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5 8 o The Publishers' Circular June i , i « 8 d
STEEL AND WOOD ENGRAVINGS . TO AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS . | HC 2 ff \ 1 y < ffifl 3 $ | S S . Authors VIRTUE and & Publishers CO ., Limited to the , beg large respectfull Stock y of to Engravings draw the attention which have of j ^ ^ ^ ggggljll ffl Itt y 9 gfl [ trated appeared supply Works best in the qu issued ality previous by ELECTROTYPE \ them series , and of The ive Art notice S fro Journal m th mos at th * ey of them in prepare other . Illus d to - Authors They or also Publishers embrace for this the opportunity use of these to Engravings announce that when seeded books terms are committed will be made to them with for the lowest Printing possible or Publication terms , at . their They offices have , where every Printing facility for of all the kinds production , Engraving of a , book Repro , on - A es ductions t great ablishment sav , Electbotyping ing . of time an , d Stereotyping expense is effecte , - Bookbinding d by their , & c d uc , ar ing e carr a boo ie k d comp on extens lete in ive one ly . dition They , many have of which a very are extensive also available stock for of printing Engraved from STEEL on very -PLATES moderate terms , in . fine conprepared Etell to in undertake g Printing all has classes recentl of work y rece . ived For especial specimens attention of work and they care , woul and d th refer ey are -to the Etchings appearing in the Art Jownal . the T Cojpper rade and Plates for Amateurs Steel -surfaced with great promptness and at a moderate charge for sions Their be collection seen at of their WOOD offices - . ENGEAVINGS comprises many thousands , and impresmay J . S . VIRTUE & RLES CO ., Limited , 294 City Road , London .
RINTING WHITTINGHA U |^^ ll ^ ril Chiswick — -PRESS CHA { Established ryfy ) , 21 ' , Tooks M AND Court , Chancery CO ., OF Lane THE , f $ & Sptf ^ ll London , have pleasure in offering their services as General Letterpress Printers . fjrEn &* LKI * Ta ^ A ving a large and experienced staff , and also a unique and beautiful collection of initial modern and old le sty tters le , , and head an and assortment tail pieces of , an foreign d ornamen and t English al borders hand , in addition and machine to large -made founts papers of type at , their both command , they are able to tindertake the best class- of bookivork and editions de luxe . Special facilities ornaments are offered for are available Catalogues for [ illustrated inspection or at ot their herw office ise )^ , legal and and advice other is respectfully work . Samples offered of as types to the t initials printing , and of catalogues of libraries or private collections * Telephone No . 2704 / telegram , *• Whittingham % London . "
WILLIAM G . STONEHAM & CO ., Limited , ~§ fif ) olesale anb Export ~ g $ ounb ^ Soofesellcr ant > ^ oohbinbex , HAVING OBTAINED SUITABLE PREMISES , PEAR TREE COURT ( adjoining 58 ) , FARRINGDON ROAD , B . C ., Will toe glad to receive any Orders the Trade are kind enough to favour them with ; the same shall have their heat attention . IfTEI ^ V 0-AwT ^ I * OC 3-TT : E 3 O UST APPIiIOA . TIO 3 ST .
IT TO PROPRIETORS OF ILLUSTRATED PERIODICALS , BOOKS , & c . For Sale . —Electrotypes of upwards of 150 , 000 Wood Engravings . Specimens and Terms upon application to CASSEIX & COMPANY ( Limited ) , JjQ . Belle Sauvage Yard , Ludgate Hill , London , E . G . OT . B . —Examine this Stock before ^ ordering ; new subjects . | 1 | K—MW __ . _ . r . | | . , f mf _ _^[ _ _ _ _ _ __^ |^——M /* fl
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 1, 1886, page 580, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01061886/page/42/