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t= " ' - g June i, 1886 The Publishers' ...
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T= " ' - G June I, 1886 The Publishers' ...
t = " ' - g June i , 1886 The Publishers' Circular 565
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS . Now Eeady , in 4 vols . super-royal 8 vo . ( Vols . I ., II ., III ., Text and Illustrations ; Vol . IV ., Maps and Plans ) , price £ 6 . 6 * . % : *) e J lrct ) ifecfural ^ tetorg OP THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE AND OF THE COLLEGES OP CAMBRIDGE AND ETONBy the late ROBERT WILLIS , M . A ., F . R . S ., Jacksonian Professor in the University of Cambridge , and sometime Fellow of Gonville and Caius College . EDITED , with LARGE ADDITIONS and a CONTINUATION to the PRESENT TIME , By JOHN WILLIS CLARK , M . A ., late Fellow of Trinity College , Cambridge . Also a Engravings LIMITED EDITION mounted on of Indi the same a paper , consisting , of which of 100 120 copies Numbered are now Copies offered only , for Large sale Paper at 25 4 Guineas to ., the nkt Woodcuts each Set and . Steel Copies of PROSPECTUS , with SPECIMENS of the ILLUSTRATIONS , forwarded on application . LECTURES on the PHYSIOLOGY of PLANTS . By a H . Vines , M . A ., D . 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B . Mayoju Baker , BJD . A . . , I E Nepalese . B . Cowelx Sanskrit . M . MSS A . . Professor in Cambridge oi Sanskrit and Paris in . the By Fellow of fcit . John ' s . 2 vols . demy 8 vo . 24 * . Fellow University and Lecturer of , Cambridge of , Pembroke ; and College R . A . Nkil Demy , M . A vo ., SCHOLJB of the studies ACADEMICiE at the English Universities : some Account in the TRAVELS 18 in *« 1876 and 1877 in NORTHERN By CHABiJ . iS M . Doughty ARA , of BI A ( m Eighteenth Originally riSiSvpublished Century ^ bifsh . at By ^ lbs Chuistofhkk iLT . ) Dcmy Woki 8 v ° ' > swojith 10 '' **' vme and Cains College . With I ^^ ionB . Demy TIMES of STEIN 0 I ^^ ^^ , KINSHIP ^ * and . MARRIAQE . ^ ' " in . ' AGE GERMANY . By J . It . Sekljcy PRUSSIA , M . A in ., the Regiua NAPOLEONIC Professor of EARLY ARABIA . By "W . Rohkhtson Smith , MA ., Modern History in the University of Cambridge . With University LL . D ., Lord of Cambrid Almoner ge ' s . Professor Crown 8 ro of . Is Arabic . Gd . in the published Portraits and at 48 Maps s . ) . 3 vols . demy 8 vo . 30 s . ( Originally London : C . J . CLAY & SON , Cambridge University Press Warehouse , Ave Maria Lane . ^ G
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 1, 1886, page 565, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01061886/page/27/