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W -# a The Publishers' Circular juiy lf ...
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W -# A The Publishers' Circular Juiy Lf ...
W - # a The Publishers' Circular juiy lf l ^
The Leeds Mercury.
DAILY . ESTABLISHED 1718 . THE LEADING JOURNAL IN YORKSHIRE CIRCULATING ALSO EXTENSIVELY THROUGHOUT THE NORTH OF ENGLAND . ITS CIRCULATION IS includes AMONG Subscribers THE HIGHES in all parts T of PR of O the VINCIA world . L NEWSPAPERS , and general SPECIAL LITERARY ATTENTION INTELLIGENCE is riven to . REVIEWS OF BOOKS AND MUSIC , as well as to PUBLISHERS' COLUMNS are Inserted every week , and the announcements under this head appear on the same page as Reviews and Notices Books of Books & c . for , thus review giving to be Publishers sent to the ' Advertisements London Office . exceptional prominence . may THE W EEKLY SUPPLEMENT , 64 Columns , Sat ., Id ., is features a POPULAR , both Literary HIGH-C and LASS Antiquarian FAMILY , including JOURNAL First , and -class contains Serial a and Week Comp 's Home lete Stories and Foreign . News , with many original Published by EDWAUD BAINES & SONS , Leeds . London Office , 65 Fleet Street , E . C .
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1890, page ii, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071890/page/2/