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| P i £ ==== — - ~ ' — ~ ' ¦— - " - —r- * - ' - -..:.-x . - u ... «¦» juiy i , ** 9 ° The 1 > ublisker 8 ' Circular 835 I
'No Englishman ought to be without this book . '—Engineer . \ ~~ NO MOReTaWYERS' BILLS ! ! SIX-AND-EIGHTPENCE SAVED AT EVERY CONSULTATION !! A Handsome Volume in crown Svo . containing 700 closely-printed [ pages and comprising I about 4 OOO Statements of the Law , price 6 s . 8 d . strongly bound in cloth , Every Man's Own Lawyer U * o a 1 banfc £ Booft of tbe principles of Xave anfc Equity 5 COMPRISING ( AMONGST OTHER SUBJECTS ) g * J THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF INDIVIDUALS : | c * 8 VENDORS LANDLORD AND AND PURCHASERS TENANT . . COUNTY PARLIAMENTARY COUNCILS ELECTIONS . . ^ 3 1 R £ PARTNERS AND AGENTS . MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS . §• I » 2 . COMPAN MASTERS IES SE AND RVANTS ASSOCIATIONS AND WOR . KMEN . PUBLIC PARISH HEALT LAW , C H HURCHWARDENS AND NUISANCES , & . c . p 2 I h LEASES AND , MORTGAGES , . FRIENDLY AND BUILDING SOCIETIES . ££ S ll fl CON CH LIBEL URCH TRACTS AND AND . SLANDER AND CLERGY AGREEMENTS . ; RITUAL . . COPYRIGHT HUSBAND TRADE MARKS AND AND AND WIFE PATENTS DESIGNS DIVO . . E & c . § gf .. ¦ " <§ CHEQUES BONDS , BIL , BI LS LLS OF , AND SALE NOTES , & t . . GUAR TRUSTEES DIAN AND AND EXECUTORS WARD , , INFANTS . , , & c . ® g ^ I jj g BANKR RAILWAY UPTCY AND AND SHIPPING INSURANCE LAW . . GAME HORSES LAWS , HORS AND E D SPORTING EALING , AN . D DOGS . 5 g * I I ' - jjj P CRIMINAL BORROWERS LAW , LENDERS . , AND SURETIES . FORMS INNKEEPERS OF WILLS AND , AGREEMENTS LICENSING ACTS , & c . . o I I I BY A BARRISTER . g . 2 Twenty-seventh Edition ( 1890 ) , Kevised and Enlarged , Including g I the Legislation of the Session of 1889 . <§ ^ . J I ¦ g aj law ; NOTE and . thereb — 77 i y e object to dispense of this , Wo as far rk is as to possible enable those , with who profess consult ional it to assistance help themse and lves adv to i the ce . g Qj I f There are many wrongs and grievances which persons submit to from time to time through " \ 3 not knowing how or where to apply for redress ; and many persons have as great a dread of a P rj o lawyers Eightpence office as may of be a lion saved ' s den ; many . With a wro this ng book redressed at hand ; it many is believed a right that reclaimed many a Six ; many -and a - Pj pr I . p law-suit avoided ; and many an evil abated . ® § The work has established itself as the standard legal adviser of all classes \ and has also $ | g law made libraries a reputation , who for are g itself lad to as have a useful at hand book of a work reference embod for ying lawyers recent residing decisions at and a distance enactments from . g A 43 up to In date preparing , and the Publishers the present feel Edition every , no confidence effort has that been the spare work d will to bring continue the work to be comp regarded letely , © ^ * o > as every hitherto Head , as an of Absolute a Family Necessity . for every Man of Business as well as 5 0 * I I r ? Amongst almost innumerable favourable Opinions of the Press , mostly of recent * ** I ^ editions , the following may be cited : — £ + ? * This popular and almost indispensable .. Famil - „ . y Lawyer . '—Truth . P " * £ « * As a book of reference this volume is without a rival . '—Pall Mall Gazette . h d * Essential in every business establishment and in all libraries . '—Sheffield Poat . ej . o * For lay readers , there is no law book so comprehensive , so intelligible , . so p ° complete , or so accurate . '—Printer ' s Register . p * <\ | * A USEFUL AND CONCISE EPITOME OF THE LAW , compiled with considerable care . ' - " | Law * Magazine What it professes . to be—A complete epitome of the laws oi- Tins country , < ^ ^ - j thorou * This ghly popular intelligible law to book non- ( professional 25 th edition readers , 1888 ) . ' certainl —Bell y s never Life . before presented so ? > t THOROUGH 4 ** Every AND Man COMPLETE ' s Own Lawyer EPITOME " has become LAWS one of ENGLA the best ND -known . '—Lloyd publications ' s News . in the king 4 A dictionary dom , and of meets legal a facts real , well requirement put together . '—People . The book . is a very useful one . ' Spectator . « 8 ~ THIS , ONE OF THE MOST SALEABLE OF ALL BOOKS AND , SHOULD THE BE KEPT IN STOCK BY EVERY BOOKSELLER IN GREAT ^ RITAIN COLONIES . London : CROSBY LOCKWOOD & SON , 7 Stationers Hall Court , E . C . ? = Indispensable - in every house of business , and every family library . '— Weekly Times . A
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1890, page 835, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071890/page/41/