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juiy i, 1S86 The Publishers' Circular 74...
Q&vtrtmmtnte of §!&» ^ooh. J. & R. MAXWELL'S New Books
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Recent Foreign Works. I
Frank Sin . 8 vo ( author Ednard . Wien is , 2 ) s — . 6 d Der Betrieb cf the Stale aut den ^ englischen of Batmen [ 2987 .
2 % ^ Inspector railways Austria . Frary ( Raoul )— Mes tiroirs . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 3 s . 6 d . [ 2988 ( Jedicbte verBeben imd einer herausgegeben ¦ Ftlrstin vfc , nebersetzt von Fritz , H mit irschmann ¦ ijy Anmerkunge * "rig Sm a
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Paris Paris , . 3 3 aa . . 6 66 d . [ T 2990 2990 Grisebach der der treulosen treulosen . ( Ednard Witfcwe Witfcwe ) durch durch —Die die die Wanderungen Weltlitteratur * Weltlitteratnr der . Novelle PrachtTau PrachtTau von
ss-gabe . 4 to . Berlin , 8 s . 6 d , [ 2991 Hager Gilbert kunde , ( - Carl Inseln Handel )— , Karfce Die und Marshail , Mission < fec . Lei - , Inseln pzig rnit , 3 einem s in . 6 d Erd . Anhange - und Volker : [ 2992 Die
-Hesektel tur . 8 vo ( . A Hamburg dolph )— , 5 s Pyridinbasen der cliemiscsben Littera £ 2993 - John Fr 6 doli Bull n , pr stir ^ f . par le Nil Henri , croquU le Verdier d « ^ occupation . Sm . 8 vo . 1885 . I , * aris par
S 3 . 6 d [ 2994 , I Juplll britanniques « s ( Fernano . Srn . 8 de vo . )— Paris A . u , pays 3 s . 6 i de 3 brouillards , mcenrs [ 2995
X Mcolas , acordair . « 8 vo — . Efcude portrait historiquo . Paris , 4 a et critique , par Auguste [ 2996 liberalisrne 8 a premiere , & predication c . a Bordeaux , son oeuvre , 4 cole %
Itfalot ( Hector)—Baccara . Sm- 8 vo . Paris , 3 s . 61 ... [ 2997 MariOtti Boy . Svo . ( Torino F . )—Sapienza , as politica di Cavour e Bismarck [ 2998 .
Markns Bouches- ( du Eduard -Rhdne ) and —Bewasserungen Vancluse ( SUd in -Frankreich den Departments ) . Eoy .
8 vo . Wien , 15 a L ^»» y
Roche Paris Paris . fort 3 3 as . . 6 6 d d ( Henri ; Gtimsel ) -- Farces ameres , 6 m . [ 3000 30 8 vo G 0 .
, Russie brochure K / A WVU LAA 4 et V de * An % ^ M t gleterre % . t Lessar JUVOOMA , par Lft en ^ mM . M + Asie % M . H «» -W . central L * 4 « . With ww ^»—« e , Mapa M ^ d wyiy ' aprea . 3001 8 -v * ro - la - ** .
Paris , s [ Simon ( Edoaard )—L'Empereur Ouillaume et son rdgroe .
8 8 vo vo . . Paris Paris , . 7 7 ss . . 66 d d VL ,... [ 3002 3 ° 0 ^ Souvenirs d ' tm bonrrean de Paris . Par M . H * * * . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 3 s . 6 d [ 3003
Th ^ o-Cri tt —L * ami des jeunes filles . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 3 [ s 3004 . 6 d . Theuriet ( Andr 6 )—Helene . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 3 s . 6 d . [ 3003
Vachon 3 s . 6 d ( Marina )—La Bussie an soleil . 8 m . 8 vo . rParis [ 3006 , Vasili augmentee ( Coxnte de lettres P . ) — inedites Society . de 8 vo Saint . Paris -Petersbourg , 6 s , [ 3007 ecUt .
Vast 3 s . - 6 Ricouard d —La fernme de cbambre . Sm . 8 vo . Paris [ 3008 , Vautier ( G . )—Le salon des refuses . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 3 [ s 3009 . 6 d .
Vor dem 15 grossen Jalxren Hauptquartier , 150 Tage Tor , von Paris H . , Erinnerungen B . 8 \ o . Leipzi aus g , 3 s . 6 d [ 3010
Weber Leipzig Caroline , ( 5 , Carl s . herausgegeben 6 d . Maria von voa )— , Reisebriefe eeinem Enkel an . seine Sm Gat . [ 301 8 vo tin 1 .
"Weiss bains , ( autoor J . J . )— de Au Homburg pays du . ; Rhin Francfort —Metz , , S Homburg trasbourg -les efc - Alsace . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 3 a . Cd [ 3012
Yorch Zweiter von Theii "Wartenbnr 8 vo . Berlin g 126 ( Graf )—Napoleon nls Feldherr [ 3013 . , ,
Juiy I, 1s86 The Publishers' Circular 74...
juiy i , 1 S 86 The Publishers' Circular 74 i
Q&Vtrtmmtnte Of §!&» ^Ooh. J. & R. Maxwell's New Books
Q & v & rtmmntu xrf $ exo ^ ooU . J . & R . MAXWELL'S New Books
THE GEEAT PBENCH In Oiie AUTHOR Vol ., at all 'S Libraries FAMOUS , price LOVE lOs . STORY 6 d . » extra . The cloth onl ( post y Authorised Qd ) Translation . The JRofnance of a JMCuinnii / . By ThjWhile Gautikr . Translated by M . Young .. ' The lineal ancestor of Salambo—exact in science , dramatically fanciful in an alluring , original manner . * —Lahousse . Recent NEW additions N O , price VEL S 2 s . I each N O , picture NE V O boards L U ME ; 2 , NEVER 6 d . cloth : BEFORE 2 s . 6 d . half-morocco PUBLISHED ( postage . ) Virginia , the American , By Chaules Fletivette * By Eugene Scribe , Author of EdwAiuxes . * La Belle Americaine ' in all her splendour . * Robert lo Diable , ' * William Tell , ' & c . talent This and study that of of our a fair versatile American novelis Cousin t . exhibits the critic ' s to GracefuU an uncommon . v told denouement , magically in by ve the nted arc , and h play leads wright np pkilfnlt of the y century . . Also uniform with the above : A Jtesp Ma lce rriage J ^^ nent in ; Higli or , Love JL in ife Exile . . By By Octave Gr . Bianca Feuif Hakvey . le p . . If Haunted Jjove , He . A Zove . Novel . . By By D Doha . Cecil Vkrhs Gibbs . . A . Future on Trust . By Lina Nevill . I Paul Sterne . By Cicely Powell . * CHEAP EDITIONS of" JE > OJE * TJJL > AJEl NOVELS . Recent Additions . Price 2 j . each , picture boards ; 2 s . dd . cloth gilt ; 3 * . 6 d . half-morocco ( postage 4 < 2 . ) J When nder We the Med Two , Jfla l * arteil < f . By * Miss By Sahah Braddox Doudxky . . A J ^ . ester Sinless ' , * Sec Secret ret . By . By Mauy ' ItiTA Ckcil . ' TTay . J £ ct 2 * tisfi < L with a , Curse . By K . S . Dhkwuy . Unfairly Won . By Mrs . Powkr O Do ^ oqhue . ¦ Kings Pure Gold font . . By 13 y B Mr . Si 8 . - Lovjctt endek . -Camkuon . l ^ arted I ^ lovt * . By Mrs . J . K . Si'EXDKU . NEW POPULAR ONE-SITILUNQ BOOKS . The Jifue Veil . ( Copyright translation . ) By Fort tin k Sappho . ( Author ' s Approved Version . ) By Alpiioxse DU BOISOOBKV . DAL'IJKT . Jf TIl «» c ipwno Shadow Jfrother of Wrong 'H . By . By Edmond Ciia . hles dig Giiiboh Ooncouut . . . Tales In Vive nocent , S of pinsters A or ustralia Guilty in No . . rway By By Charles Marion . By ITpitj Oukknhill Rowcuoft i IIhodks . . . London : J . & R . MAXWELL , 'Milton Houso , ' 35 ( and 33 ) St . Bride Street , Ludgate Circus , E . C ., and 13 , 14 , & 1 , 5 fcihooLane , Fleet Street , E . C . ; and at all Libraries , Railway Bookstalls , BooksollerB , & c . & c . ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1886, page 741, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071886/page/23/