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Tune i , 1881 The Publishers Circular 461
Messrs . HOLMES & SON , % ctanntnnl * & Itelrtcrs TO BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS , PRINTERS , 1 OTWSPJLPER PBOPRIBTOKS , & c . & c . 66 a PATERNOSTER ROW , ¦ Are instrvcted to sell the following businesses : — STATIONERY and FANCY TRADE . — D South Coast . In same hands 30 years . Average net profits safe investment £ 211 a year . . £ 350 Comfortable to £ 400 required residence . . A very POMMERCIAL PRINTING and STAv TIONEEY BUSINESS . —In the finest business town in England . Established 15 years . The returns for three years averaged £ 4 , 000 to £ 4 , 500 . About £ 1 , 000 in cash . A very favourable opportunity for a practical man . 0 STAT TRADE IONERY . —In cap , LIBRARY ital position in , and one of FAN the most CY fashionable South Coast towns . Established many years . Returns about £ 900 , and increasing . About £ 500 required . DOOKSELUNG ¦ D FANCY BUSINESS , STATIONERY . — -In one of the best , busi and ness towns ( North of England ) . The finest position in town . Net profits fully £ 600 a year . A firstclass business . About £ 2 , 000 required . STATIONERY and FANCY TRADE . — ^ In very attractive suburb . Rent £ 48 . Excel-£ lent 30 ) premises . About . £ 500 Return required s £ 20 . -weekl A reliable y ( could business easily be . Stationery and fancy business . London abou ^ t In £ . 300 one Rent of a year the almost . best About main entirel £ road 500 y required positions covered . . , West Profits of Bookselling , stationery , li ^ v BRARY , and FANCY BUSINESS . —Owing to exceptional circumstancesone of the best-known £ favourabl Seasid 1500 . e Businesses e terms . is The for , purchase Disposal on will exceedingl be about y with . An opportunity ** J such as this is seldom met ^ OOKBINDING- BUSINESS . — A first-! Return class s about old-established £ 2 , 600 at hi Business gh profits . for Good disposal class . 0 ^ orkAbout £ 90 O required . I "R 00 KSE ^ LL 1 NG , STATIONERY , and ! position - ~ . HUNTING of fashionable BUSINESS seaside . — town In . splendid Return corner s over H nation 000 . . Net About profits £ 2 , 000 about ( hal £ f 650 might a remain year . ) . All at [ 0 BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS . i ? Proprietor of a first-class West-End Busi ness g t 0 retire- Returns £ 4000 to £ 5000 a jg vL ^__ Ab < mt £ 1 , 500 required ; part , might remain , . STATIONERY , LIBRARY , and FANCY n returns es J town RADE about ( Sussex . — £ In 1 , 800 leading Coast . About ) . position Established £ 900 of sp required lendid 40 years . busi A - , !^ j * oeejora pushing man . _ rjlONTHLT ter REGISTER' of over 100 I pJJ « 6 Pa * ! BUSINESSES > On a PPHcation for to Messrs DISPOSAL . Holmes forw & arded Son , Ic ^ t _ ^^ os RoT ^ London , E . C . K ' . ' , ' ^ waaMMMMM¦¦—ammmmmmwmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnp ¦ —« —
Mr . A . M . BUBGrHES , ACCOUNTANT & VALUER TO BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS , PRINTERS , dec , la PATERNOSTER ROW , Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses : PRINTING and COMMERCIAL STAJ- TIONERY . — First-class English City . A thoroughly sound Business ; in present proprietor ' s family since 1810 . Returns £ 8 , 000 to £ 10 , 000 a year . Fine premises , in good position . About £ 4 , 000 required . A splendid chance . Full particulars are very satisfactory . STAT IONERY . —Near Clapham Common . Returns £ 600 a year , ready-money . Rent £ 60 ; good house ; pleasant neighbourhood . About £ 300 required for everything . Could be managed by a lady . STATIONERY . —First-class business town O in Lancashire . Returns £ 2 , 000 . Rent £ 105 . Large house , in good position . Established 45 years . A thoroughly sound concern . About £ 900 required . Suitable for a young , energetic gentleman who understands the trade . "DOOKSELLING and STATIONERY . — •* - * North London . Established 40 years in the same family . Rent £ 45 . Returns £ 900 a year . Verysuperior connection in first-class neighbourhood . About £ 400 required . A genuine business . ^ STATIONERY Pleasant market , LE town ATHER . Returns GOOD £ 500 ; S , & c . increased . Rent £ 30 . Good premises and position . Established 21 years . About £ 250 required . STATIONERY , FANCY , and MUSICMain road out of London . Fine house , with side-entrance . Double-fronted Shop . Returns £ 1 , 500 . Stock and fixtures at trade valuation . No charge for goodwill . About £ 700 required . "DOOKSELLING and STATIONERY . — -U Old-established "West-End Business . Returns £ 900 ; good profits . Rent £ 70 . Fine house and shop . Good Church connection . About £ 450 required ; part might remain . Proprietor retiring . T 3 OOKSELLING and LIBRARY . —Old-•* - ' established Business in beautiful English town . fare Splendid . Returns premises nearl . y Rent £ 4 , 000 £ 160 ; . good Leading profits thoroug . About h-£ 1 , 800 required . GTATIONERY and FANCY . — South-^ Eastern district ; fashionable locality . Very fine premises . Returns £ 1 , 000 a year , at good A profits good ; can chance be increased for an energetic . About gentleman £ 500 required who . knows the trade . STATIONERY and BOOKSELLING . — ^ Pleasant town in Kent . Established over 30 years Ten-roomed ( no News house ) . Return and fine s £ 800 shop a . year No . ch Rent arge £ 65 for . goodwill or lease . About £ 400 required , A rare chance . P ' bneral stationery stores . — trict a \ JT week . Flourishing Rent can easil of shop y nei be ghbourhood £ mad 12 a e year at , fai . South r Returns profit -Eastern . of Estab £ dis 40 - - lished two years . About £ 100 ( or less ) required for everything . . I __ warded Monthl post y - Reg free ister on app of lication Businesses to Mr for . A . Disposal M . Btjbqhes for , - I I 1 a Paternoster Row , London , JE . C . I M ¦
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 1, 1881, page 461, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01061881/page/37/