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A-Ltmtny (Countess Of) - By Vernort Zee....
Barrili—Il conte Rosso . Sm . 8 vo . Afilane , S 3 . 6 d [ 4542 Baaquenne edit . am . 8 vo ( . Alain raris , )— 3 s . L 6 d a belle Madame Le Vassart . [ New 4543
Bordier franyaises ( A . . ) 8 vo — . Colonisation Par-is , 8 s scientifique et l : s > colonies [ 454 4 Brasina und Kroatien ( SL )— . Fauna 4 to . Agva der m Congerienschichten , 16 a von Agram [ 4045
j Capeinick Serie I . U 5 ( J plates . )—Tableau . Folio x , et Berlin pacneaux , 42 . s dcteoratifs de flonrs [ 4 <> 4 < f . ] Capranica , Be Manfredi . 2 vols . sm . 8 ro . Milanc 8 s .
, [ 454 7 Deqchanel de Panama de . Seri ( P . ) e — I . Politlqne : l'Archipel 8 fran de la aise Socie a propos ty , avec du u canal ^ e lcttre dc
M . Lesseps . Sm . vo . Paris , Gs [ 4548 Domenech Paris , 3 s . 6 d ( Abbd )—Sonveniw d ' outre-mer . Sm . [ 4549 8 vo .
Dorner KMnert ( . J . Sm A . . ) 8 — vo Zum . Berlin A _ , ndenken Is . 6 d . , Rede gehalten von [ 4550 P . Elze ( K . )— Note * on Elizabethan Dramatists , with
Conjec-303 tnral tural . 6 d Em Emendations endations of of the the Text Text . . Series Series II II . . 8 8 vo vc . . llallp J [ / 4551 all ^ . 9 Er Wiener gerth Donaucanals (* W . )—Daa . Scbwimmtlior 4 to . Wten , 24 s zur Absperrung ( 4552 des
Goti cuirasses (? eard— et torpil La m leurs arine . de 8 vo guerre . Paris , son , 3 s pass 6 eb son avenir [ 4555 ; Jacqnerez 2 s . 6 d ( Ed . ) —La France armee . Sm . 8 vo . Pari [ 4554 » =
Journal 187 U ) suivi d ' an du habitant cahier de de Mdlle Colmar . H . pendant ( juillet a le novembre mois de janvler 1871 , efc d ' autres annexespar J . See . With
c cronnis roquis . . 8 8 vr vo > . Nancy Nannn , 7 la s , [ rAKZ 4555 . fi .
I Katalog kischen Autoren Arakel mit —Werke Classification der iilteren nnd literarischen und neueren Zusat tlir- - 8 zen vo . Constantinopel der erste Ve , 4 rsucb s . 6 d . eiaer tUrkischen Bibliograpliie [ 4556 .
Lafon 3 s . 6 d —Clnquante ans de vie littdraire . Sm . 8 ro . Pa [ 4557 ris , Lagarde ( P . D . )—Mittheilungen . 8 vo . Guttingen , 12 s . [ 4558
Leclialas 17 s . 6 d CM . C . ) — Kydraulique fluviale . 8 vo . Pa [ 4559 ris , Mont 8 vo . 6 Pa pin ris , ( ( X is . D . )—Les amours de province * . 2 Tola [ . 4560 sm .
Papon 8 vo . Parti ot ( F , . 10 )— s L'Egypte , son avenir agricolo efc financier [ 4561 . I Pay in portfolio ( J . de ) — , Leip Renaissance z ig , 3 ua in der Kirchenbaukun 3 t . Folio [ 4562 ,
Pons Paris , ( A 3 a . . « J d . )—Sainte-Beuve et eea inconnues . Sm . [ 4563 8 vo . Pons - E . Benan et les origines da cliristianisme . Sm . 8 vo .
Paris , 3 s . 6 d [ 4564 Romanoff Tome 1 . 4 to ( N . Berlin . M . ) , 35 — Memoire 3 sur I . s Lepidoptercs [ 4565 .
Tcheng meaies . -Ki B - jq Ton . 8 vo p . Par ( Col -is , . 3 )— s . Lea 6 d Cliinoi 3 peints par [ 4566 eux-Tscbermak Meteoriten erlautftrt ( Q . ) — dnrch Mikro ^ photographische copische Beschaflfenheit Abbildungen der
. Fart 2 . 4 to . boards , Stuttgart , 18 s [ 4567 Vasili Gs ( Comte Paul )—La soci 6 t 6 de Berlin . 8 vo . Pa [ 456 ris « ,
"Wagner ( Richard ) — Autobiographic Svo . Leipzig \ 3 [ 4569 s .
"Werner n Wie eueren / i , 5 s . Philosophi ( C . )—Ros c mini , der * s italieiiiache Steliung in n der insbesondere Geschiclite . [ 4570 4 der to .
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I sept , i , 1884 The Publishers' Circular 833
Recent Foreign Works.
Qimximmtnte Of Gtew ^Twte.
Qimximmtnte of gtew ^ twte .
ISHMAEL . THE NEW NOVEL . BY MISS BRADDON . In 3 vols ., at all Libraries . IS HldfA E L THE ISTEV ^ NOVEL By the Author of ' Lady Audley ' s Secret , ' ' Vixen / ' Phantom Fortune , ' & c . London : J . & R . MAXWELL . 1 Sruall crown 8 vo . 368 pp . 3 . s . 6 d . I THE HISTORICAL SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY . I By DR . O . MORRJSCXN " , M . A ., F . R . G . S . New Edition Revised . I , " ri > 0 ITistorlcal School Geography London may : SIMPKIN considered , MARS one of the HAL b ^ sfc L . & peographicftl CO . text-books extant for senior I ^ oaes , pupil tea ^ herd , and atuclwnts prepnring for any of the pubUo competitive examinations of the country / H iKIBH fiCCLKHlASTICAL GAZETTE . I ALSO BY THE SAME ; AUTHOR . 128 pp . I THE SHILLINGS GEOGRAPHY . l * 5 ^ = pecimens - sent free to Princi on rece ls b ipt y of the 21 Author and 8 , Stam 39 Fou ps n respect tnyne Road ively , . Stoke Newington , London , S
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 1, 1884, page 833, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01091884/page/13/