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On the evening of June 26, Mr. Henry M. ...
BooR f and l^umou^f of
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W *+W " Hhhe Time Has Once More Arrived ...
for invading attractive rural districts and hospitable foreign lands . The average
Englishman has come to consider the annual scamper in search of novelty and recreation to be as
necessary and inevitable a part of his existence as the penny 'bus or the Christmas
pantomime . Year by year , too , the attractions for the tourist are rapidly increasing , so that it is
ever becoming more and more difficult to decide to what point of the compass to turn
in pursuit of pleasure , * Where shall we go ?' is a question thab is frequently heard in the
beginning of summer . ' Shall we explore rural England , or go to Wales , or to Scotland , or to
Killarney and the Giant's Causeway , or shall we go further afield and climb the Alps , or sun
ourselves in Italy , or shall we take a still longer trip and try the Congo and
Timbuctoo ? ' The wide choice makes these questions hard to answer , but happily the
tourist is not left helpless . It has been said that novels have become indispensable to the
modern world ; with at least as much truth might it be said that Guide-Books have
become indispensable . In this season they are our comforters , counsellors , and friends ,
disposing of many a vexatious puzzle for us , and setting our feet in the path wherein we
should walk—or rather steam . A reference to the present number and to one or two
preceding numbers of the Publishers' Circular will show tourists that their wants have been
anticipated with more than usual fulness , and that if they do not succeed in spending a
pleasant holiday it certainly will be from no lack of intelligent instruction regarding where
to go , what to do , and what to see .
I juiy i , 1890 The Publishers' Circular 799
On The Evening Of June 26, Mr. Henry M. ...
On the evening of June 26 , Mr . Henry M . Stanley was the guest of Messrs . E . Marston ,
S . W . Searle , W . J . Rivington , and R . B . Marston , of the firm of Sampson Low , Marston
& Co ., at dinner at the Holborn Restaurant . A large number of Mr . Stanley's friends were
present to felicitate him 011 the publication of his great book , and some exceedingly
interesting speeches were made . We give a full report of the proceedings in another part of the
paper .
Editorial Chamge.
When the Editorship of the Publishers ' Circular passed out of the hands of Mr . Wm .
Stephen some fifteen months ago , Mr . Stuart J . Reid very kindly undertook the work
temporarily . With the last number Mr . Reid ' s connection with the Cikcular ceased and Mr .
J . A . Steuart now undertakes the duties of Editor .
The Proprietors wish to acknowledge their indebtedness to Mr . Reid for _ — taking up __ the _ ..
^ duties of Editor at short noticfc , ' * and when fully occupied with other literary labours ;
and for the able and thorough manner in which he has since discharged them .
Boor F And L^Umou^F Of
BooR f and l ^ umou ^ f of
Booft f We understand that Mr . David Stott will
shortly bring out a book of ' Ballads from Punch ' by Mr , Warhatn St . Leger .
# * Mr . Elliot Stock will shortly publish the fourth section b of ¦ the * History h of the Deanery i
^^ ^^ to v ^» ^^ ^ m ^ b w *^ ~ i — v ^ v ^» ^¦ - *~ ^ ^ - ^^ « ^ r ^™ ^ v - ^ r- *^^^«^^^ m ^ w v ^^ a . - ^* - ^™ ^ p ^™ ^ w ^^ ^^^ v ~ ^^ r »^ v ^ v ^^ r ^^ w of Bicester , ' by the Rev . J . C , Bloomfield . * TT j * , ja .
* * A work that is looked for with some expectation is Mr . F . C . Burnand ' s burlesque of
' In Darkest Africa . ' Messrs . Trischler and Co . will be the publishers .
* * * Messrs . Morgan & Scott have just issued a second edition of Mr . Kirkham ' s ' Open J . Air
Preacher ' s Handbook , ' the first edition having been sold in two months . *
# M . « Jt » Mr . Edmund Seale has already for publication a second edition of the ' Horse-breeder's
Handbook , ' by Joseph Osborne (' Beacon' ) . It will be considerably enlarged .
# # * Messrs . James Nisbet & Co . have in the
press and will publish immediately the Life of G . H . Stuart , written by himself , and edited
by Robert Ellis Thompson , D . D . * 4 fr m .
* * publication The — same * The firm One also Gospel announce ; f orthe for Com earl — y -
¦ bination of the Narratives x of , the Four Evangelists i » * T UVf I j ii . VA JWV ^ * in * A one ^^ * * V comp X ^ V-r I 1 A ± _ TJk lete ^ S % / X ^ AVVW Record M , Ul > , ' edited VVl J . % /\ J VI ,
by Rev . Arthur T . Pierson , D . D . #
* Mr . J- W . Arrowsmith will shortly publish a collection of theatrical anecdotes by Mr .
Henry Herman . The book is entitled ' Between the Whiffs / and its contents have
already appeared in various journals . 1 Camping Voyages on German Riverais
the title of a work which Mr . Stanford will ' shortly bring out . It relates the adventures
and misadventureo of three travellers in their skiff . *
Under tt - » the 11 titlo i ' ii of * The mi _ Science c « _ _ of Politics t * ifiv / Messrs - ¦ -.- ¦ - ¦¦ - ¦• . - Macinillan & Co — . will shortly publish j ^
a new volume by Sir F . Pollock . The book is made up of articles which have already 4 f '
appeared in various English and American magazines . I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1890, page 799, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071890/page/5/