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< IN DARK JEST AFRICA.'* Mr. Stanley's l...
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Continental I^Otes Wi
adapted frpm Pedro Ribadeneira , his first biographer , by Father Charles Clair , S . J . The
interest of the subject is incontestable . The founder of that remarkable order ( instituted to combat Protestantism ) , which has existedfor the
last three jcenturies and has been for a great part of that time an object of admiration or abhorrence as viewed from a Roman Catholic
pr Protestant standpoint , cannot fail to be a subject of interest to earne 9 t-minded people , of whatever sect . The present xeditor has
endeavoured to give a true and authentic recital of Loyola ' s life and work from historical documents and the reminiscences of his
companions and contemporaries . The work will form two volumes fully and handsomely illustrated . Herr Ma rtinus Nijhoff , of the Hague , has
published nublished ' An An Account Account of of the tha Old Old Catholic Oai . holifi Church of Holland , ' and a recital of what was done under Clement XIV . to reconcile it with
the Court of Rome . From an unpublished MS . of G . DuPae Bellegarde , Librairie Didier
(( Perrin ferrin & c & < Co JoA . ) , or of Paris Fans , , have have issued issued * * Bismarck Bismarck en Caricatures / a handsome 16 mo . volume , containing f _ J 140 Eng ^~ lish , - French — , - German — — , -j
Italian , Russian , and American Caricatures of the ex-Chancellor of the German Empire . Maison Quantin have produced some
popular guides for v tourists ; viz ., ' Twenty Days from Havre to Cherbourg' ; 'Twenty Days on the Coasts of Normandy , Brittany , and
Jersey ' ; and ' Twenty Days at Paris in 1890 ;' each of which is lavishly illustrated and published at a low price .
Librairie E . Dentu publishes 'The Cigarette , ' by Jules Claretie ; ' Companions of the Pen' bth' Societof Men of Letters' and
, y e y ; an illustrated edition of * Kings in Exile , ' by Alphonse AlDhonse Daudet Daudet ..
M . Calmann L ^ vy announces two important works : viz . ' Souvenirs de Baron de
Barante , 1782-1866 , ' edited by his grandson , Claude de Barante , Vol . 1 , comprising the years 1782 to 1813 ; and ' A Great-Nephew of
Mazarin , Louis-Jules-Barbon Mancini-Mazarini , Due de Nivernais , ' by Lucien Perey . volume M . Victor of Havard i Baron Haussman announces n ' s the Memoirs second /
containing an account of his work as Prefect of the Seine . Messrs . G . Charpentier and Co . publish in
their 'Nouvelle Collection' a novel by the ~~* favourite ^ "w » *^ - — - * *¦» ^ ^ ^^ romance ^^ ^* r » ^ a w A ^ -+ ^ ^^ -writer v W ^ fc A > ** ^ ta ^ ^ ^ Andr » J ^ A ** V ^ < ^* . $ V ^ Theuriet p-V * . A J ^ \ S \ J ^ J *» JL ^^ V , * ^ en ^ Mt JL
titled * The Turquoise Bracelet . ' Messrs . J . Hetzel & Co . have just brought out 'En Voyage : Alpes et Pyrt ^ n ^ es / a
posthumous book of travel by Victor Hugo . » _ » O »
HE ^ a ^ Maaaa ^ naaaa ^ iW ^ M ^ MHHaniMi ^ Miva ^ a ^ MiaBia ^ aaa ^^ ai ^ aiiaMM ^ aBaa ^ aMKMiBMMMiaiHUiaMWg ^ 804 The Publishers' Circular juiy 1 , 1890
< In Dark Jest Africa.'* Mr. Stanley's L...
< IN DARK JEST AFRICA . ' * Mr . Stanley ' s long and eagerly-expected
book is not disappointing . The great expectations of the peoples of the civilised world concerning ' In Darkest Africa ' are more than
realised . Let it be said at once that Mr . Stanley has written a great book which is not a record of ideally perfect ; achievement only ,
JSmin * in , Go Darkest vernor Africa of EquatoHx ; or , . ( tie By Quest Henry , tte . & M cue . Stanley and Retreat . With of one hundred and flffcy Woodout Illiwtrationa onri Maps .
2 2 Limited vola vola . . ) . (( Sampson Sampson Low Low , , Marston Marston . , Searie Searie As & , Riyington Rivintrton .,
because it does not lie in human nature to compass JL absolute perfection A . We expected X
great things of the discoverer of Livingstone , and he has done more than imagination could have conceived to be possible JL . The feat of
travel happily accomplished towards the close of last year stands , if not positively unrivalled , at least as one of the most wonderful in itself
and in its results of which there is any record in the history of the world ; and this narrative of it will endure like to read
so long as men of devotion , courage , energy , self-sacrifice , appalling dangers heroically facedand terrible
, privations patiently borne—so long , in a word , as men love heroism or have any appreciation of heroes . Duty / was the watchword of Mr .
< Stanley and his companions , and never surely was duty more loyally or unflinchingly
followed , or followed amidst greater perils to limb or life than on the expedition which had for its object the rescue of Emin , Governor
of Equatoria . It is impossible in a short space to speak fittingly of all that the book relates or the manner of the relation . It must be sufficient here to say that no romance of
adventure adventure was was ever ever half hair so so enthralling enthrallinsr and ana that the style is remarkable for its clearness and vigour . To the thrilling interest of
unparalleled adventures are added the charms of literary excellence and of truth . It is the most romantic and most startling book that
has yet come out of the mysterious depths of Africa . The privations of Mr . Stanley and his
companions were often intense , and their position sometimes apparently hopeless . On
one occasion they were so frantic with hunger that when a dying donkey was shot there was a fierce struggle for the remains . When the
flesh flash was waa devoured devoured , . ' the t , he hones bones were were taken taken up un and crushed , the hoofs were boiled for hours , there was nothing left of my faithful animal
but spilt blood and hair . A pack of hyenas could not have made a more thorough disposal of it . ' "i ^ l ^/^ iJ M ^
And , again , Captain Nelson reports that when Mr . Jephson came [ to his relief he was verilat the gates of death . * With the
excepy tion of the few bananas I got from Umari , I lived entirely on herbs , fungi , and a few
mahengu . 1 had ten ulcers on my left leg and foot , and so was unable to look for food for myselfand was kept alive entirely by my two
, and boys Abdalla and little a man Baruk Stairs , one left of with my me company . , Among the , many strange things that Mr .
kZj »/ O O Stanley has to tell , not the least interesting ia the description of the famous pygmies , wh «>
have the human quality of inquisitiveiiess fully developed , as the following comic incident will show
—: 4 On examining the boxes of ammunition before stacking them for the night it was
found that Corporal Dayn Mohammed had not brought his load in , and we ascertained that he had laid it at the base of a big tree near the
path . Four headmen were at once ordered to return with the Soudanese corporal to recover the box . Arriving near the spot they saw
quite a tribe of pygmiea , men , women , and
children , gathered around two pygmy warriors , M
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1890, page 804, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071890/page/10/