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7 o 4 The Publishers Circular Sept . i , i 88 r 1
SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , & CO . 'S BOOKsT NEW AND RECENT . Nearlv ready , small post 8 vo . price 3 s . ( yd . ANGLING LITERATURE . By Oscar Lambert . This book is neatly printed on hand-made paper , rough edges , and "bound in parchment . Now ready , small post 8 vo . cloth extra , price 55 . WAITARUNA : a Story of New Zealand Life . By Alexander Bathgate . Cheap Edition , now ready , price Is . coloured boards . NEW WOEK BY THE AUTHOR OF ' FAE 3 I BALLADS . ' FARM FESTIVALS . By Will Carleton . NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF * THE PERN WORLD . ' Just ready , in crown 8 vo . cloth , price 3 s . WHERE to FIND FERNS- By Francis George Heath , Author of < The Fern World' & c . With a Special Chapter on the FERNS ROUND LONDON . Now ready , 18 mo . printed on linen white paper Telium , with , price an 35 Illuminated . 6 d . Title-page , and bound in FRIAR POEMS . JEROME By T . B . Ao > ' wich S . BEAUTIFUL Contains some of Mr . Aldrich BOOK ' s longer , poems and , ard other is a companion lovers of voluTn tasteful e to books the ' XXX . VI . Lyrics and XII . Sonnets , ' which have proved so acceptable to Now ready , square 18 mo . cloth extra , price 3 s . 6 d . The EMERSON BIRTHDAY BOOK . With a fine entirely new Portrait and 12 Illustrations . selections A beauti made ful wi little th great volume care from like the both * Long the p fellow rose an Birthday d poetical Book works , ' which of llal is so ph popular Waldo . Emerson It contains for eyery day of the year . EPISODES of FRENCH HISTORY . Edited from M . Gcizots Masson ' History B of . A France . Unir / . with Gallic Note Assistant s , and G -Master enealogi and cal , Librarian Historical Harrow , and ot School her Tables . Crown . By 8 Gustave vo . cloth extra , 25 , . 6 cl . , each . , 1 . CHARLEMAGNE and the CARLOVltfOIANS . 2 . ST . LOUIS and the THIRTEENTH CENTUItY . 3 . FRANCIS I . and the SIXTEENTH CENTURY . 4 . FRANCIS I . and tha RENAISSANCE . The New Additions to LOW'S STANDARD NOVELS are A SAILOR'S SWEETHEART- By W . Clark Russell , Author of ' The 4 This Wre very k of noble the Growvenor novel . '—Standard . ' Small . post 8 vo . 6 s . 'Strikingly original One cannot read the story fast enough/—Athenjeum . MARY , MARSTON . By George Mac Donald . Small post 8 vo . Gs . 4 'A A reall fine work y admirable /—Spectator book . A book of gonius . '—Truth . GUILD COURT- By George Mac Donald . Small post 8 vo . 6 s . NOTES Illustrations on FISH Cheafer and Edition FISHING , crown 8 vo . . cloth B extra y J . 65 J . Manley , Mi . W ith 4 commend the book/—Fikld . 4 He has a page for every day in the year , or nearly so , and not a dull one amongst them . ' NOTJSS AND QUISKIBS . London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEAKLE , & RIV 1 NGTON , Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E . C . J- ^~ - ; =: $
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 1, 1881, page 704, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01091881/page/16/