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QcU j 9 j$B 4 -The Publishers' Circular ...
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Qcu J 9 J$B 4 -The Publishers' Circular ...
QcU j j $ B -The Publishers' Circular IOO 7 1 - " i
ALEXANDER STRAHAN' 8 New Publications . I A Second Edition is-now ready , demy 8 vo . price 16 * . ! THE UNITY OP NATURE . By the DUKE OF ARGYLL . \ presents ' « No In " pnre to The his r Unity spe readers cim of en .. Nature . . " deductive The , ' TTnity the Duke thou of Nature gh of t Argyll has " is ever carries a brilliant been on framed wi and th vigorous the th sam an the e work breadth one /— which Thb and Edinburgh acumen the Duie of of philosophical Review Argyll . here \ j j th phil ough osophy t , the of line the of day argument /—The Saturday which stamped Review his . " Reign of Law " as one of the most prominent contributions to the \ I position 4 * A splendid . ' — As an argument specimen Guardian of against -. the author materialism ' s logical , we and are descri inclined ptive to powers think . that '—St . " James The TTnity ' s Gazette of Nature . " holds a unique i ; \ , TWENTY LISHER'S LIFE YEARS . By Alexander OP In A Sthahax PUB press . - THE By B MEMOIRS . M . Stuart . OF A LUNATIC [ In the press . - | j Nearly ready , New and Cheaper Edition , imperial 4 to . cloth , richly ornamented , gilt edges , 31 * . 6 d , RURAL ENGLAND ^ Loiterings along the Lanes , the Common-sides , and the Meadowpaths Three , H wit undre h P d eeps Illustrations into the H fro alls m , Farms Desi , and b Cottages J . E . Miixais . By L . J O Pettie . Sequin . F . With Barnard over W . SmaixBibket FosterH , . Herkomer J . W y . Nobthand others , , . , , \ , Opinions of , the Leading Paper , * on * Rv / , ral England . . , ' ' . > exact 'This and ia vivid a most , while sumptuou his text s is volume accompanied . Mr . Sequin by a profusion has a quick of appropriate eye for picturesque and beautiful effects engravings . His desc , from riptions designs are \ } any by such that * " Rural masters we know Engl as and of Millais . '— , " The with , Pettfe Illustrated illustrations , and Barnard from Londo . 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With orer 100 Illustra- \ \ materials ' Mr . Frederick or more happy Barnard in ' his s stron expression g point is his Undertakings character-sketching are rare , and which he , like has never this of been Mr . Btrahan more fortunate , leave so in little his ; ' noble to be * This desired a form is . a ' before — really The the magnificen Tim reading es . t public work . . We Assuredly do not it think has never that received this immortal such adequat classic e has pictorial ever illustration been presented . ' in so I ; \ should ' Mr place . Strahan upon his has dr given awing us -room an edition table . ' of —The the great Standard Puritan . allegory which every lover The of Daily tasteful Telegraph bookmaking . . ' Never before has there been such a magnificent edition of Bunyan ' s immortal allegory . ' —Tbtb Dail ? News . BELLA other Square Lilli 8 'S put . with EXCITING Legends Illustrati . By ons Matthew , clot DAY h , g Beo ilt , ¥ NB ges and . , A BOY graphy . 'S Crown STRUGGLES 8 vo . cloth , 6 a . [ In ; an the Autobio press , - ' «**• 6 rf . [ in the press . Nearly ready , a New Edition , in 3 vols . royal 8 vo . cloth and gilt edges , in paper box , 30 * . THE General y FAMILY the Very Use , Hev and . C PRAYER . p J eciall . Vaughan y adapted , D . D AND for ., Dean those of SERMON prevented LUndaff ; Master from attending BOOK of the Temp . Publics le Design , & c Worshi . ed for p . spirit ' T ual * knowledge charm of Dr . . His "Vaughan earnest ' s patient book is , pious that spirit it gives attracts us the every outpourings reader , and of teaches a mind aa endowed well as attracts with The the / Times richest . nowy n m ^ suppli < * * ed * ed by wan Dr t . was \ Ta . ughan felt for , a His good " Family work of Prayer this character and Sermon , adapted Book " to w our ill e modern nsure him life , and wide the circle want of has read been ers s * n racefullF « a . Amongst lasting recommends remem the books bran Itself ce which . — than The suggest Dr Daily . Vanghan themselves Telegraph ' s " Family as . the best Prayer of and gifts Sermon in a season Book of . " gifts '—The , we Academy know none . that more ; Hit * T alua were ble in book our power of careful , we and would earnest see that thought a copy . — of The this Guardian work were . placed in every household in the kingdom . ' f THB BAPTI 8 T . V Also work sil , nearl , bound y read in y wh , a ite WEDDING silken cloth , GIFT stamped and in CHRISTMAS silver and gold PRESENT , and enclosed EDITION in beautifu of this l t j ( b |__ vered casket 25 H EN 6 * . RIETTA STREET , CQVENT GARDEN . II =
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 1007, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/111/