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WM - ^ m * m*T*m *— ¦•"¦"I**¦¦¦¦*••¦¦«¦¦...
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Wm - ^ M * M*T*M *— ¦•"¦"I**¦¦¦¦*••¦¦«¦¦...
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1 Q 02 The Publishers' Circular Oct . » loaf - ^ 1
HODDER & STOD 6 HT 0 F S LIST R EGYPT Rev . Canon AND Kawlinsoh BABYLON , M . A ., Camde . n From Professor Scri p Ancient ture and History Profane , Oxford Sources . Crown . Bvo By the 9 « THE DIVINE ORIGIN OP CHRISTIANITY INDICATED BY ITS HISTORICAL EFFECTS . By Richard S . Storrs , D . D ., LL . D . Koyal 8 \ ro . 167 . OOLIGNY : The Earlier Life of the Great Huguenot . By Eugene BersiebD . D Crown 8 vo . 7 s . 6 d . , ' * RELIGION IN ENGLAND DURING THE FIRST HALF John OF THE Stoughton PRESENT , D . D . CENTURY In Two Volumes . A History , crown , 8 with to . 1 a 5 * Postscript . on Subsequent Events , h LAWS LL . D . OP , of Birming CHRI ham ST . Crown FOR 8 vo . COMMON 6 s , LIFE . By R . W . Daxe , Ml THE WORLD OP PROVERB AND PARABLE . By B . Paxtos Hood , Author of « The World of Anecdote , ' * Christmas Evans , ' & c . Royal 8 vo . 12 s , EXPOSITORY SERMONS AND OUTLINES ON THE OLE TESTAMENT . Crown 8 vo . 6 s . [ Clerical Library . A TEAR'S MINISTRY . Mrst Series . By Alexander Maclaben , D . D ., cl Manchester . Crown 8 vo . 5 * . [ Beady . OUR NATIONAL VICE . The Claims of Temperance en the Christian Church . By R . B . Grindbod , M . B . Crown 8 vo . 5 s . THE CONQUEST OP CANAAN " . By the Rev . A . B . Mackat , of Montreal . Crown 8 vo . 7 « . 6 c ^ . THE JOY OF THE MINISTRY . An Endeavour to Increase the Efficiency and Deepen the Happiness of Pastoral Work . By the Rev . Canon F . K . "Wynne , ML A .., Author of * Spent in the Service ' & c . Crown 8 vo . Ss , 6 d . LIFE'S BATTLES IN TEMPERANCE ARMOUR . An Auto biography . By Thomas Whittakbe . Crown 8 vo . 7 s . 6 d . with Portrait . FIRST PRINCIPLES OP FAITH . By Marshall Handles , Author of * For Ever' * Substitution' & c . Crown 8 vo . 6 s . [ Ready , ,, JOH N Limitations KNOX of Life . , ' B y William Crown 8 vo . Tayl 2 s . 6 or d . , LL . D ., Author Men of * Worth Contrary ReTwrnhering Winds , ' FLETCHER OF MADELEY ALSO , IN THE . SAME By F . SERIES W . Maodonald . , M . A ., Author of * The Life of Morley Punshon' & c . Crovrn 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d . NEW EDITIONS OF ; < The Prophets . D ., Lord Bishop of Christendom Kipon . New Edition . , crown By the 8 vo . Bi 3 s g ht 6 d . Rev . W . Boyd Carpbnjeb [ Ketuy . , The Fifth Prayer Edition , crown that Teaches . 2 s . 6 d . to Pray . By Marcus Dods , D . D ., M . A . The Doctrine Of Retribution , Philosophically Considered . Bythe Ber . William Jackson , M . A ., F . R . S ., F . S . A . Third and Cheaper Edition , 8 vo . 6 ^ . Archbishop Leighton . A Short Biography , with Selections from his Writing * By William Blaib , D . D . With Vignette . In real parchment , gilt top , 3 * . 6 d . The Mabsh Story . New of the Enlarged Jubilee Edition , 90 Singers th Thousand . 3 With * . 6 d . with their Portraits Songs . By J B jj . London : HODDER & STOUGHTON , 27 Patemo ^ terJB ^^^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 1002, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/106/