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1 7 o 6 The Publishers' Circular Sept . 1 , _ 881 I
Ward , Lock , and Co / s New Serials WARD and LOCK'S POPULAR SCIENTIFIC RECREATIONS . A delightful and instructive work , explaining and illustrating the Secrets of Science in the most papular and amusing manner . IPIEfcOIF'TTSIEIj'X" IILIjlTST ^ Efc . A-TIE TD . IN MONTHLY PARTS , PRICE SEYENPENCE EACH , ( Complete in 12 Parts . ) PART I . READY SEPT . 26 , 1881 . WARD and LOCK'S THRIFT BOOK : A CYCLOPAEDIA OF COTTAGE MANAGEMENT and PRACTICAL ECONOMY . IN MONTHLY PARTS , PRICE SIXPENCE EACH , ( Complete in 12 Parts . ) PART I . READY SEPT . 26 , 1881 , HOLY THOUGHTS ON HOLY THINGS . Selected and Edited by the Rev . E . DAVIES , D . D . IN MONTHLY PARTS , PRICE SIXPENCE EACH . ( Complete in 12 Parts . ) PART I . READY SEPT . 26 , 1881 . DISRAELI'S CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE . WITH XXjJ ^ TJSTDEe ^ . TXOTsTS . IN MONTHLY PARTS , PRICE SIXPENCE EACH . ( Complete in 10 Parts . ) PART I . READY SEPT . 26 , 1881 . w _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . ** HAYDN'S DICTIONARY OF DATES . Seventh Edition , Enlarged , Corrected , and Revised throughout . BROUGHT DOWN TO THE AUTUMN OF 1881 . IN MONTHLY PARTS , PRICE ONE SHILLING EACH-( Complete in 16 Pi-RTs . ) PART I . READY SEPT . 26 , 188 ^ HALLAM'S LITERATURE OF EUROPE IN THE FIFTEENTH , SIXTEENTH , AND SEVENTEENTH CENTUKIES . IN MONTHLY PARTS , PRICE SIXPENCE EACH . ( Complete in 14 Pakts . ) PART I . READY SEPT . 26 , j _ 88 l . g ^ ° PROSPECTUSES of the abo ve important Works are now ready , and the Publishers will be happy to supply , post free , any quantities required for distribution : E * rly application should be made , and the quantity that can be used stated . London : WARD , LOCK , & CO ., Warwick House , Salisbury Square , E . C ^ 3 Q ) ^^ tMWw
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 1, 1881, page 706, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01091881/page/18/