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>- = ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ " - ¦ " J -- - ' —^...
Extract from, Letter of the Humboldt Pub...
To the Manager of the Humloldt Publishin...
Boofi $ and l^umoui^f of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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To The Editor Of The Publishebs' Circula...
the agency of the Post Office . —I am , Sir , vnnrs nhftdip / nf . lv- Ramttrt . TVTtttt . ij ' . tc
Melbourne : March 15 , 1889 .
>- = ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ " - ¦ " J -- - ' —^...
> - = ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ " - ¦ " J -- - ' —^ r ® - - : - May i , 1889 The Publishers' Circular 4 S 9
Extract From, Letter Of The Humboldt Pub...
Extract from , Letter of the Humboldt Publishing Company ¦^ MS r , Nero YorJt .
* We publish the best works at the lowest prices , giving , for 15 cents a book selling at ( is . 6 d . to 10 s . in England and # 150 to # 250
.. in America . As a result our sales are large in the British Colonies where no law rules to
forbid their entrance , and even in the British Isles our sales are large . The latter is all done bpostandthough a loss sometimes
occurs y by confiscation , , ? still our customers don't grumbleas they receive sufficientthey
think , for their , money , and can stand , an
occasional occasional loss Ions . We « give orive you von these t . Vi ^ sft facts fant . ft to to show that our letter is worth while reading . '
Dated . January 5 , 1889 , from JNew York .
To The Manager Of The Humloldt Publishin...
To the Manager of the Humloldt Publishing Companyy New York .
Sir , —I am in receipt of your letter of January 5 . In answer , I beg to say that it
is ia out out of of my ttiv power nnwp . r to +. r » tak talrA e the f . TiA agency a . o-ftnov in in Australia for your publications . Your ¦ list Mt ^ n ^ consists k WPt . r chieflof reprints of
right •^ * w works w ^ of ^^ - »^ r A British .. **^ A ^^ ^^^^^ authors fc ^^ -ifc ^ y W ^^*^ . ^^ VA The ^^* ^ 9 tJ importa X ^ r . A . copy ^^ V ^^ *_^ - tion of these is rightly prohibited here by our
laws , and our Custom House officers confiscate these productions whenever they axe put in possession of such information as indicates
the ownership of the copyright in Great Britain .
I am glad to say that a reasonable amount ot of vigilance vicila . np . ft is ia AYfirp exercised . ianri b fiv the f . Tift authorities fl . nthr » rihif > a
in Australia to check the influx y of unauthorised reprints , and I can only regret to learn from you that more care is not taken in England to prevent the Post Office being used as a medium
for their sale . I have thought it my duty to send an extract fixtrar . fc from from vmir letter lp > ffp » t » as n . « well w ^ l ! as n . a a f . nrwv of r ^ f
this answer to your the Editor of the Publishers copy ' Circular , in the hope that steps may be taken to protect the interests of British authors
whose rights are so unfortunately and so persistently violated in America . —I am , Sir ,
yours obediently , - Samuel Mullen . Melbourne : March 15 , 1889 .
Boofi $ And L^Umoui^F Of
Boofi $ and l ^ umoui ^ f of
TfT * f ¦ Booft « * I $ w . f 1 i 1 ¦ i 1 learnthe be 3 t authoritthat the
Hill Rev We . John Liverpool W , . on Di has ggle almost , M . A ., Vicar leted y of , Mossley a work
on which , he has , been engaged comp for some timethe story of Dr . Fraser ' s life and labours in
Lancashire . Mr . Diggle , who was an intimate friend of the noble-hearted * Bishop of all the Denominations Dannmirifthiona ' as as Tjn Lancashire . nr » finhirA r »« m- » iA le still af . ill
proudly term the , late prel & te , undertook peop the will task at contain Mrs . Fraser a large ' s selection request , of and the the Bishop volume ' s
hitherto unpublished letters as well aa others material of exceptional value .
Bishop Fraser occupied a unique position in in . the the TT Established , « tahliRhftrl Church fihiirch . and and ins his innuenee influence
with the industrial classes , on the one hand and with Nonconformists on the other was
of such an exceptional . character that , the full story of V ^ Jh . his AAJhM busy and *< wm »^ fc *» m ^* tmm -sided w ^ + ± * + * m' + r iscopate - « w w ¦»
¦ cannot ^ W ^>^* ¥ fail to MM prove T of many wid e and - *¦» permanent ep ^» p * w - *« r p ^ v interest inf . ftrAftf . Mr Mr . Digg "Hifinrlft le . who who is ia already alreadv known known
, , as 4 University the editor and of Parochial the Bishop Sermon of Manchester s' hopes to ' s
send the last sheets of the new "biograp , hy to the press within the next few weeks .
* # * A novel , entitled * The Bondman , ' on which MrHall Caine i is reported to have «• —• been at
* ijua . a ^ % va * ^^ ^ y < * ~ i _ r irj ^ ^^« . ^ - ^ . ^^ ^^^ -v ^ « r ^* - « v ^^ •*¦* - -v ^^ ^— vv ^ work for the last two years , is to be scattered broadcast by the Tillotson Newspaper SyndicateThe scene is laid partlin England and
partl . y in the Colonies , and y the period dealt with is the middle of the present century .
* ¦ * * Our sensitive neighbours across the Channel not be altogether gratified bthe
anmay AlAUf nouncement T XAVV W- ' % ¦/ that MIA V ^*^ rS the ^ " ^ ^ Jl *^ - *^ author fi ^^ i IrWW *^* of ^^^^ ' Mr y . Barnes ¦•• ** " - »^»»^ of New York * is writing a novel called ' That
Frenchman . ' Mr . Gunter means , we understand , to describe French society as it exists
on both sides of the Atlantic . # # # **
Edna tyall says , in the latest instalment of the Magazine LVUlVnrv capital story that now ' no running one ^ but throug an author h Murray —¦— or ^— a ' s
^ rC ¦ f W VAJUWV A . *^^ ^ -r » ax *^ " *^ v wa * m ^ r » . . v- ^ ww publisher _ , knows the fearful weight of a three Ul ^ X \> V -volume f VAU 4 . J 11 V novel AAV / T X ^ A in AlA MS ^ . V ^ L . FV ^ * . ! ' We - * ^^ venture * - % ^ . *^» ^^» ^> -v ^ to * f ¦« - ^
think that there is a class of nien still better * lig licrhf ht . * 7 acquainted literature lit , erA . t , nrfi than th wit h either fiither the * fearful its its penmen nenmen weight or or ' its ifcs of
publishers ' readers' . who At assert all , events with gri we m know pleasantry some , that they ' could /\ CjV a tale Vl unfold' concerning / ttre *»
UlltVU L / JLJl ^ y JT VVUAA « AV V « JLA * ^^ A . ^» - ^^^^** . ^ , wju « a » a «« . w •** tales of others , which—though often lighter than V 4 AMT 4 A vanit » » . *»•** W y » —are VWA * - ^ certainl ^^ ^^*< ¦» »>»¦•¦ m »— y j heavy — ^^« - ^ f » » enoug - ¦» — — — - — ^^^ h — —• — in — — a — —
very literal sense to them , # #
The latest illustration , in literature at least , of is in furnished fnTTiiftlifirl ' that fierce by V » lig v two two ht which of of the the beat new new s upon books books a throne or of the the , '
season son's damag . We ing refe 'Casket r , of course Letters , to of Mr Mary . Hender Queen - of < vf Scots 54 r » ofa ' 7 a vigorous -vioYvrmiH and n . nrl scholarly Rf ^ hola . rlv work work , which which
is man shortl 7 a ' , Library y to be followed of Mary b -Queen y Mr . Julian of Scots , Shar , ' - a volume descriptive of the modest bookshelves
during in the private the most apartments romantic at rei Hotyrood gn in Scottish Palace
and library history by . consisted mean Mr . s Sharman of of a several curious states hundred manuscri that volumes pt Mary cata ' - s ,
logue , preserved in the national archives Jk . , he hopes to place the public in possession of some
interesting facts concerning the favourite books of the fair but unfortunate ## Queenr
# * MrHerbert LAldrich -AA'A is about to publish »^ m n _ y- ^
^ T JL JL . M . Jk *\* J Mm 9 < J \~ ' J * U . ^ < . * . A . & A \ S ** A »^ *^» ^^ V ^ ^^ ^ f ^ -r m ^ ^ r ^ r — ^ a book of travel descriptive of his researches
an nfi d rl adventure ji . rlv « r » f . iir « s in in the flift northern north « i n regions Tfif / iona ot of Siberia and Alaska ,.
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 1, 1889, page 459, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01051889/page/5/