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W F^^ ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ' . ¦ s . " "¦ '' '" ¦ ¦¦...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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W F^^ ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ' . ¦ S . " "¦ '' '" ¦ ¦¦...
W F ^^ ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ' . ¦ s . " " ¦ '' '" ¦ ¦¦¦•—¦ ¦ < ka " > aMM """"" ¦ " " ¦ lmn ^*" «••«¦ ' ¦*•—¦ , i ... Trimiii * " * 32 s ! M ^ $ 14 The Publishers' Circular sept ^ , g 821
London : 188 Fj ^ bet Stbebt , September 1882 . LIST OF BOOKS : FOR THE FORTHCOMING SEASON , Sampson Low , Marston TO BE PUBLI , SHED Se arle , and Rivington . To be published early in October , in One Volume , crown quarto , cloth extra , about 550 pp ., jilt edges , price 31 s . 6 d . AN EDITION DE LUXE OF MR . R . D . BLAGKMORE'S CELEBRATED WORK , LORNA DOONE : A ROMANCE OF EXMOOE . IN reply to many inquiries for an Illustrated Edition , the publishers have much pleasure represent in announcing the Twentieth that they Edition are now preparing of the above a superb well EDITION -known work DE . LUXE It will , which contain will best numerous style Full of Wood -page and Engraving other , Illustrations after Water , - engraved Colour Drawings by Mr . J . by D . Mr Cooper . JP . , Armstrong in the very , specially made and presented to the Author , who has kindly lent them for this purpose . localit These ies Ill of ust the rations chief represent incidents the of the scenery story , of and * Lorna have been Doone drawn , ' from on wood studies by Mr made . Percival in the Skelton . by The the well work -known will be Artist further , Mr enriched . W . Small by several , representing Full-page Illustrations studies of some , now of being the prepared Leading Events , Battles , Scenes , Characters , and Incidents . Many of the chapter headings will also will be contain printed Illustrated by William Initials Clowes of Devon & Sons or , in Somerset their best views style by , Mr and . bound W . H . J in . Boot handsome . It finest cloth by and Messrs best material . Burn . . The In no Type respect will w be ill expense new , and be spec spared ially b ch y osen the , and Publishers the paper to of make the this Edition in every way as perfect as possible . character This Work or its is merits alread . y The so well best known test of these that it is is its qu great ite unnecessary popularity , to Nineteen describe Editions either its in the popular six-shilling form having already been issued , with an increasing sale every year . PREFACE TO THE TWENTIETH EDITION . What a lucky maid you are , my Lorna ! When first you came from the "Western Moors , nobody cared to look at obstruction you , the ' leaders and repulses of the , public for a tas yea te r ' and led none a half of it you to make shivered test in of the you . cold Having corner struggled -without to a sunray the light . Your of day native , through land get disdaine your d fare yoqr paid voice to , any and dis A tan merica t colony answered . ' ' No child of mine ; knowing how small your value was , you were glad to English Still manner a certain used * brave to be— man * She fel shall t convinced have another that th chance ere was / he good Baid in ; you we , have and lost standing a lot by oif money his convictions by her — ; I as don the 't care if we lose some more . ' inbope Acco of rdingly life . forth you came , poor Lorna , in a simple pretty dregs , small in compass , email in figure , smaller still But—oh but—let none of the many fairer than yourself who fail , despond—a certain auspicious e ^ ent occurred j graciousl ust then y , as and royalty gave you itself golden , endowed wings you . with The literary imaginary public virtue found s . Bo your grand name is akin the luck to one of ti which me and filled name the , failing atr , and which , aa more This solid you beings too mel must t in do to , oblivion ere long ' s ; depth meanwhile . be proud of nuccess beyond merit , and rejoice yet more that fortune frhowera bright genius fresh — delights from pure upon love you of . you To f shine —and with thua adornment to venture , forth as a to female tlio » e who should will , to receive find you your kind word ly s , throug made picture h the fo * ro of <» of habit and of nature . —October 2882 . * The late Mr . Sampson Low the younger . f This unwise lover Is Mr . P . Armstrong of Bristol . London : SAMPSON Crown LOW Bui , MA ings , R STON Fleet , Street SEARLE , E . C . , & R 1 YINGTON , 6 * )
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 1, 1882, page 814, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01091882/page/34/