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RTTANNER & Co SALISBURY SQUARE , FLEET STREET . WHOLESALE AND EXPORT STATIONERS . ^¦ AA . A AA .. A . AA . AA . A . A . A . A . A .. A . A . A A A . A A A A A A A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A A A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A A . A . A . A . A . A A ^ ^ a A l - ^ , ^ PRINTING , HAND and MACHINE-MADE WRITINGS , TISSUES , NEWS , and TINTED and COLOURED PAPERS , 8 TRAW , and PLATE PAPER 8 . CARTRIDGES and BLOTTINGS . MILL BOARD 8 . wwwwwwvwwwwwwww wwwwwwvyrwvwvwwwwvwwwwwwww ^ ww ww < m v y ww % SAMPLES AND PRICES ON APPLICATION .
JOHN DICKINSON & CO . Ltd . i' MILLS : ! CROXLEY , NASH , APSLEY , HOME PARK , BATCHWORTH . i Pine Printings and Super Calendered Papers for Newspapers , High-class Magazines and Books . Printings of all qualities and prices . TJnstretchable Litho Papers . PLATE , Woodcut , Map , and Drawing Papers . Hand-made Printings for Reproductions of Old Authors , for Editions de Luxe , & c . White and Tinted Writings , BLOTTING-S , and Cartridge Papers . Brown and Packing Papers . Enamel Papers , Cards and Cardboards , Envelopes , Note Papers , & c . 65 OLD BAILEY , LONDON , E . C .
« T TO PBOPRIETOBB OF ILLUSTRATED PERIODICALS , BOOKS , Ac . For Sale . —Electrotypes of upwards of 150 , 000 Wood Engravings . Specimens and Terms upon application to CASSELL & COMPANY ( Limited ) , La Belle Sauvage Yard , Lndgate Hill , London , E . G . ft ¦ W . B . —Bxftmine tills Btook before ordering ¦ new . ' rabjeota . y z == m I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1890, page 842, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071890/page/48/