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Sept. i, 1881 The Publishers' Circular 7...
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Sept. I, 1881 The Publishers' Circular 7...
Sept . i , 1881 The Publishers' Circular 715
MUSIC . J t Series THE " GREAT ^ Biographies of MUSICIANS fhc <|> reaf ^ Ittsicians . . Edited by F . HUEFFER . Small post 8 vo . clotli extra , price 3 s . each . 1 . WAGNER . By the Editor . [ Beady . 2 . WEBER , By Sir Julius Benedict . [ Ready . 3 . MENDELSSOHN . By Joseph Bennett . 4 . SCHUBERT . By H . F . Frost . [ Heady . 5 . ROSSINI , and the Modern Italian School . By H . Sutherland Edwards . [ Ready . 6 . MARCELLO . By Arrigo Boito . I 7 . PURCELL . By W . H . Cummings . [ Ready . I % * Dr . Hiller and ether distinguished writers , both English and Foreign , have promised contributions . EACH VOLUME IS COMPLETE IN ITSELF . SOME PRESS UOTIOES . From the TIMES Notice of the Series . ' Of the many series or collections of primers and manuals whereby the acquisition of knowledge is now made so easy , that of which , the first four parts are now before us bids fair to prove the most grenerally attractive . In these dainty little the masterpieces volumes , under of " the The able Great superintendence Musicians , " conveyin of Mr . Hueffe g just r such , musical inform authorities ation as is of most note required describe , the and lives thereby and satisfying criticise a desire which has lately been making itself more and more felt . For the taste for music is ever spreading more "widely among pleasure us . , That and with portion it a of wish the for series the which knowledge has alre which ady , elevates been published its enjoyment is chiefly from devoted a merely to sensuous G-erman into music an , Mr intellectual . Hueffer contributing a most valuable study of Wagner ' s works ; Sir Julius Benedict devoting himself with a favourite pupil's career attachment . But to Italian his old musi master c in , its Carl modern Maria form von Weber finds a ; sympathetic and Mr . H . exponent F . Frost telling in Mr . Sutherland well the sad Edward tale of s , who Schubert writes ' s with brief Boito genial ' s brilliance account of about the * less ' Rossini familiar and school his School of Marcello " ; and an . Among earlier and other severer promised phase memo will irs be may illustrated be mentioned by Signor those Arrigo on Mendelssohn ' Tbe four by volumes Mr . Joseph which Bennett we possess , and are on all Purcell attractive by Mr , but . W . a H special . Cummings interest . is attached to that which stands first in order Hueffer . For is a Wagner keen appreciator is still a creative of Wagner force ' s music , and , his but works lie does have not by reveal no mea himsel ns passed f under out the of aspe the ct realm of a fanatic of controversy Wagnerite . Mr . . ' We have but little space left for a notice of the other volumes of the series , but we can recommend them all heartily . Sir Julius ' Mr . H Benedict . P . Frost has is well written qualified about to Weber write with about genuine Schubert feeling , and , but he has also produced with a pleasant an excellent touch account of humour of . the life and fancy works , a of noble a composer imagination who , as , ana he justl a lofty y say poetical s , possessed spirit in . " as rich Prom profusion the record as cf ever a sadly fell to troubled a musician life ' it s share is a relief " an to exquisite turn to that composer of so ' s sunny career an , the existence history as of Rossini which , ' s as . he Mr says . Sutherland , " is the history Ed wards of opera has brightly in Italy during and pleasantly the first half describe of the d the nineteen Italian th century , " and he has added two chapters on Donizetti , Bellini , and Verdi . We look forward with no slight interest to the publication of the other volumes of this series of small but valuable books / SOHUBEBT . I 4 It Able is to and be attractive hoped that —decidedly Mr . Frost a 's success book will . '— , Tablet by culling . public attention to the great mass of still unpublished music of Schubert , lead to some energetic action with reference to it . '—Manchester Examiner . maintained * Without in further their successors preamble ; it and must these be books said that will the be found high character valuable not shown only in to the the first genera coupl ] e reader of volumes , but , is l ) y admirably reason of account the catalogues of the lives with of which these they eminent are furnished men could , for be casual condensed reference into the as well close . limit It is allowed not to be but supposed there that is enough a comprehensive contained , between the covers to please the taste at once , and stimulate the appetite for more minute research '—Sunday Times . ROSSINI . Francis 'Mr . Huoffer Sutherland ( Sampson Edward Low s has ) a contri memoir buted of to Rossini a scries and of biographies his school , which publishing gives in under a skilfully the general condensed editorship , but withal of Mr a . very occasional readable critical form observations , all the leading on the facts various regarding composers the life ' works and works and on of the the great controversies master and to which his disciple many * of . them Mr . Edwards give rise 's the are very dates pleasantly of their production combined , with renders the a biographical useful service narrative to writers . The on musical list of Rossini subjects ' s . works '—Daily published News . in the appendix , with WEBER AND SCHUBERT . oy the * Two first more instalments volumes of have this been biographical issued of series " The . Great Fresh Musicians value is thus , " and given they to fully the bear present out contribution the expectations , which encouraged not only circumstances traces the composer . Of 's Schubert rise to musical Mr . Froat fame , furnishes but also gives a well an -wri interesting tten and insight appreciative into bis biography personal . character Unlike Weber and domestic — -whoso opportunity operas show for the writing spirit of for the the romantic stage . school In other in styles its brigh of tes composition t and mos , t however captivating , he displayed forms—Schubert talent of had the little hig ap hest titude Order or . Mr logue . Frost of those ' s work of Weber concludes , accompanied with a chronological by discriminating tablo of critical Schubert remarks ' s works ' . , and Sir Julius Benedict glvea a similar cata-1 London : SAMPSON Crown LOW Buildings , MAR , 188 STON Fleet , Street SEARLE , K . C . , & EIVINGTOJNT , ( 437 ) | l *** ' wBf
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 1, 1881, page 715, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01091881/page/27/