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EBf ~*— ' T ? ^ ^^ a ^ , ^^ . ^ : —^__^ ^^ ai— : — . ^ . ^^ ^ - ^ rg ^^ r ^ TTr ^ prTrTTTTr'T'T *^ ' 1 ^"''^''^^ May i , 1889 T ^ e Ptiiblishers Gixcute ^ ij i
MACMILLAN & CO . 'S NEW BOOKS . ¦ 1 — ¦ — - ¦ . — —¦ ¦ - , ii -ii ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 , ¦ . . — ,. — , — .- . , 1 , . I i ., .. » if 1— — -1 ¦ . . - 1 - ¦ 1 " , — —— , ., , ., , . _ WILLIAM Wilfbid Ward QEORQE . With Portrait WARD . 8 vo . , A 1 STD THE OXFORD MOVEMENT [/« a few . dpys B , y MRS . HUMPHRY WARD . - .- , THE JOURNAL Introduction and Notes INTI by ME Mrs . Humphry OP HE Ward NRI Author -FREDERIC of * Bobert Elsmere AMIEIi ' Mrs . Bretherton . Translated / & c With , with Portrait . 2 * ew and Cheaper ^ Edition . Crown 8 ro . 6 * , . ' , DARWINISM of its applications , Being By Alfred a Systematic Russel Wallace Exposi , F . tion E . S ., of Author the Theory of' The Malay of Natural Archipelago Selection , * * The Geographical with some Distribution of Animals , '' Island Life , ' < fcc . Crown 8 ro . ' { In a few days . AN AUTHOR'S LOVE . Being the Unpublished Letters of Pbospeb Merimee's ' Inconnue . ' 2 vols . extra Grown 8 vo . 12 * . The The Scotsman World says says : — : — Singularly * They are clever clever and elegantly The book w 13 ritten pure to . * be largely read . ' NEW NOVELS . By GBEIFENSTEIN F . MAJRIQN CKA . WFORI By F . Marion * . Crawforp , Author of ' With the Immortals , ' ' Paul The Spectator Patoff , ' « says Mr . Isaacs : — ' Altogether / ' Dr . Ciandius we like , * * Marzio " Greifenstein ' s Crucifix " , decidedly ' < fec . 3 — voJs hbo . Crown much so 8 vo as . 81 to * doubt . 6 d . whether it does not dislodge novels . ' " A Roman Singer . " from the place hitherto occupied , by the latter as our favourite amongst Mr . Crawford . ' . s Forest The is Manchester charming Guardian „ . One thing says : in — ' the Mr . book Crawford that ' is s thoroughly new novel worked opens well out . is The the account description of student of the life Swabian at a German Black University The Scotsman . ' says : — 'It is as good as ^ anything Mr . Cra wford has don e .,.. .. The book deserves a wide success . ' By KOPHETUA JULIAN COJRBETT THE THIRTEENTH . . By ' Julian Cobbett , Author of ' The Fall "of Asgard , ' « For God and Gold , * Ac . 2 yols . Globe 8 vo . 12 / . I By A HENM ' Daisy LONDON Miller Y JAMES / * " LIFE Reverberator . . By '' Henry The Aspern James Papers , Author ' & c . 5 ^ vols of Globe * The American vo . 12 * / ' The Europeans , ' . : . ______ . . I Note , ready , VoU . L—I V * with Portraits . 2 s . 6 d , each . English / Iften of Hctiom GrSNEBAIi GOEDON . By Colonel Sir William Butler . I HENRY THE FIFTH . By the Bev . A . J . Church . I LIVINGSTONE The Spectator ' says : — . The By volume Mr . Thomas is an excellent Hughes instance . of miniature biography , for it gives us what we seek in such a "book—a sketch , of his deeds , but a picture of the man ..... . This excellent little book , ' . - . • ' I LORD . LAWRENCE . By Sir Richabd Temple . . __ . ^ The Volumes to follow ark j ^ _ WEIiIiING-TON . By Mr . Geokge Hooper , C /« j une . I MONK . By Mr . Julian Cobbett * Other Volumes . are in the press and in preparation . iinJuiy . * PABTII . NOW READYTHE ESSAYS aiobe IPLEASTJIIE 8 vo : Chiefl 3 * , 6 d . y New Literary S OP Cheaper and IiIFE Ethical Edition . By . Part By Sir Aubrey I . Johw ( 4 Urd Thousand Lubbook De Vbbe ) , sowed , F . . E Crowa 1 . S ., cloth D . C 8 vo . L . . , 6 LL jp , . D . Part II . THE ductory OCRITUS Essay , by , Andrew BION Lang , AND , M . A . MOSCHUS New Edition , 18 mo . Keadered « . Qd . ( Golden intp Treasury English Series Pro . New se , with Yolume Intro . ) - BATTLE other Verses AND . , By R AFTER . St . Johu Tyrwhitt ; concerning , Christ Sergeant Church , Oxford Thomas , Author Atkins of 'Free , Gr e ield nadier , ' * Our G Sketc uards hin : Club with « A Handbook of Pictorial Art . ' Globa 8 vo . 8 s . 6 d . A TREATISE of King's College , Cambridge ON TRIGONOMETRY . Crown Svo . 8 a . 6 rf . By W . E . Johnson , MIX . ; formerly - [/» a few Scholar days . Monthly , 8 « . 6 d . each . Vols-1 ; to VIIt . ready . WORKS OP CHARLES KINGSLEYWESTWARD A new and HO Cheaper J I Edition TWO ALTON YEAB of the + # S LOCKE + mo AGO Four re . Popular . other | Volumes HYPATIA of Mr . Kingsley | to fellow , | ' as s Books HBRBWA announced Tbe , in HBROES 12 ^ . ID vols . . . | Crown YBA 8 8 vo T . . 8 s . \ Qd . . each POEJMS . . Fortnightly , 8 # . 6 d . each . Vole . I . to XV . ready . CHARLOTTE M . YONGE'S NOVELS ANI > TALES . A Complete Uniform and Cheaper Edition In 27 vole , with all the Original Illustrations . The HEIB of BEDOLYFFE . I The DAISY CHAIN . CLEVER WOMAN of the FAMILY . HEARTSEASE . The TRIAL . The THREE BRII > ES . H 0 PB 8 and FEARS . The YOUN 0 STEPMOTHER . MY YOUNa ALCIDJBS . DYNEVOR T The ERR DOVH A . OE . in the EAGLE'S NEST PILLA . RS of * the ¦ *¦ BOUSE | . 2 vola The . OHAPLET The CAGED of LION PEARLS . . I + * Twelve other Volume * to follow as announced . m J as , MACMILLAN & CO - ., tondoft . i I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 1, 1889, page 481, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01051889/page/27/