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§ fe ^ IpMra ifertt Jitters JKsfc Just Published , Is . 6 d ., Cloth . Boards . 7 GORDON Uniform yrith ' Luther Anecdotes Ane ? ' Wycliffe Anecdotes cdotes ? and ' Wesley Anecdotes . . A Sketch of the Career , with Illustrations of the Character , of Charles Georgre Gordon , R . E . By DR . MACAULAY , Editor of the < Leisure Hour / ' There is no book which gives in brief compass so ' Both for its snbject and its skilful condensation these eo . np . ete and so faiths a picture a 8 this collection of " * ? %£ ? £ & % ? S £ 85 Z 2 Z £ + 25 ?^ 2 £ > 3 ^ to anecdotes by Dr . Macaulay . '—The Academy . career give a . very ' good outline of General G Literary ordon ' s remarkable World . Anno Domini ; or , A Glance at the A Glance at the Italian Inquisition ; Houston World into , B which . D ., Minister Messias of was the born Presbyterian . By J . D Church . 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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1885, page 609, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071885/page/25/