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7I6 The Publishers* Circular Sept. i, 18...
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7i6 The Publishers* Circular Sept. I, 18...
7 I 6 The Publishers * Circular Sept . i , 1881
MESSRS . R . & A . SUTTABY Beg to call the attention of the Trade and Export Buyers to the subjoined Books Bound by tJie ? n , complete Catalogue of which may he obtained on application . f THE Circuit RE VISED best Turkey N plain "EW , and TESTAMENT polished Levant plain , , joints 1881 elegant . All . sizes , in Turkey and Russia limp and ¦ THE REVISED NEW TESTAME 1 TT , 1881 . The crown 8 vo . Longprimer , Interleaved for Students . » HOIiY Bibles BIBLES . , in every size , type , and style of Binding ; also the sereral sizes of Teachers ' ; COMMON PRAYERS , ™ th op without Hymns Ancient and Modern . In One or I Two Volumes , limp , in Case , or Circnit Bindings ; in French Morocco , Calf or Russia . , CHURCH SERVICES , royal 32 mo . with and without Hymns Ancient and Modern . Jn Volumes One Volume in Case , ; French or Two , Persian Volumes Calf , in , Morocco a large , variety and Russia of limp . Leather Bindings , in Case ; also the 48 mo . Three - HYMNS ANCIENT AND MODERN , from the smallest Pocket size to the Editions with \ 4 Calf 3 fusic . , The are to Organ be had Edition in every , the style 4 to . of and choice 8 ro . Editions Bindings , and , antique other or smaller limp Calf sizes , , Morocco can always , Russia be had , French with Photographs and Persian . CHURCH HYMNS ; or with the BOOK OP COMMON PEAYBE . In One or Two . Volumes , limp Persian Calf , French , and Morocco ; also in case . ; HYMNAI or with the * Book COMPANION of Common ( Prayer Bicxersteth , in One ) . or Two The Volumes several sizes 1 * . to ; 15 in . ? . French , Calf , and Morocco ; ; KEBLE'S CHRISTIAN YEAR . All the sizes , from the Red-line ito . Edition to 32 mo ., ' -, kept with and without JPliotOgraplls , in antique and limp Bindings , and in polished Morocco , Leather joints . : A KEMPIS' IMITATION OF CHRIST . From the 4 to . Eed-line Edition to 32 mo . ; ( Parker's ) , with and without Photographs , in every style of Binding . - MOXON extra , and 'S Persian POETS Morocco . Crown bevelled Svo . . with choicely selected Photographs . Turkey Morocco limp * ( These will be recognised as the Two Best Series for the price in the Trade . ) ALBION SHAKESPEARE ; ALBION BYRON . Large crown 8 vo . Persian Morocco bevelled , and Turkey Morocco limp extra . ! ARUNDEL POETS : Byron , Longfellow , Milton , Mooue , Scott , Shakespeare , Wordsworth , : in Red polished 8 vo . Illustrate Levant Morocco d with Photographs elegant , or plain , by leather Payn joints e Jbxnixgs extra . . Turkey Morocco , limp elegant , uniform . Also 1 MINIATURE POETS . Demy 32 mo . each Two Vols ., comprising—Burns , Hood , Longfellow , ( ' \ MINIATTJRE Milton , Scott , Wordsworth SHAKESPEARE . In French and . Morocco Twelve Vols . demy 32 mo . in French , Turkey Morocco , f and Russia limp , jn Lock Cases . i HANDY In French VO , Turkey LUME , and Russia SH limp AKE , in Lock SPE Cases ARE . ; HANDY VOLUME WAVEBLEY . \ POCKET EDITION TENNYSON : POCKET EDITION LONGFELLOW . Likewise in a variety of Leather Bindings and Cases . ; TENNYSON'S POEMS . Koyal 8 vo . and cro ^ n 8 vo . each Illustrated with Photographs by ; Payne Jennings . In Turkey and Persian Morocco , from 10 s . Gd . to £ 3 . 3 j . FARRAR'S LIFE OF CHRIST . One Vol . crown Svo . in Persian Morocco , Tree Calf , and Turkey plain . \ SUN , MOON , AND STARS . Crown 8 vo . Persian Morocco and Tree Calf . : MACAULAY , LIFE Of . One Vol . crown 8 vo . Tree Calf . ' FOX CHURCH , CHARLES 'S STORIES JAMES OF , MEMOIR THE EAST Of . ( Herodotus Crown 8 vo ) . . Tree Crown Calf 8 . ro . Tree Calf , uniform . LIFE with CHORDS Homer and Virgin . Smal and l 4 to ., iujc uniform s op the ivith Wkst ' L ( Herodotus ifk Mosaic ) . , by the late F . R . Havergal , in Turkey \ BIRTHDAY Morocco elegant ROOK ; and polished S , with Levant or Morocco without plain Photographs , leather joint 9 elegant . 32 . mo . and fcp . 8 vo . In a large variety , Persian Morocco , Turkey Morocco , arid Russia limp extra , and Plush , including ' The Kate Gkeenaway , ' ' , 'TUE ARMY AND NAV 3 T BIRTHDAY BOOK' & C . & C . I GOLD DUST . A Collection of Golden , Counsels for the Sanctiacation of Daily Life . Parts I . and II . separately ; or Two Vols . in One , in German Calf and Russia limp . ! THE limp DAILY extra . - ROUND . Fcp . 8 vo . and 32 mo . French Morocco , Turkey plain , and Turkey i THE CHARLOTTE ELLIOTT BIRTHDAY BOOK . Cloth extra , 2 « . tf * . ; leather bindings , from 3 s . to 10 a . 6 d . ( THE CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER POCKET BOOK for 1882 . Roan tuck , I EUCHARISTICA * 2 & . 6 d . ; Morocco tuck , : Meditations . 6 d . and Prayers on the most Holy Eucharist , from Old Eng lish Divines . With an Introduction by the lato . BiBHOP Wilbkkfohcb . Hoyal 32 mo . Rubricated Edition , cloth 1 & . $ **•> and New in Edition every of variety this popular of Calf , little Morocco work , and , suitable Hussia for limp Parochial bindings Distribution and with , P cloth Jb . otOgraph , Is . ; alao . 8 in . a Al variety & o , demy of Leather 82 mo . » bindings . HOR-ZE SACR 2 ES : Prayers and Meditations for Private Use . By the late Rev . John Chandu ?»» THE WHITEHALL . Itoynl 32 mo . clotli , ls NOTE . and in a variety PAPER of Jimp AND Leather bindings ENVELOPE . . A new and beautifully mode Vellum-Wove L Writing Paper R . This A is now supplied in Bix weights , likewise with ——— T ^ nt surface , ( choioo wrapper , or in the new elegant box . i ondon : . & . SUTTABY , 2 Amen Corner , 438 ) tfiS ¦ ¦ ¦ " ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 1, 1881, page 716, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01091881/page/28/