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Ilofeg and _Q ew$
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Boor F And L^Umou^F Of
A new series of Vertical Writing Copy Booksby Mr — — . John Jacksonj especially
adapted , to meet the - - requirements , of the |_ new Code , / will , _ we . understand _ - _ , be issued _ on July - # ,
1 , by Messrs . Sampson Low , Marston , Searle & Rivington , Limited .
* * * Messrs . Frederick Warne & ' Co . will shortly
publish a new novel entitled A Plunge into Space 4 For , Eng ' by land Mr 's . Sake Robert / the Cromie style of , which author will of
somewhat resemble Jules Verne ' s marvellous productions , #
- • Messrs . Macmillan & Co . will also publish at an early date a volume of essays by Prof .
Huxley . The essays have already appeared in the monthly reviews , but there will be a new introduction which may «/ be expected to
cause something of a sensation . _ . * J _ L ? J _ L
* Nearly a century ago the original edition of Mary Wollstonecraf t ' s ' Rights of Women '
first appeared . Mr . T . Fisher Unwin announces a reprint of it with a critical introduction by Mrs . Fawcett , dealing with the
social condition of women then and now . #
Messrs V _ k § m \ * m ^ ^* ri __¦ ^__ L _ w . Field ___ mM ^^ I _¦*_! & Ml ^ m * ' Tuer I " mt ^_ _^ ___ l announce __ . __«^ ^___ _^> . _ _¦ ^___ _ ib _^ l _ t London I ^^ __ f ^ 11 M _ " ^ ^_ J ^ City «^_»^ : __» _ i its Peop _ i __ le , Streets ___¦ ^__ ^_ h __> , ___ . Traffic _* _ , _____> Buildings _ . __ , ^_
and History , ' by Mr . J . W . Lottie . The volume will contain something like 250 illustrationst
engraved in Paris from 'ZJ original drawings by , Mr . W . Luker ' , jun O ., and will be printed _ . on
special paper . * ¦ M . . __ .
# * A volume that is likely to prove attractive to bibliomaniacs is promised by Mr . Henry
. Frowde in the autumn . It is entitled a * Guide-Book to Books , ' and " will contain lists
of all the important volumes in every department of knowledge as well as brief explanatory notes where these will be thought necessary .
# We have not heard the last of ' Robert
Elsmere' as a subject of controversy and criticism . H . F . Hetherington and the Rev . H . D . Barton have written a rejoinder in the form of a novel . It is entitled * Paul Nugent
Materialist " / and is said to deal severely with , the creation of Mrs . Ward . Messrs . Griffith — - ,
Farran & Co . will be the publishers . # *
* Bray T-k hard 1 _ _ 1 : the lt _ Btrange CtX * ^ _ Adventures A , 1 » of One y ~ \ Ass and Seven Champions' is the title of a
work by Mr . F . M . Allen which Messrs . Ward & Downey are going to publish . The book will ¦ be illustrated by Mr . Harry Furniss . The
«/ ml same firm announce a new novel by Sarah Tytler ^ h m ^^ 0 ^ ^ h ^ ' f ^ , mm entitled —i i ~ / mm * m } ^ r t ** , ^^ m ~ i ~ ^ ni ' Sapp ¥ ^ f ^ f ^ v m *^ r W ^^ hira ^^ ^^ *— *** ~ ^^ , ^ m ' and •^^•^ imm 0 mn ¦ * . mM one ^^ r *^ ^^ ^ h ^ b W *^ y W M MkV rmW * m r *» . 0
W . Outram Tristram , entitled * Locusta . '
i An ambitious work is announced from Americaunder the title of * The Makers of
America . _ ^ . , ' We Mm ^ -imm i ^ is are to _ have ^ m \ histories am ^ ^ _ . A of the ^ k
I explorers , inventors , theologians , authors ,
soldiers , and statesmen who have distinguished themselves ¦ ¦ w- - ^ w ~ - - ^ in — ' ¦ any - ~ historic sense . Mr . Mabie ^
is ^ to edit the work , _____ and some of the _ . most __ . _____ ___^ - ^ _^^ eminent — - of living f -j American authors will - be - »¦ - _ v
contributors . * * * Ilk IKY m * m _ f V _ - » . _ -. a _^_ b _^ . Weddell \ Af _>^ _ rJ _ -J _ r ^ 1 I of _ rv C Newcastle 1 ^ . 1 _ r ^ WV ^ _ rh _ T _ 4- I _ r"V _ < V « l ^ * T I—— -. __ .
proposes Mr . George to publish , in , lithograp _ hed - facsimile on -yne , , a manuscript volume of ' Apothecaries' Lore
and Household Recipes , ' which was discovered some years ago amongst __ _ _ the papers f of Gilpen
__ ^ - & Co . a firm of chemists ^^ in Newcas a , tle . The r manuscri , pt is said to date from the time of
Elizabeth , and to have been used in the family of Lord Fairfax .
# * The volume of the ' Dictionary of National
i Biography' which has just been published extends from Gray to Haighton . Mr . Leslie
Stephen writes on Gray , the poet , and Thomas Hill Green , the p hilosopher ; Canon Creighton O
on John Richard Green , on Sir George Grey , and on Archbishop Grindal ; Mr . Richard Garnett on William Rathbone Greg ; Mr .
C . H . Firth on Sir Bevil Grenville ; Prof . J . K . Laughton on Sir Richard Grenville ;
Mr . G . F . Russell Barker on George GrenvilleRichard Temple Grenville ( Earl Temple )
and , W . W . Grenville ( Lord Grenville ) ; Mr , . Sidney i / Lee on — Sir Fulke Greville (\ Lord
—Brooke ) and Guy of Warwick ; Mr . J . A . Hamilton on Charlessecond Lord Grey ; the
Rev . William - - Hunt - - on , - Walter de Grey , Arch > - bishop 1 of York ; Sir Alexander J . Arbuthnot
on Sir William Grey , Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal ; Prof . G . Croom Robertson on the
Grotes QJ I and Edmund Gurney ; Mr . James Gairdner on Sir Richard ' Guildford ; Mr .
Thompson Cooper on Thomas __ Gurney , short-¦ han —• ^—i ^ r ^ r ^^ ^¦^ d ^^^ v ¦ writer v ~ «¦!» ——» vr ~¦ ^ ^^ . ; mM Mr ^——¦ v mmmM . mw G ^^— ' * . V T *^^—k . mw Bettany > i ^__^^ ^ k ^ ^^ ^ t ^ ~^^ p ^* ^^ w on ~ — v a Guy ^ - ¦* u ^^ tf ^ B w of ~ i i ~ ^ m ^
Guy ' s Hospital and Sir William Gull ; and Joseph Knight on Nell Gwyn . •< _ »*
8 oo The Publishers' Circular July 1 , 1890
Ilofeg And _Q Ew$
Ilofeg and _ Q ew $
H . Stacey Gold , of 85 Brixton Road , S . W ., has been appointed xx Agent <_ - » to the
Diocesan Book Depot , HobartTown , Tasmania . Messrs . Longmans & Co . will shortly issue
a Story cheaper of Creation edition . ' of Mr . Edward Clodd ' s
' Lux Prof Mundi . Huxley 7 for has the written Julnumber an article of the on y
Nineteenth Century . Mr . Herbert ' Spencer is writing an article
for Mind on Space Consciousness , ' in reply to the Neo-Kantians . A new adventure storyentitled * The
Merchant Prince / by John Berwick , Harwood , is commenced in the July number of CasseWs
Magazine . Mr . Bret Harte is engaged upon a short
serial for a syndicate of newspapers . * John Strange Winter' will also shortly have a serial
in provincial papers . The volume of Sainte-Beuve * s essays
announced by Mr . David Stott will contain a
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 1, 1890, page 800, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01071890/page/6/