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SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON ( Continued , & CO . 'S NEW BOOKS NEW VOLUMES OP ' GBEAT AKTISTS . ' 29 . GHIBERTI and DONATELLO . By Leader Scott . Illustrated -with Engravings of the Marble Pulpit at Pisa , by Niccolo Pisano ; The Bronze f Gate of the Baptistery at Florence , by Ghiberti ; The St . George , by Donateilo , and ten other j Examples of the Sculpture of the Eenaissance . 2 s . 6 d . } 30 . SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE and GEORGE \ ROMNEY . By Lord Ronald Govbr , F . S . A . Illustrated with Engravings of the Duchess of Sutherland , Lady Peel , Master Lambton , and Nature , by Lawbence ; The Parson ' s p Daug iled hter by Algernon , and other Graves Pictures . , b 2 y s . Eomney 6 d . . "With Lists of Paintings by these Artists , com-THE GREAT MUSICIANS . Edited by Francis Hueflfer . THE NEW VOLUME IS \ 31 . SEBASTIAN BACH . By Eeginald Lane Poole , M . A .. ; Crown 8 vo . cloth extra , Ss . [ Ready . NEW NOVELS . 1 . CASTLE WARLOCK : a Homely Romance . By George MacDonald , LL . D . 3 vols . crown 8 vo . cloth , 31 * . 6 d . [ Ready . 2 . BEVIS : the Story of a Boy . By Eichard Jefferies . Author of * The Gamekeeper at Home' & c . 3 vols . small post 8 ro . cloth extra , 31 s . 6 d . [ Ready . | 3 . ONE OF * US . ' A Novel . By Edmund Bandolph , late 69 th Regiment . 3 vols . crown 8 vo . cloth , 31 ^ . 6 d . [ Ready . 4 . UNDER the DOWNS . By the Eev . E . Gilliat . 3 vols . 31 s . 6 d . The GIFTS of the CHILD CHRIST , and other Novelettes . By George Ma . cDonau > . 2 vols . crown 8 vo . 21 s . The other Stories are : 2 . THE HISTORY OF PHOTOGEN AND NYCTERIS . 3 . THE BUTCHER'S BILLS . 4 . STEPHEN ARCHER . 5 . PORT IN A STORM . 6 . IF I HAD A FATHER . The HEART of ERIN : an Irish Story of To-day . By Miss Owens Biackbubne . 3 vols . 31 s . 6 d . RIVERSIDE PAPERS . By J . Devtsnisii Hoppus . 2 vols . , i 2 s . : IN the DISTANCE : an American Story . By G . P . Lathrop . 2 vols . 215 . London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SBARLE , & RIYINGTON , fe = ^ Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street . ( 320 ) _ ^^
June i , 1882 The Publishers' Circular 5 o
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 1, 1882, page 503, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01061882/page/35/