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1 676 The Publishers' Circular August t8...
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1 676 The Publishers' Circular August T8...
1 676 The Publishers' Circular August t 881 ^ ,,
Messrs . HOLMES & SON , j IJatars # ^ etoiratattts 1 TO BOOKSELLERS P 2 LPER , STATIONERS PROPRIETORS , PKINTBRS , & c . , NKWS-1 06 a PATEB 1 STOSTER BOW , Are instructed to sell the following businesses : ¦ — ; "DOOKSELLING BUSINESS . A very I-situated D high in -class the and most well fashionable -known "West part -End of London concern . , retiring The present on a owner large , who fortune has . been The there nett many profits years last , year lars , were in confidence £ 4 , 000 , on £ app 1 , 500 lication ( proof . ) . Full particu-STATIONERY and FANCY BUSINESS . | sale ^ 5 , a owing leading to the "busines recent s death in the of Isle the pro of prietor Wight . for A qui good high ring -class trade an and . easil About old y - - established managed £ 1 , 200 and required concern thoroughly . , doing Anyone a sound very rebusiness in a most healthy town would find this a . splendid investment . STATIONERY , PRINTING , and FANCY In same TRADE hand . s 40 In splendid . Death business cause town of sale , sea . -side Netfc . profits about . £ 450 years a year . Purchase money about £ 750 . Well worth immediate attention . ! "DO OK SELLING , STATIONERY , and 1 districts -JD FANCY near London TRAD . E , The in one present of the owner most has lovel been y j ; year there for 20 years the . pas The t ten return years s average . References over £ 2 to , 500 the a : leading wholesale houses . About £ 1 , 200 required . BOOKSELLING LIBRARYPRINTING , STATIONERY and FANCY TRADE . , One of the best- , known country , businesses . In same { concern hands 35 . Returns years . , A over hig £ h 4 -class , 000 a and year th at oroug ful hl l profits y good . I require Splendid d . premises Part may in finest remain position . . About £ 3 , 000 STATIONERY , PRINTING , and FANCY * 3 TRADE . Death cause of sale . In one of the most fashionable inland watering-places . In same hands Now managed nearly b 30 y a years lady . . About Returns £ 600 about required £ 1 , . 500 . T 3 OOKSELL 1 NG , STATIONERY , I X > PRINTING , and FANCY BUSINESS . North Nett of Eng profits land , the £ 800 onl a y business year . Excellent for nearly premises 20 miles . . Business established 50 years . About £ 1 , 000 required in . cash , and balance by instalments . STATIONERY and FANCY TRADE . — town O A , West good of class Eng and land . old The -established present , owner in lovel has y been there 28 years . The premises are held at an I year exceptionall . Open y low to much rental . increase Return . s , £ about 600 £ to 1 , 300 £ 700 required . * M ONTHLT REGISTER ' over 150 lU _ BUSINESSES for DISPOSAL forwarded post-free on application , to Messrs . Holmes & Son , j 66 a Paternoster Row , London , E . C .
Mr . A . M- BUR GHBS VALUER & ACCOUNTANT ' la PATERNOSTER ROW , ' Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses banks 0 STATIONERY PRINTING of the Thames . -First , - Extensive class BOOKSELLING favourite premises town in on best and 2 nearl position y £ 4 in , 000 Hi . gh Established Street . E 50 ent years £ 110 . . Propriety Retuma ( over 70 ) retiring . £ 1 , 000 will be accepted in cash Business balance , thoroughly about £ 500 sound easy . ; a splendid chance ' STATIONERY and BOOKSELLING ^ ^ Fashionable town 12 miles from London . Lead-£ Superior ing 2 , 2 t business ) 0 . . house G One -ood . of and connexion Esta the shop best blished businesses in , hi mai gh 1816 , n profits . street in Rent the . . Keturaa £ £ \ l 2 400 o " required Ill-health cause of selling . country . OTATIONERY and BOOKSE LLING ^ ^ onl market Large -J y Old favourable required connexion - towns established . in Eent . Norfolk Exceptional Business , in . mai . n Returns in thoroug advantages one of hfare the over . princi £ £ £ 40 1 3 , , 000 . pal A very opening <^ AJTl 3 ^ p £ * 3 lace 64 . Hi . g In S h p Street lendid the same in premises fashionable famil in 40 best south position -coast . watering . Returns Rent £ 1 , 800 . Excellent profits . y About years £ 750 required A thoroughly good business . QTATIONERY ^ nd BOOKSELLING . U Pleasant town , in Somerset . Good house and shop in central position . Rent £ 30 ; ten rooms . Profits over £ 200 a-year ; increasing . About £ 500 . required . An excellent chance . STATIONERY . —Old-established Comfa * 3 re . mercial Well-fitted Business handsome in crowded shop . London Moderate thoroug rent h . - Established 30 years . Under energetic management the returns could be made £ 2 , 000 a-year . About £ 450 required . A splendid chance for a practical man . iient * S TATIONERY stre £ 80 et ( , very Uri low ghton , . Profits LI Good BRARY can house be , proved & c — Akin shop £ 200 . a is -year -well , establ and are ished capable and is of to increase be sold . under The business special circumstances . £ 350 will be accepted from an 1 mmediate purchaser . STATIONERY and BOOKSELLING .--O A Half-Share of a first-class old-established Every Senior Country investi Partner Business gation retiring . allowed Flourishing . About ; thoro Cathedral £ 1 ^ , hl 500 y _ ffood required . Town ____ . . A ^ OTATIONERY very Fashionable first-class Sea , l - and eading side town , BOOKSELL unopposed , Eastern Counties business ING .- . About £ 1 , 500 required . A most advantageous investment " DRINTING . Full 7—Favour particulars i telowtTi are veryjwjig rT Somersct foggg - JL shire . Nett profits £ 2 . 10 ^ . ft-week , and increasing office . . Rent Established £ 23 . About 10 years £ 200 . required Good house tor an ft Suitable for a practical printer . warded Monthl post y Reg free ister on app of lication Munnesses to Mr for . A » ^ MJK . dV ^ jJ ^ 1 a . Paternoster RotoLondon 9 E . C * ^ . ) L ,
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 1, 1883, page 676, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01081883/page/36/