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Oct. i. is*4 The Publish ers * Circular ...
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BE HEW PUBLISHIM SEASON . MARTIN LUTHER . Student , Monk , Reformer . By John Rae , LL . D ., F . S . Crown 8 vo . Is . 6 £ , with Illustrations . [ Ready , THE SPITAIiPIELD GENIUS . The Story of William Allen , F . E . S ., & c . By J . Fayie , B . A . Crown 8 vo . 4 * . 6 d . TALES BY MRS . EOBERT O'EEILLY . L The Red House in the Suburbs . With Twenty-six illustrations by i \ A . Fraseb . Cloth gilt , 3 s . 6 d . [ Ready . 2 . R 6 ed "FSLTTD * With Thirteen Illustrations by Townley Green . Crown 8 vo . cloth gilt extra , 3 s . 6 d . [ Ready . 3 . Me tions g ' s Mistake Fred . Barnard , and . Crown oth er vo . cloth Sussex , 6 s . Stories . With Twenty [ illustra Ready . - GIFT-BOOKS FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON . Just in Time ; or , Howard Clarion's Rescue . By Mrs . G . S . Eeanet , Author of ' Daisy Snownake ' s Secret / Our Daughters / & c . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 5 * . Slyboots of * Fables , an d Fanci other es / Handso Farmyard mely bound Chronicles , 2 * . 6 d ., with numerous . By Beat Illustrations a Francis . , [ Read Author y . Stanley Grahame . A Tale of the Dark Continent . By Gordon Stables , M . D ., B . N ., Author of ' The Cruise of the Snowbird ' & c . Crown 8 vo . cloth , gilt edges , 5 s ., with Eighteen Illustrations . A Lon 1 What g Lan s in a e Name With ' & c . a With Turnin Sixteen g Illustrations . A Story by . B y . Edwaeds Sarah Dood . Crown ^ e y , Author . cloth , 5 of * . THE « PRIZE' ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF Prom Log Cabin tO White H 0 U 8 e . The Story of President Garfield's Life Handsomel . By y W bound . M . , Thaybb large paper , Author , gilt ed of ges ' George , 5 * . Washington , ' * The Pioneer Boy , ' [ Read & c . y & . c . True Tales of Travel and Adventure , Valour and Virtue . By tions Dr . Macaulay . , Editor of ' The Leisure Hour . ' Crown 8 vo . cLoth , 5 s . "With Thirteen [ Read Illustra y . Pern With Glen Illustrations Farm . B Author y Helen . Pinkeeton Redden . Crown 8 vo . cloth , [ Read 3 * . 6 d . y The Children Children ' & ' s P Crown ortion 8 vo . , cloth By 5 Alex * . . Macleod , D . D ., Author of ' Talking to The Children Of China . Written for the Children of England . By the Author of ' The Children of India . ' With numerous Illustrations . Fcp . 4 to . gilt edges , 6 s . The There W Autocrat ith ' s Twelve a Friend Illustrations Of the for Crown Little 8 vo . cloth . Children B 2 * . L . T . Meabe . * By Au Julia thor f of . Armstrong ' How it all . Came Round' & c . Fcp . 4 to . Nursery cloth , 6 s . With Forty y Illustrations b , T . Pym . . NEW SHILLING STORIES BY L . T . MEADE . *• The Two Sisters . With Frontis- I 2 . Scarlet Anemones . With P ^ ce . Cloth , I * . | Frontispiece . Cloth , Is . Ul & ritjr ofi | 1 Moore ,. lUuetrated , The Story T . Pym of a Stray . By Lina Orman-Cooper . Crown 8 vo . I The Stpry Of the Life Of JeSUS . Told in Words Easy to Iteaa and Under-I I iUuatrationB Jf ™ - % the . Author of' The Story of the Bible' & c . Fcp . 4 to . cloth , 3 « . 6 d . With Forty L- & STOUGHTON 27 Paternoster Row . I =:=::::::: _^^ ,
Oct. I. Is*4 The Publish Ers * Circular ...
Oct . i . is * 4 The Publish ers * Circular 1003
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 1003, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/107/