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¦ Mt $&Rr " - - - ¦'• ~ ... : -¦ . , . ,...
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Clarendon Press New And Regent Books.
JPARJS ONLY EXHIBITION GRAND PRIX , 1889 and . —The TWO CLAREND out of the ON five PRESS GOLD obtained the awarded to British Printers and Publishers . MEDA LS cyiRENDiTmniwlND regenTSE
NEW EDITION , Just ENLARGED published , AND "Third REVISED Edition , 8 v , o OF . cloth MR , . 18 POSTE * . 'S « GAIUS . ' GAII Elements INSTITUTIONUM of Roman Law by Gaius . JURIS With a Translation CIVILIS and Commentary COMMENTARII by E . Poste , M QUATTUOR . A . ; or , AN OUTLINE OF THE LAW Just OF published PROPERTY , 8 vo . cloth , . Is . 6 d By . Thomas Baleigh , M . A ., Fellow of All Souls College , Oxford , * University Reader in English Law . ANNALS OF THE BODLEIAN Just published LIBRARY , 8 vo . half-morocco OXFORD , prilt top , 25 s with . a Notice of the Earlier Library of the University . By Rev . W . D . Macray , M . 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London : HENRY FROWDB , Oxford University Press Warehouse , Amen Corner , E . G . ~ ALSO " PUSUSHEdTBY HENRY FROWDE . SANCTA RESPUBLICA Just ROMANA published , crown : a Handbook 8 vo . cloth , gilt to the 7 « History . ( Id . of Rome and Italy from the Division of the Roman World to the Breaking up of Charlemagne ' s Empire . By Richard Heber WRiaHTSON , M . A . ^ London : HEN ^ X FBO . WDE , Oxford University Press Warehouse , Amen Corner , E . C . ¦ M T- ' - " '" . ' . . ' ' " " ' ' ' . ' "" .. " , " ' ' ¦ *
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1890, page 828, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071890/page/34/