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_ . r r- _ sept , i , 1884 The Publishers * Circular 85 I
To the Number Trade and Dealers in Magazines Useful , Stock Reviews . , and Serials . —Upwards of 20 tons of MES JjJ- AUCTION SES . HODGSON at their Rooms 115 are CHANCERY preparing LANE for W . C . immediate THE ENTIRE SALE STOCK OF BY A BOOKSELLER , consisting , of upward , s of TWENTY TONS of , Back , Numbers of Magazines , Reviews , and The Illustrated Graphic , Sporting Papers and , comprising Dramatic Cap New ital s , Illustrated Series of News The Engineer , Cornhill , Eng Magazine ineering , , Bel The gravia Builder , TempU , Nature Bar , , Blackwoodts Divisions and Magazine Parts of , Cassel Edinburg Ts and h and other Quarterl Serials y , Reviews useful , Odd Contemporary Volumes , & Review c . , and Nineteenth Century . The whole carefully Wrappered , and contents given . Catalogues are preparing ' . The Copyrights , Stereotype Plates , and Cover Blocks of that Popular Series of Railway Reading , ' THE COMPANION LIBRARY , ' together with 'THE ENTIRE STOCK OF FORTY THOUSAND VOLUMES . ' MESSES . HODGSON WILL SELL BY AUCTION , at their Booms , 115 CHANCERY LANE , W . C ., early in October ( by order of the Proprietors ) the VALUABLE Novels COPYRIGHTS , by Florence and PLAJSTT Mabhyat of , ' THE Mrs . Biddeix COMPANION , F . W LIBRABY . Robinson , ' , consisting Sheridan of Lefantt One Hundred , M . Betham Popular of Edward the Series s , Annie is Stereotyped Thomas , , Miss and there Grant are , Gr . A A ppropriate . Saxa , and Cover other Blocks esteemed to each Authors volume . . Nearly The Copyri the whole ghts have in almost every case a long period to run . Further particulars will be announced , and Catalogues are preparing . I Entire Remaining NATURALISTS Stock , together ' LIBRA with RY . the 42 Stereotype Volumes ( and publish Steel ed Plates at £ 9 of . 9 s * . ) JARDINE S MESSRS . HODGSON WILL SELL BY AUCTION , at their Rooms , XU 115 CHAKCEEY LANE , W . C ., early in October , THE ENTIRE REMAINING STOCK , consections sisting of ) of abou « JARDINE t 315 Comp 'S lete NATURALISTS Sets , and about ' 10 LIBRARY , 000 Volumes / viz of .: Text Animals ( including , 13 vols cop . — ies Bird of s , the 15 vols several . — Fishes and Copyright , 6 vols . — of Insects the whole , 7 vote Series . — . and Man , 1 vol . ; together with the Stereotype , Steel and Copper Plates , Further particulars will be announced , and Catalogues are preparing .
JOHN DICKINSON & CO . MILLS . 400 , 401 , 402 , 403 , 614 , 693 . Wholesale ani > Export Manufacturers op Printing , Plate , and Litho Papers ; Hand and Maehine-made Writings & Printings ; Tinted Writings , Cartridge , & Blottings ; Tissues and Copying Papers ; Enamel Papers ; Cards , White and Coloured ; Envelopes and Note Papers . I LONDON WAREHOUSE : Le 5 OLD BAILEYE . C . g = ; "' — ¦ , F Ut
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Sept. 1, 1884, page 851, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01091884/page/31/