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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Sept . i , 1881 The Publishers' Circular 72 i
¦——— Messrs . WARD , LOCK , & CO . beg to announce that they have for Sale B Xj IE G ^ l ? ] R , O T " 2 " I IE S ! OF TJPWAEDS OF 1 70 . 000 WOOD ENGRAVINGS . ; Specimens free on application . , Address , Messrs . WARD , LOCK , & CO ., Warwick House , Salisbury Square , E . C : !
as ^ bi a * wJw ^ H atXM $ ^ ^ WF T " ^^ ^ C ^^^^ TMT " ^ " ^ VX Rr wJ ^( ^ ) lX \ f 5 / j I « aL ^ Sl T ^ iF ^ & k ¦ \^^^^ P' WHOLESALE BOOKBINDERS , ^^^^^ M \ l 85 >« 76 Fleet Street , LONDON , 76 Fleet Street . l 86 a - ; Publishers , Bookseller ? , and Trade in town and country are herewith informed . that this firm execute rapidly , punctually , and in first style , all orders for Plain , Elegant , and Ornamental Binding ; original designs by good artists . Additional steam power and new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other ; firms , in taste , speed , and price . Estimates and samples by return post .
T . Gates Darton & Co . 3 ^ -A 3 Sr TJ 1 J ^ O 1 ? TJI ^ X 3 SrG- DBOOKIBinST IDEI ^ S _ ^ , 7 KIRBT STREET , HATTON GARDEN , LONDON , E . C . at T . GATES BARTON ( late of the firm of Westleys $ Co ., Friar Street ) has newly \ erected premises , supplied throughout with Engine power , at the above address . They are s central , accessible , ample , and convenient , and furnished with machinery and implements of the newest and most approved character for Bookbinding . ! DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION .
"e ^ io ' ¦ r it - ^ WESTLEYs & CO . lfi- : I BOOKBINDERS I i JWjnrnjr DWfcr London : 1 O PBIAJEl STREET , DOOTOEB * COMMONS , B . C .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 1, 1881, page 721, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01091881/page/33/