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I August i, 1883 The Publishers' Circula...
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I August I, 1883 The Publishers' Circula...
I August i , 1883 The Publishers' Circular ^ 1
Messrs . MCMILLAN & CO . S NEff BOOKS . THE VOYAGE OF THE 'WANDERER , ' R . Y . S . FROM THE JOURNALS AND LETTERS OF C . AND S . LAMBERT . Edited by Gerald Young . With numerous Illustrations , Coloured and Plain , and a Map . Royal 8 vo . 2 Bs . NOW EEAJ 5 Y , NEW PAJRTS XVTI . and XV 1 H ., SKETCHES TO SUMER IS ICUMTBN IN . ' A DICTIONARY OF MUSIC AND MUSICIANS . By Eminent "Writers , English and Foreign . Edited by Sir Gboeob Gbove , D . O . L ., Director of the Hoyal College of Music , & c . Vols . I ., II ., and III . price 21 s . each . y Demy ol , 1 . 8 — vo A . cloth to Impromptu , with Illustrations ; Vol . II in . — Music Improperia Type and to Woodcut Plain Song . Also ; Vol published . III . —Plain in Quarterly Son <* to Parts ' Scmer . Parts is Iotjmen I . to XIV in-. ., ' price 35 . 6 d . each ; Parts XV . XVI ., price Is . ; Parts XVII . XVIII ., price 7 « . NEW BOOK BY THE AUTHOR OF « ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND / IR / HZ ^ IMIIE ? J ± 1 < T JD ZE ^ IE-A-SOUST ? By LEWIS CARBOLL 64 Illustr , Author ations of by * Alice Arthur ' s Adventures B . Fro * t and in 9 "Wonderland by Henry Holiday ., * 4 Through . Crown the Looking 8 vo . Is . Glass [ / Nearly & c . With ready , MACMILLAN'S 4 s . 6 d . SERIES—NEW VOLUMES . BUT YET A WOMAN . By Arthur Sherburne ^ Hardt . Cro wn 8 vo . 4 s . 6 d . Also a POPULAR EDITION , paper covers , One Shilling . ' This is a very taking book . ' —Tee Spectator . A MISGXJIDIT LASSIE . By Percy Eoss . Crown 8 vo . 45 . 6 c * . * ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS . Edited by John Morley . New Volume SHERIDAN . By Mrs . Oliphant . Crown 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d . [ Ready Aug . is . THE ENGLISH CITIZEN . A Series of Short Books on his Rights and Responsibilities . Edited by Henry Cisaik , M . A .. New Volume . COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES . Part I .: INDIA . By J . S . Cotton College , , Oxfo Fellow rd . of Crow Queen n ' 8 s vo College . 3 * . Qd , Oxford . . Part II . : THE COLONIES ' . By E . J . Payne , Fellow of University THE NATXJEE OP POSITIVE LAW . By John M . Lightwood , M . A ., of Lincoln's Inn , Barrister-at-Law , Fellow of Trinity Hall , Cambridge . Demy 8 vo . 12 * . Qd . CA . NON WESTCOTT'S NEW BOOK . THE EPISTLES OF ST , JOHN . The Greek Text Revised , with Notes and Canon Essays of Peterborough . By Brooke , & c Foas . Demy Wkstcott 8 vo . , D . D ., Regius . Professor of Divinity in the University [ Nearl of Cambridge y ready * , SOUND AND MUSIC : An Elementary Treatise on the Physical Constitution of kvo Taylor Musical . 8 s . 6 , d M . Sounds . A ., late and Fellow Harmony of Trinity , including College the , Chief Cambridge Acoustical . With Discoveries Illustrations of Professor . Second Hklmholtz Edition . . Ex By tra Sedlky crown HISTORICAL COURSE FOR SCHOOLS— Edited by E . A . Freeman , D , C . L ., LL . D . HISTORY OP ITALY . By the Rev . W . Hunt , M . A . New Edition . With Coloured Ma . pa 18 nao . 3 « . 6 rf . ^ [ Nearly ready . _ WORKS BY President PROFESSOR of the Royal Society HUXLEY , < fcc ., LL . D . I » AY REVIEWS SERMONS . Seventh Edition , ADDRESSE . 8 vo . 1 $ . Qd . S , and PHYSIOGRAPHY cut the 8 Study Now Edition Nature . Crown With . Coloured 8 An va 6 I Plates ntroduction and Wood to ESSAY S SELECTED from LAY * , * CRITIQUES r * J SERMONS ; l ' , ADDRESSES and ADDRESSES , and REVIEWS . . Crown 8 vo . LESSONS BIOLOG fc P . 8 vo . 4 * . With e in < i . numerous ELEME Illustrations NTARY . New PHY Edition - . AME ^ toa-kt ATvm * T ? SRTPH witli n . INTRODUCTORY PRIMER of LEOTURBonthoarUDYof BIOLO & Y . 8 vo . Us . 6 d . BU 1 KNCE . l » mo . 1 * . ( Science i ^ rimera . > SCIENCE and CULTUREand other HUME . Crown 8 vq . 2 * . 6 df . English Men of E 9 B AYS . Domy 8 vo . 10 * . Qd . , Letters Serie « . ' ) 1 MAOMILLAN A CO ., London , W . O . ( 379 ) II
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 1, 1883, page 661, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01081883/page/21/