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Tijad^ C^angef
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The-B00k Finder. To The Editor Of The Pu...
appear entitled The Book-Finder . I know nothing i — 9 of this p aA per , and I beg -3 to be allowed
to say that the title mentioned belongs to me . For some time past I have issued my lists in connection with ' Register of Odd
my Volumes , ' & c . ( now established two years ) under the title of The Book-Finder . I believe
no paper or book had before been so designated ; therefore , the title is my invention and my 9 f copyrigfht .
* *^ ± * I am , Sir , Yours very truly , W . Dent ,
Kentish June Town 20 , 1890 , N , W .:
808 The Publishers' Circular juiy I } , 890
Lord Brougham's Copy Of The Edinburgh Re...
To the Editor of the Publishers' Circular . Sir , —This very interesting copy may
perhaps settle the long-disputed question , as to the writer of the famous review of the ' Hours of Idleness' which stung Byron to the quick
< J % J A . ' , and produced the ' English Bards and Scotch Reviewers . ' There can be scarcely a doubt that either Jefiery or Brougham wrote the
caustic review , and if the volume which contained it has been initialed by Brougham , all doubts will be settled .
Arley , Coventry . Sam . Timmins .
Hints To Byron Collectors.
To the Editor of the Publishers' Circular . Sir , —The following notes of 'variants '
may be useful . I have a copy of a Cawthorn th issue e titl of e the 4 Thi ' E rd Editi lish on Bards ' but ' with the water ' 1810 -mark ' on
, , all through is ' Pine and Thomas 1812 . ' I have two copies of the Fourth Edition ; one of them has the water-mark ' G . & R . T . ' on
pages 17-18 , 49-50 , and 65-C 6 but no date . The second copy seems to be identical with the first , except that the water-mark is on
pages 1-2 , 27-28 , 49-50 , and 75-70 . Sam . Timmin . s . Arley , Coventry .
To tho Editor of the ruisLlMHiiUtis' ( JIUCUJlAk .
1 hav Sir e , also Like a copy your JL V of correspondent Byron % / ' s Eng , f Mr lish . Cann Bards ,
and Scotch Reviewers , ' 3 rd edition , Cawthorn , 1810 . On page 1 the water-mark is E . < fc P . 1804 .
Across pp . 17-31 J . Whatman , 1805 . „ ,, 37-43 Edmeads & Pine , 1807 .
,, „ 55-57 C 7--77 81 to end
( inclusive ,, „ of two pages , of , advertisements ,, ,, ) . Yours respectfully , G . H . B .
59 Pyrland Road , Oanonbury , N . 1 » June 20 ' , 1890 . ¦
To the Editor of the Publishers' Circular . I find Sir , I — h On ave referring a copy of to m ' Eng y books lish B on ards Byron and
Scotch Reviewers / fourth edition , which rliffpra differs fro fro m m anv of of those thoafi mentioned mp . ntinnftH b bv vnn our
any y y previous correspondents . The copy in question has a title-page ,
' Fourth Edition , London , printed for James Cawthorn , British Library , No . 21 Cockspur Street 1810 ; ' printer ' s imprint on bastard
, title , ' Printed by T . Collins , Harvey ' s Buildings «_ > , Strand , London ; ' and bears the
watermark G . & R . T . on each of the four sheets it is printed on , There is a curious misprint on page 49 line 610 bear instead of bare .
sat , Yours _ faithfully ,
A , J . Lawrence ,
Tijad^ C^Angef
Tijad ^ C ^ angef
The patents and business of the Monotype Printing Company have been disposed of to Messrs . Witherby & Co ., Law Stationerswho
took over the same from June 23 . , Radical changes having taken place in the
constitution of the firm of Remington & Co ., notice is given that on and after July 1 , 1890 ,
the business as publishers will be carried on under the style and designation of Eden , Remington & Co .
Mr . F . J . Lambert , who some time since retired from the firm of F . J . Lambert & Co .,
Temple Chambers , E . C ., has resumed business at 24 Bouverie Street , Fleet Street , under the
style of Lambert & Shields . By an arrangement with Messrs .
Longman and Messrs . Rivington , Mr . Edward Stanford , of 26 and 27 Cockspur Street , will shortly take over the retail branch of Messrs .
Rivington s business . . ¦¦
The Stanley Book Dinner.
A complimentary dinner was given by Messrs . E . Marston , S . W . Searle , W . J . Rivingtonand R . B . Marstonto Mr . H .
M . Stanley , , on Thursday , June , 20 . Mr . Edward Marston occupied the chair , and amongst those present were , besides the guest
of the evening , Sir Ford North , Mr . R . D . Blackmore , Mr . William Black , Mr . Thomas Hardy , Mr . H . H . Johnston , the Bishop of
Ripon , Mr . Hcnty , the Rev . H . R . Haweis , Mr . Joseph Hatton , Mr . J . A . Mounteney-JephsonMr . P . Du ChailluMr . F . A .
A . , , Inderwick , Q . O ., & c . The Chairman , in opening the proceedings , said : I could only wishfor my own sake as well
as yoursthat some eloquent , orator occupied this chair , to-night , for 1 remember with some trepidation that I stand in the presence of a
man whom the whole civilised world has delighted to honour . I fancy Mr . Stanley must have had almost enough of line words
and flattering phrases . I should think he would be glad to have some one stand up and attack him vigorously to his face ; that , I
think , would elicit something of the old hre ¦ ¦ . — 4 E ' ' —
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1890, page 808, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071890/page/14/