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45 2 The Publishers' Circular Wayi > j8 ...
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45 2 The Publishers' Circular Wayi > J8 ...
45 2 The Publishers' Circular Wayi > j 8 » |
LEIGHTON , SON , & HODGES WHOLESALE BOOKBDiDERS , 16 NEW STREET SQUARE , FLEET STREET , E . C . L ., S ., & H . beg to intimate to PUBLISHERS , PRINTERS , AUTHORS , & c , that Dies they Wholesale is execute most Bookbinding extensive in the best and , sty either varied le an , in d and on Cloth their the or m powerful ost Leather reasona . Machinery Their ble terms Stock and ev of Steam y Engraved descri -power ption Brass give of them unrivalled advantages in the rapid execution of large orders . prepared Print L ., S , . Perforating , undertak & H . have e every and a separate descri Paging ption department of of Books work for , including for Commercial Account the - supp Book purposes ly Binding of . Paper , , and Baling are , I I Applications for Estimates will meet with prompt attention . I
BISHER & ipON , o Bookbinders ^ ffHURCH g ¥ . ntry nw $ $ Cart % ww we ^ Lane Kg , , ex . I I
V ^^ BSy WHOLESALE BOOKBINDER S , ^^ 81 Jq ^ 1 ** 5 *» 76 Flkkt Street , LONDON " , 76 Fleet Street . l 86 a # 1 Publishers , Booksellers , and Trade in town and country ¦ are herewith informti thai Elegant this , firm and Ornamental execute rap idly Binding y punctuall ; ori y g \ inal and desi in gns first by sty good ¦ le ¦ , all artists orders . for Additional flat * * steam in taste power , speed and , and new price machinery . Estimates enable and them samples to compete by return successfully ¦ ¦ post when with practicable other firms ,
T . Gates Darton & Co . I ZMLAJSTTTDP-AJ ^ TTT IE ^ I ^ Q- BOOKBHSTDBB ^ , I 7 & 8 KIRBY STREET , HATTON GARDEN , LONDON , E . O . I I Have newly erected premises , supplied througlwut with Engine power , « £ tte above m address machinery ¦ . They and imp are lements central of , the access newest ible ^ and amp most le , and approved convenient character , and for funwh BCOKBJSD ^ d w m and a large variety of Blocks . I DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION . ___ JB ^^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 1, 1884, page 452, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01051884/page/44/