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5 o8 The Publishers' Circular June f 1 _...
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5 O8 The Publishers' Circular June F 1 _...
5 o 8 The Publishers' Circular June f 1 _ > ^
Messrs . HOLMES & d SO 2 SI , Salutes tfr JUrauntaits TO BOOKSELXrBBS PAPER , 8 TA PROPRIETORS TI 0 NEB 8 , PKJNTBBS , & c . , NEWS-66 a FATEBNOSTEB B O W , ¦ DOOKSELLING _ ird instructed to sell , STATIONERY following businesses , and i- > PRINTING BUSINESS . —In splendid Business town , North of England . Established nearly half a century . Very low rent and splendid premises . Nett profits over £ 800 a-jear at very full profits . About £ l , 5 t ) 0 to £ 2 , 000 required . Can be strongly recommended . STATIONERY and FANCY BUSINESS . A very high-class concern in fashionable West End suburb . Established 30 years . Returns about £ 3 , 000 a-year and increasing very rapidly . Elegant premises . About £ 1 , 200 required . TJOOKSELLING , STATIONERY and -D PRINTING BUSINESS . —About 30 miles from London . In same hands 24 years , owner retiring ; but he will continue to reside in the town . Profitable Agency attached which covers the rent . Returns £ 1 , 500 to £ 2 , 000 a-yea , r . Will accept £ 150 or £ 200 in cash and balance by instalments . BOOKSELLING LIBRARY and FANCY , TRADE STATIONERY . —Situated , in very attractive town , Has changed hands but once in 40 years . Death cause of sale . Returns over £ 3 , 000 a-year ; nett profits quite £ o 00 a-year . £ 1 , 000 in cash and balance by arrangement . WEEKL Y NEWSPAPER , with JOBBING PRINTING attached , -Situated in a lovely district , about 20 miles from London . The nett profits for the past 3 years average ov « r £ 400 a-year . About £ 800 required . A very sound property . T 3 OOKSELLING , STATIONERY , and A * FANCY BUSINESS . -Situated in the leading South Coast Town . Rent £ 65 . Excellent residence . Returns over £ 2 , 000 under the management of assistants . About £ 900 required . UINE ARTS & ARTISTS'MATERIALS ¦* - BUSINESS . A very superior concern , about an hour and a half from London . In same hands 20 years . Splendid residence attached . A nett indome of about £ 400 a-year now derived . About £ 1 , 000 required . Open to every investigation . ( 3 TATIONBRY anTlB ^^ CY BUSINESS . ^ In high-class neighbourhood . Established 20 years . Returns about £ 2 , 000 a-year and increasing . Rent small reduced portion of to the about premises ^ 60 . a-year About by 42800 letting required off a . PRINTING and STATIONERY BUSI" * - NESS . —In the finest commercial town in large England trade . , A as sp there lendid is the opening nucleus for of doing it w « li a estab very - lished ; a return of £ 5 , 000 a-year might be done . AU will be sold without any premium and £ 400 to a £ 600 accepted in cash and the balance spread over three years . flyfONTHLY REGISTER' of over 150 111 BUSINESSES for DISPOSAL forwarded post 66 a . - Paternoster free on application Row , London to Messrs , E . G . . Holmes & Son , B ^ » - — . — - ¦ ¦ , . ...
Mr . A . M . BUBG-HE S VALUER & ACCOUNTANT ' la PATERNOSTER ROW , ' Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses DOOKSELLING and STATIONERY—* - * Leading Business in English Cathedral Town Yery fine premises . Rent £ 150 . Long lease . P ^ prietor good excellent pro retiring fi opening ts . Established . . Returns About £ over over 1 , 600 £ 3 required 50 , 000 years a- . year . , An r < at in Fashionable ^ STATIONERY Business nei in ghbourhood . l Established eading and FA London N Large CY 40 . — house A thoroughfare pSHiible and shop . good positionyears . Returns £ 2 , 600 . Proof . About £ 850 required . Full investigation courted . TNmA-RUB BEliT AMP S ^ E ^ ste ^ •* - Counties . Market Town . Returns £ 1 , 000 ayear , at Urge profits . A good opening for a Printer . Profit £ 300 a-year , nett . Proof . About £ 500 required . The business is rapidly increasing , and is capable of great extension . FANCY STATIONERY . —City Business . rental Cen . A tral profit position of ^ . 300 Good a-year premises is mad at e , moderate and can be easily maintained . Karly sale desirable . About £ 250 required . WHOLESALE STATIONERY . — Part-Partner * * nershi about p . to W retire ell-known . About London _? 2 Firm , O 0 O . required Senior . | | A very favourable opening for a gentleman acquainted with the Stationery trade . Good plant and stock . Large connexion . Satisfactory returns and profits . Full investigation permitted . ! STA TIONERY . —Pleasant Market Town perfectl Rent in £ 18 y Berkshire . safe Profit business . over Good . : £ l About premises 00 a-year £ 110 . in A Hig required stead h Street y and for , , j everything . A very cheap offer . _ T 3 OOKS and MUSIC . —Main thoroughfare , -D S . W . District . Very good neighbourhood , Rent trade . £ 80 Nett ( £ 72 profit let , off i ? 200 ) . 17 a-year years . ' About lease . £ Cash 400 required . A thoroughly genuine business . JL PRINTING First-class , Seaport and STATIONERY Town . Old-established . increase Business lease . Returns , in £ 800 excellent average accepted position £ 4 in , 000 cash . a Rent -year , balance . £ 100 Ca . p by able L easj ° # bills . _ _ , STATIONERY and DIE SINKING . - O Central premises in the City . Rent only ~^ 0 . Profits quired . average All at £ valuation 200 a-year . nett A very . About good £ Business 500 re for a Practical Stationer . ¦—GTATIONERY , PICTURES , & c—Beau-£ 5 tiful Cathedral Townmain street , gow position 70 years . ; Propri Old-established etor retiring Business , . Returns , in over same ^ family 2 J | About STATIONERY ^ 1 , 000 required . aii Imre d FANCY ^ tigatJ ^ peTii . — Nort ^ d ^ h rent 0 London i 70 . , Established main road . 40 Good years house . Profits and shop ± w a-year . About £ 450 required . A very supeno Business . Monthly R € ^ isier ~ qfpn ~ ^ ne 88 eifor Z ^^ 8 ( UJ ^ warded post " -free on app Ucation to Mr . A . M » Wn 1 a . Paternoster Row , London , E , C * ¦ - _ £$ !
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 1, 1883, page 508, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01061883/page/40/