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782 The Publishers' Circular Oct h l8 ^ ...
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782 The Publishers' Circular Oct H L8 ^ ...
782 The Publishers' Circular Oct h l 8 ^ ¦¦¦¦ ' ' ' i it .
.. ^ - ^ Now Ready , nniform with « Cabinet of g Marvels ilt , and g ' ilt and edges ' Tour , 6 s of . . the World / One VoL cloth elegant , I I THE PICTORIAL TREASURY FAMOUS MEN & FAMOUS DEEDS , EMBELLISHED WITH ABOUT ONE HUNDRED FIRST-GLASS WOOD ENGRAVINGS , AND A SERIES OF FULL-PAGE PORTRAITS . In One Vol . cloth elegant , gilt , and gilt edges , 512 pp . price 6 s . THE PICTORIAL TOUR OF THE WORLD , Comprising Pen and Pencil Sketches in all parts of Travel of the , Incident Globe . , Adventure , and Scenery , I and Embelli a Series shed of with beautiful upwards Coloured of 100 Wood Plates Engravings representing by some eminent of the English most and striking Foreign Scenes Artists in , Foreign Lands . , In One Vol . cloth elegant , gilt , gilt edges , 512 pp . price 6 s . THE PICTORIAL CABINET OF MARVELS Comprising History , Science , Discovery and Adventure , Inventio . n , Natural History , Travel , With upwards of 120 printed Wood Engravings Colours from Paintings , and a Series Harbison of Natural Wbib . History Plates , JAMES SANGSTER & CO . Paternoster RowLondon . ( 424 ) , ,
NEW CHILDREN'S TOY BOOK . THE TWO BEARS ; or , tlie Bears and tiie Bees . Illustrated by Charles A . Doyle . "With Borders and Devices , illustrative of the Story , by William S . Black . Printed in Colours . 4 to . price Is . * + * Thfi Trade are respectfully requested to place early orders for this attractive Picture Book , 1 , Recently published , 4 to . price Is . HOW THREE LITTLE PIGS WENT TO MARKET . THE THREE LITTLE NAUGHTY BOYS . SQUIRE FOX WENT OUT IN A HUNGRY PLIGHT . GEOKGE WATERSTON & SONS , London and Edinburgh ; and all Booksellers . ( 125 )
CONTENTS of the NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW For OCTOBER . Price & n . 6 d . THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY JUDGED BY ITS HISTORY . E . A . Storrs . THE SUCCESS OP THE ELECTRIC LIGHT . Thos . A . Edison . THE RUINS OF CENTRAL AMERICA . DesirS Charnay . THE OBSERVANCE OF THE SABBATH . Rev . Dr . Leonard Bacon . THE CAMPAIGN OF 1862 . Judge D . Theso . Wright . THE TAXATION OF CHURCH PROPERTY . Rev . Dr . A . W . Pitzer . RECENT PROGRESS IN ASTRONOMY . Prof . C . S . Holden . I London : SAMPSON Crown LOW Buildings , MARSTON , 188 Fleet , SEARLE Street , E , . O & . RIVINGTON , ( 426 N ) & B
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1880, page 782, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101880/page/42/