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May i, 1889 The Publishers 5 • Circular ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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May I, 1889 The Publishers 5 • Circular ...
May i , 1889 The Publishers Circular § os ; ~ " * - ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ . ^^^ " ~^^^^ ^ ^! L - .... , . - ¦ . ¦ m ~ ^^^ - ^^^^^^^^^ ., _ r -
AMERICA . WAN TED any books , pamphlets , or America tracts 1 Can , ada printed and- before the United 1830 - , States relating also to early American , printed , books , and portraits ; of anyone connected with American History . J . 49 H . Land and s A . Lane ASHWOKTH , Leeds . , AII communications answered . Catalogti e * solicited .
TURECTORY OF MANUFACTURERS inclined -L / IN HOLLAND to b * e charged . —Booksellers with the distiibution cr Publishers in , England of the Directory of Manufacturers ( classified according to ^ he products ) , are requested to apply to the Publishers , Messrs . Nygh & van Ditmar , at Rotterdam , stating the manner in which they should intend to take preparatory measures for ihe sale . This book gives an idea of the Dutch industry .
PAMPHLET CATALOGUE . —Clement ¦* - S . Palmer , Antiquarian Bookseller , 100 Southampton Row , W . C ., has now ready a Catalogue of his large Collection of upwards of 40 . 000 Pamphlets ; will be sent on application .
WANTED to acquire established NEWSDICALS PAPERS . Messrs , TRADE . C . Mitchell JOURNALS & Co . have , or received PERIOinstructions from a Client desiroiis of purchasing some tiate established for the transfer Journals of sound or Magazines copyrig , hts to nego pub- - the lished purchaser in London taking . Part commercial shares would or entire be acquired control , as may be arranged . All information will be treated with the strictest confidence . —Address , fer C . Mitchell of Newspaper & Co ., A Properties gents for , the 12 Sale & 13 and Red Trans Lion - Court , Fleet Street , E . C .
± T 500 FANC KSELLING Y BUSINESS , STATIONERY , with an enxtensive , and Circulating Library ancl News ami Periodical Business , in a large and rapidly-increasing Seaside in centre Town of in princi West pal of street Eng-land . Business . Capit " establbhed al premises ing many . Rent years . £ 100 Returns . Stock about and fixtures £ 1 , 500 , at and valuation increas- . No goocfwill . Business capable of much extension lishers . ' Propri Circular etor Office retiring . . —Apply No . 639 , Pub-
TO BE LET OE SOLD , close to City •** Road and Finsbury Square , two warehouses built or of factories 4 , 061 beau square tifull of five feet li floors hted in each each loft . , They with and a are , suitable floor strongl eipace for y Printers , , Bookbinders y g , and , Manufacturing y , " Stalet tioners together . Rent or low separately to a good . Can tenant be increased . Will be in size ticulars at any l time to Stuart if required Hill . 106 For Cannon further Street parappy , , E . C .
Booksellers Wantinb Assistants.
"D OOKSELLING k STATIONERY . — t - * horough - * Wanted knowled , competent ge of Books ASSISTAN , to take T charge , with of Booksellers Department , . — Carlisle Apply . Chas . Tlmrnam & Sons ,
WANTE tent Young D at Man once ( outdoor a thoroug ) as hl ASSISTANT y compein Stationer ' s shop ; good knowledge of modern books and bookkeeping .. None without firsj-class references need apply . —R . Darley , Stationer ,. Burton-on-Trent .
TO ASSISTANTS . —Wanted a Young . - ¦ - Man , thoroughly experienced . —Apply by letter to Phillipson's Library , Kingston-on-Thames .
T ADY ASSISTANT wanted 7 ( 25 ) who - ^ has had experience in High-Class leaner , Book and Stationery Business , with Library . Good window-dresser and stock-keeper . Churchwoman . — . Apply , with photo , to A . G . Wright , Belle Yue Library , Malvern .
WANTED , a thoroughly competent Young Lady ASSISTANT to manage the Library and Reading Rooms . Good references indispensable . —Inclose C . D . V . and state salary required ( in-doors ) to Kempster Knight , Royal Library , Worthing .
Booksellers' Assistants Wantinb Situations.
STATIONERS' ASSISTANT , aged 21 ^ ,. ^ MAN quick , desires and of Engagement good appearance in Commercial , as SALES or - Fancy . Experienced to Library Office , Shop Counter , and occasional outside journeys , together with taking orders for Printing , Binding , & c . Accustomed to manage in absence of Principal . Excellent references ; moderate salary . —Address ,. W . \ V \ , c / o J . Robinson & Son , Booksellers and Stationers , Wakefield .
BOOKSELLING ( GENERAL ) . —Keengagement required in May , in a responsible general position knowled , -by ge Advertiser " of both , New who and has Second a large - " hand Books . Good references . Five years in present situation . —Address , W . C . DM c / o Henry Sotheran & c Co ., Booksellers , 136 Strand , W . C .
YOUNG MAN , age 26 , desires Re-engagement , either in Library or Bookselling and Stationery . —Address , G . H ., c / o Mr . Gandy , Wargrave , Henley-on-Thames .
STATIONERY , COMMERCIAL , and O FANCY . —SITUATION wanted in above by a Young Man ( 26 ) . Experienced ; good salesman ; understands bookkeeping ; accustomed to soliciting orders ; references . —Address , * S . H . E . / James King , Stationer , Mansfield .
¦ TO BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS , X Sec . — A thoroughly qualified ASSISTANT with large r in an experience establishment , latel in y Manchester as buyer and for manage over 18 years , desires an Appointment . Would not object to travel . —Address , A . Ji . C , Messrs . Suttaby & Co ., Limited , London .
r PO PUBLISHERS . —Advertiser , aged 26 , X desires HE-ENGAGEMENT . Knowledge of wholesale , export , and retail trade in both Town and Country . Advertising , bookkeeping , proofreading , & c . Moderate salary . —X . X ., 76 Great Portland Street , W . - ¦ - ¦ - ¦¦—* J ^ IKi
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 1, 1889, page 505, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01051889/page/51/