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564 The Publishers' Circular June i , 1886
W . H . ALLEN & CO . 'S NEW PUBLICATIONS . The HAUNTED HOMES and FAMILY TRADITIONS of GREAT BRITAIN . By John H . Ingram . New and Cheaper Edition . Crown 8 vo . 6 * . The DISCONTENT of IRELAND : its Origin and Cause . By Alfeed Condbr . Crown 8 vo . 6 * . The RATIONAL ALIMENTATION of the LABOURING CLASSES . By Captain M . P . "Wolff , Author of ' Food for the Million' < fcc . Crown 8 vo . 1 * . A LIFE'S TROUBLE : a Story of the Nineteenth Century . By Melville Gbay . Crown 8 vo . 5 s . HALF-HOURS With MUHAMMAD . Being a Popular Account of founded the Prophet . By of Arthur Arabia , N and . Wollaston of his more , C immediate . I . E ., H . M Followers . Indian ( Home ; together ) Service with . a Crown short Synopsi 8 vo . with s of Illustrations the Beligion , 6 « . he MY MUSICAL LIFE . By the Rev . H . B ,. Haweis . New and Cheaper Edition . Crown 8 vo . Illustrated , 7 s . Sd . MUSIC and MORALS . By the Rev . H . R . Haweis . New Edition . With Portrait , Is , 6 d . i - - i ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ -i— , i ,. i —i —i- — ¦ n , - — ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ^ LONDON Streets . Also in its Chief 1886 Suburbs . and Illustrated Environs . b y Herrkrt 18 Bird Fry ' s - Editor eye Views of « Royal of Guide the Princi the IiOndon pal Charities ' & c . Sixth Year of Publication . Bevised and Enlarged . 2 s . [ Nearly ready . ACADEMY of Paintings , Water SKETCHES Colours , and Sculpture , 1886 the Royal . A Academy Supp , Ghrosvenor lemental Gallery Volume , and other of Sketches Exhibitions . Edited by Henry Blackburn . 200 Illustrations . 2 s . A GAZETTEER of the TERRITORIES UNDER the Edited GOTBRNMENT by Sir Roper OF : Leth THE : bridge YICERO , C . I Y . E . OF , and INDIA Arthur . By N . Edward Wollaston Thornton , H . M . India . New n ( Edition Home ) . Civil Revised Service and . ThicK 8 vo . 28 s . THE HISTORY OF INDIA AS TOLD BY ITS OWN HISTORIANS . The LOCAL MU HAM MA DAN DYNASTIES . —GUJERAT . Dowson By the late . Forming Sir Edward a Sequel Olive to Sir Bayley H . M . , Elliott K . C . S . ' I s . History Partially of based the Muhammadan on a Translation Empire by the of late India Professor . ' Published John under the Patronage of H . M . 's Secretary of State for India . Demy 8 vo . 21 s . MYTHICAL Surveyor of Tasmania MONSTERS , & c . Royal 8 vo . with - Coloured By Frontispiece Charles Gould 93 Illustrations , B . A . , late Geological The late CAPTAIN Joseph Ray , Esq ., ' Commander S YARNS R . N . Edi . A Memorial James M . Mknzies of the . Crow Fift y Tears . 5 s . ' Service of the EMINENT WOMEN SERIES . Edited by JOHN H . INGRAM . Crown 8 vo . 3 * . 6 d . each . ALREADY ISSUED : — George Eliot . By Mathilde Blind . Elizabeth Fry . By Mrs . E . It . Pitman . George San d * By Bertha Thomas . Countess Of Albany . By Vrbnon Leej . Maria Edge worth . By Helen Zimmern . Harriet Martineau . ByMrs . FBNwicKMiLXER . Emily Bronte . By A . Mary F . Robinson . Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin . By Eliza-Mai ? y Lamb . By Anne Gilchrist . bejtk Robins Pknnelx . Margaret Fuller . By Julia Ward Howe . Rachel . By Mrs . A . Kennard . Madame Roland . By Mathilde Blind . Susanna Wesley . By Eliza Clarke . sfe I London ; W . H . ALLEN & CO ., 18 Waterloo Place . a
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 1, 1886, page 564, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01061886/page/26/