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1 Oet u l8 g 4 The Publishers' Circular ...
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1 Oet U L8 G 4 The Publishers' Circular ...
1 u l 8 g The Publishers' Circular 1 OJ 5
TRADE ALMANACKS With , numerous X @@ 5 > - Fine Illustrations , rrated EL also Companions HEYWOOD of a * Liberal . They Cabinet & will SON be happy Almanack hare now forward , * 32 read pp Sample . y ; and Specimens a Copy 16-page and of Terms their ry on and 32 application Compaxio -pp . Tram . . v , and Not Almawack 16 sold and to 32 more -page for than Iuxra 1885 one - ; printer T 3 ie Almanack a town . contains six full-page and six half-page Illustrations , and a vast amount of closely-printed and be interestin in many g inform respects ation superior . In , style A handsome and quality wrapper it will supplied be found if to required differ from . any similar publication in the market , and to member Londoa The Stereoscopic of ' Liberal the Cabinet Cabine Company , and t Al of manack . Mr The . John letterpress ' contains Bright Portraits is and closely Sir , printed Wilfrid by a Dew , political I * awsox process matter , six closely of bearin them resembling cabinet g on tne size photography present , from state photos , of of affairs by every the from a liberal point of view , and the book is one of the greatest interest , and novelty . sale . In Particulars certain cases on , application A . H . & 8 .. . undertake N . B . —Separate the Printing editions for of Local England Advertisements , Ireland , and , Scotland and deliver . the Almanacks ready for ABEL HEYWOOD & SOjS , 56 and 58 Oldham Street , ] Manchester .
Now Ready . PEACOCK'S DIAMOND DIARIES . PEACOCK'S POCKET DIARIES . PEACOCK'S ROYAL DIARIES . For the Year 1 S 85 . The Diamond Diary is recommended for Ladies' use , being small and compact ; the Pocket Diary ( an intermediate size ) is suited to Ladies and Gentlemen ; and the Royal Diary ( a larger size ) is especially recommended for Gentlemen . | They are issued in a Great Variety of Styles , to suit all classes , from Is . to 21 s ., in plain , j strong , and ornamental Bindings and in Russia and Morocco Cases , & c . LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S POCKET BOOKS , & c . . La Belle Assemblee ( roan tnck ) * 2 d 6 The Ruby ( roan tnck ) . 1 . d 6 f Th © New Forget-me-Wot ( roan tuck ) 2 6 Peacock's Diamond Almanack , 48 mo O 6 I Fulcher ' s Pocket-Book ( roan tuck ) 2 6 Pawsey ' s London Diary ( cloth ) 1 O Paw 8 ey » a Ladies' Pocket-Book ( roan tuck ) 2 6 Pa-wrsey ' s Pocket Diary O 6 Th « Gentleman's Pocket Daily Com- Ditto in roan tuck cover 1 O panion ( roan tuck ) 2 6 Mrs . Child's Housekeeper ' s Account The Garnet ( roan tuck ) 1 6 i Book 2 O PEACOCK , MANSFIEU ) , & BRITTON , 18 Salisbury Square , Fleet Street , London . 1885 ^ WILL BE READY ON NOVEMBEB 1 . PAWSEY ' S LADIES' POCKET-BOOK . Roan tuck , 29 . Od . PAWSEY'S POCKET DIARY . Paper , Qd . ; roan tuck , Is . ; roan tuck , gilt edges , and pencil , 1 * . 6 d . PAWSEY'S LONDON DIARY . II Cloth lettered , Is . tt III London I pswic PEACOCK h : Published & CO . by ; Messrs PAWSEY . SIMPKIN & HAYES , KENT ( late and Haddock HAMILT ) . ON . ^^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 1015, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/119/