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juiy i, 1890 The Publishers' Circular ^9
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Juiy I, 1890 The Publishers' Circular ^9
juiy i , 1890 The Publishers' Circular ^ 9
MESSRS . MACMILLAN & CO . 'SN EW BOOKS . MR . MONTAGU WILLIAMS'S REMINISCENCES—POPULAR EDITION . LEAVES OF A UFE : Being the Eeminiscences of Montagu Williams , Q . O , Fifth Thousand . Crown 8 vo . paper covers , 2 s . 6 d . ; cloth , with Portrait , 3 $ , Gd , NEW NOVELSBY MR . RUDYARD KIPLING . PLAIN TALES FROM THE HILLS , By Eudyabd T Kipling ; Third Edition . 1 vol . Crown 8 vo . 6 * . THE TRAGIC MUSE . By Heney Jambs , Author of 4 Tbe Europeans , * ' Daisy Miller , ' * A London Life , ' & c . 3 vols . Crown 8 vo . 31 s . 6 d . A SOUTH SEA LOVER : a Bomance . By Alfbed St . Johnston , Author of ' Camping ampng Cannibals . ' X vol . Crown 8 vo . 6 s . [ In a few days . MACMILLAN'S 3 s . 6 d . NOVELS , NEW VOLUMES . THE SQUATTER'S DREAM . By Rolf Boldrewood . [ Just ready . WHEAT AND TARES . By Sir Henry Cunningham . A YORK AND A LANCASTER ROSE . By Annie Keary . [ just ready . | (¦ MRS TALKS . CHAIR . A * New ' S" ( the and AU 0 Author Uniform ? HOn OF of Edition ' * JOHN John HALIFAX Crown Halifax , Gen , . 3 G s . tleman 6 d . L each EM " ' ) NOVELS / Monthly Volum AND es . With Illustrations . Vols . I .-V . ready . THE OLIVE OGIL . VIES . AQATHA HEAD OF ' S THE HUSBAND FAMILY . . THE TWO LAUREL MARRIAGES BUSH . . [_ Avg . THIRD EDITION , REVISED , REARRANGED , AND ENLARGED . THE Including NATIONAL , by special perm GALLERY ission , Notes , collected A POPULAR from the Works HANDBOOK of Mr . Ruskin . Comp TO iled . b Revised yEDWABD , Rearranged T . Cook , and . With Enlarged Preface . Cro by wn John 8 vo . 14 Ruskin * . , LL . D ., D . C . L . Third Edition , jEtl 0 U 0 b / fSCH Of BCtfOrL New Volumes . Crown 8 ro , 2 s . 6 d . each , CLIVE , By Col . Sir Charles Wilson . | HAVELOCK . By Archibald Forbes . CHARLES KINGSLEY'S SERMONS . Monthly . Crown 8 vo . 3 s . Gd . each . Uniform with the 3 « . 6 ^ . edition of Charles Kingsley's Novels aod Mificellaneous Writings . Vols . I . and II . ready . THE VILLAGE WATER . TOWN OF , LIFE AND , and COUNTRY other Sermons SERMONS , . SHAKESPEARE . —JULIUS CiESAR With an Introduction and Notes . 13 y K . Deighton , Fellow of the Universities of Calcutta and Allahabad . Globe 8 vo . 2 s . REFLECTIONS ON THE MOTIVE POWER OF HEAT AND ON MACHINES FITTED TO DEVELOP THAT POWER . From the Original French of N . L . S . CAHNOT , Graduate of the Polytechnic School . Edited by R . H . Thubston , M . A ., LTj France . D ., , Director & C . Crown of Sibley 8 Vo . Is College . Gd . , Cornell University , Officier de l'lngtrtiotion Publique de SANDHURST MATHEMATICAL PAPERS . FOR ADMISSION INTO THE ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE FOR THE YEARS 1881-89 . Edited by at E . the J . Bbookbmith Royal Military , B . Academy A ., LLliT , , Woolwich ~ Bt . John ' s . College Crown , Ca 8 vo m . 3 r « . ifc ge . I nstructo _ r o . f , Mathema _ tics n MAGMILLAN & Oa , Bedford Street , London , W . C . * r-
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1890, page 829, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071890/page/35/