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7&> The Publishers 1 Circular Oct. it , ...
gltetomtttte 4 3ta& Tfywto.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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J Ablett G S (W. H.)—Stock Keeping For A...
* Ward of Scarborough & lack ' , s Filey Illustrated , Whitby Guide , & c . to 1 and 2 mo Ward . Popular boards & , L History Is . . [ 4526
Ward sionCourse & Look * Business Stock Exch for ange Members Guide ; Brokers Rules for Jobbers Admis-Clerks , , Investors , and Speculators . 12 , mo Ward . pp . 100 & , L , Is . [ . 4527 ,
Wells Post 8 ( yo C . . )— 15 s Practical . Grammar of the Turkish Quaritch Langunfre [ 4528 . Westlake with WW * VU principal ^ 4 * UVt ( J . )— reference IVAV A Treatise & VlJvv to V \ J its | UO on Practice JL Private 4 . HVvAW ¦ International in Jl i England AMJg IMUU : being » Law S ^**_* . 4 ^ ,
John in lieu Westlake of a second . Roy edit . 8 , vo of . the 15 s work published W . Maxwell in 1858 [ 452 by 9 W tice lUett . 2 nd ( C . edit )—Parliamentary . 12 mo . Is . Debate on its Law Philips and Prac [ 4530
-"Wilson 102 A , rra sewed nged ( M , . Is as A . . a )— dic The tionary ABC in , all Poultry matters Book connected Cassel . 12 mo l ttith [ . 4531 pp . poultry .
Witkowski Structure and ( O Functions . J . )—A of Moveable the Brain Atlas The Text , showing translated the
. by T . S . Dowse . Folio , 7 s . 6 d . Bailliere [ 4532 Wood ( J . )—Foreign and Home Trade compared Wilson . 8 vo . lg
B . [« 33 Woodward Himself . 3 vols ( Mrs . post . )—Charlie 8 vo . 31 s , . 6 a d Waifs H S . istory Tinsley told [ 4534 by
Woolloston Sermon at Cannes ( W . . M 8 vo . ) - . Am 6 d I my Brother Bivingtons ' s Keeper [ 4535 ? a Worcester Bvo , Is ( Bp . )—Charge at his June Kivingtons Visitation , [ 1 4636 880 .
BOOKS REDUCED IN PRICE . Clark Songs ( . Mary Square Senior lGmo . ) 3 — s . The 6 d Lost Legends Bell of the & S Nursery . [ 4537
Qaume by the Rev ( ab . be B . * B )— . Pusey Manual . for 8 vo Confessors . 6 s . . With Parker a Preface [ 4538
7&> The Publishers 1 Circular Oct. It , ...
7 &> The Publishers Circular Oct . it , ^
Gltetomtttte 4 3ta& Tfywto.
gltetomtttte 4 3 ta & Tfywto .
THE BLACK SPECK . A NEW TEMPERANCE STORY By a Popular Author , will commence in October Number ( Vol . XVIII . ) of THE BRITISH WORKWOMAN . MONTHLY , ONE I ^ ENIVY . Vol . XVII . nearly ready , paper boards , 1 * . 6 d . ; cloth gilt , 2 s . 6 d . Cases for binding , Is . 6 d . ALMANACK for 1881 now ready , Price One Penny . K . WILLOUGHBY , 27 IVY LANE , PATERNOSTER ROW . ( 419 )
Will be ready about October 20 . PENNY ILLUSTRATED SHEET ALMANACS for 1881 . WITH COSTLY ENGRAVINGS and LETTERPRESS . PRICE ONE PEISTTSTY E-A . OH . British Workman Almanac . Animal's Friend Almanac . Band of Hope Almanac . Band of Mercy Almanac . Everyone ' s Almanac ( 16 pages , Book Form ) . London : S . W . PARTRIDGE & CO ., 9 Paternoster Kow , K . O . O )
KIRKES' PHYSIOLOGY . On October 10 . Tenth JSditioii , revised , with 420 Illustrations , poat 8 vo . 14 a , KIRKES' HANDBOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY . Loctwrer on Physiolog By y and W . AstUtant MORRANT Sivrgcon to St BAKER . Bartholomew , s P Hosp . R . ital C . S . Surgeon to tho Evelina Hospital for Sick Children , and the The text Chapter has been on the much Chemical altered Composition in many others of the , especiall Human y Bod the y Chapters has been on in the great Blood part , Circulation re-written , ; Respiration , Digestion , and the'Nervous System . About 60 new Illustrations have been added . JOHN MUBRAYAlbemarle Street ( 421 ) II ft * -- —J ' ' " . . iiiixi ¦ , . -r- - — -r ^^^^ TO
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1880, page 780, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101880/page/40/