4 s . 6 d . . Letteis from Our Boys . Edited , with Preface , b y Thomas days . YOLANDE w MACMILLAN . By Wii . lia 'B 3 I Bi SI ^ X ack -SHILLINQ , Author of A POPXTLAB Princess of Thule 1 TOVEL . ' Crown 8 . New 8 vo . Volume 6 s . . " [ Ready May 6 . THE Vola METAPHYSICS . I . and II . 21 » . each . YoL OP THE . Part I . 1 SCHOOL 2 s . . By Thomas Habpkb , S . J . In 5 toIs . I THE -AND EPISTLE PHILEMON S OF with ST Introductions . PAUL TO Notes THE , and EPHESIANS an Essay on the Tiaces , TECE of Foreig COLOSSIANS n Elements in the , j I Theology late Fellow of of these Trinity $ pistlea College . By , Cambridge the Rev . J . . Iii 8 econd ^ EWELyy Edition Davies . Demy , M . A 8 . vo , Hector . 7 * . 6 < f of . Christ Church , St . ^ larylebone ; | SOLID Sinni GEOMETBT , M . A ., Fellow arid Tntor : AN of Sidney ELEMENTA 'Sussex College , Cam RY bridge TREATIS . Crown 8 vo E 10 * . ON 6 d . . By Charjlks ? HAEDRTJS LOMER p ^ —ILIAD —SELECT MA , JBook CMILLAN I FABLES . Edited 'S b ELBMBKTTABX . y Rev Edited . Johk by A Bond . S . Walpoijs and CLASSICS A . S , . M W . A ^ . lpolb . 18 . mo I . 8 1 mo ^ . Qd . Is . . Qd . jtACMILLAN'S POBEICHT SCHOOL CLASSICS- —Edited by G . Bug ^ xe Fasnaciit . | IM 0 LIERE Assistant - — Master LB BOURaEOIS Rossa . ll School . 18 mo . GENTILHOMME It . 6 d . . Edited by L . M . Mobiartt , M . A ., j m _ ^ foe digits MONTHLY * ) Price § SIXPENCE llit $ ixateb ; by Past , EIGJ 3 TPEXCE !* $ LaQa $ ine . THOMA popular 8 HAEDY Writer ap . p A ears . Short in Story The Eng by this lish J . I BC ng . lcsant BHOHTHOU , ' contributes 8 B , Aathor a Poem of * John to Illustrated Magazine for May . The English Illustrated Magazine for May . , * , ttATTUNG ttk <™ ^ nti 8 piec IN ©) . THB AT UNSS . By C . Namkb CONTENTS Hemy . 4 FOR « AN GORKWAU WAY UNSKNTOfKNTAI . . By the . Author JOUBNBY of ' John THROUGH Halifax , : ^ 4 ^ Vlt r 5 !** KCIani 300 - * With ® UliMtaratians NOTTINGHAM . :. By Bernard- 6 . INTBItLOPKBS Gentleman / { Ckmthm AT THB 5 ^ KNAP L ) ninstrctcd . By Thomas . Habdy BL . " A ^ iSS ^ WOMAN ^ uJ 1011 1 ^ ' * S ^ KEBP IUmtrations 1 ^® 8 AKE OF . : TUB a . Poem ENGLISH . By Bdmunb UiKK W . T 8 . , MY THE 8 Hoifruo WIPE ABMOUBJtB usK 'S . VAUEJrrTNE 'S PBlKNTICKS : a Poem . . Bj By CM J ^ . I 2 I 1 . -UISTRICT SJl ? . ^^ By B . Roscok . niuatrated . Yonqx . { Continued . ) I |^_ MACMILLAy & CO ., Bedford Street ^ London , W > C . Jj
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 1, 1884, page 441, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01051884/page/33/