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Sept. i, 1881 The Publishers' Circular 7...
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Sept. I, 1881 The Publishers' Circular 7...
Sept . i , 1881 The Publishers' Circular 7 I 9
Introductory Latin Reading Books . R . MELYIN'S LATEST EXERCISES . DAs dedicated by the late James Mei / vin-, LL . D ., Rector of the Grammar School , Aberdeen . To which are prefixed Dissertations on a variety of Latin Idioms and Constructions . By the Rev . Peter Calder , A . M ., late Rector , Grammar School , Grantown . Ninth Edition , 8 vo . cloth , 3 s . 6 d . DR . m MELVIN entary Volume 'S LATIN , containing EXERCISES the Latin . Supp to the le-E xercises , with English Notes and copious Index . R By evised the Rev b . the Peter Rev . C James alder Pikib , A . M . M . Third A . B . D Edition . 8 vo . . price 35 . 6 y d . , , « As a help to tuition , the work deserves to be known and used . Classical teachers and tutors may gather from them materials for useful instruction , and for furnishing a variety of lessons in elementary Latin composition/—Literary Gazette . DR . WOODFORD'S EPITOME of CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES . With Vocabulary , Geographical Outline , and a Map of Caesar ' s Gaul . cloth For , fint 2 . ? . reading Latin . Twelfth Edition , 18 mo . A MANUAL nouncing , OF Etymolog SCIENTIFIC ical , and TE Exp RMS lan , atory Pro- . Chiefly comprising Terms in Botany , Natural History , Anatomy , Medicine , and Veterinary Science . With an Appendix of Specific Names . By the Rev . J . Stormonth . Crown 8 vo . cloth , price 7 s . 6 d . THE ¦*• "With WORKS Notes and of Supp THOMAS lementary REID Dissertations , D . D . of By Logic the late and Sir Metap Wiluam hysics Hamilton , University , Bart of Edinburg ., Professor h . This edition also contains the conclusion of the from Supplementary the late Sir Dissertations William Hamilton , Preface ' s , P & c p , comp , by iled the Rev 2 vols . H . . 8 vo L . . M £ 1 anseli . 105 . ,, D ( 1880 . D ., LL . ) . D . Eighth Edition , Also separately , price 5 s . sewed . TIRE CONCLUSION of the SUPPLEMENTARY 1 DISSERTATIONS , & c . With Title Pages and Indices to complete former editions . Edinburgh : Maclachlan & Stewart . London : Longmans & Co . ( 441 )
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 1, 1881, page 719, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01091881/page/31/