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¦ '¦ ¦' ' Yy^V>'':3;?'J-'F. : *^>'. ' ¦»...
¦ '¦ ¦ ' ' yy ^ V >'' : 3 ;? 'J- ' f . *^> ' . ' ¦» ¦ ¦¦ . :-...- ; ¦ . ¦ ¦ , ;; . ' ; . ¦ ; : ¦>¦ ¦ '" V . ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ . ' - ' .. ¦'""¦¦ ' " ' - '' •'" ' ¦ ¦ ' > ' ' ' ' " " ' ¦ ' " " ' ' : ' ¦ ' " •/'" . '" ' " ' ' ''"''''' ' \ y - : ' - 'Y > r' - ^^ S-P ^ ' ^ : - ^ WM ^^^ tM My ,, IO 2 O The Publishers' Circular Oct . i , t 8 g 4
No . XXXVII . Price 6 s . THE CHURCH QUARTERLY REVIEW For OCTOBER 1884 . 1 . The Defence of Religion and the Unity of ' 2 . Freeman ] Natuee ' s . ' English Towns and Districts / 4 3 . . Cardinal Origination Repyngdon , Nonconformity and the , and Followers Separatism of . 5 . Education Wycliffe of . Candidates for Holy Orders . 6 . Socialism at Home . 7 . The History of the Old Catholic Movement . 8 . Vedism , Brahmanism , and Hinduism . 9 . The Convocation ok 'York . 10 . Frederic Denison Maurice . Short Notices . 1 X > ondon : Spottiswoode & Co ., New-street Square .
MK . ixtiU . iNJSWMAJN , Auctioneer and Valuer to the Trade , offers his services in all matters of Sale , Transfer , or Valuations for Partnership or Probate ; his long experience and thorough ¦ knowledge render of valuable the various assistance branches to ei enable ther Vendor him or to Purchaser very on very moderate terms . No expense in 51 p London lacing particulars "Wall . "R . C . on this Register . Offices :
VALUATIONS FOR SALE OR PROBATE . WILLIAM PAGEN , 1 Market Place , Whitehaven , begs to offer his services as Valuer Printers , to and Booksellers Newspaper , Stationers Proprietors , Bookbinders requiring , Valuations to be made . Terms moderate . Businesses Wanted and for Sale . Inquiries invited .
I PHOTGGMPHIC BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS BY A PERMANENT PROCESS , 1 WITH OR WITHOUT MOUNTING . J Manufacturers' Patterns , Catalogues , & c . & c . j Reproductions . , i R . E . WILKINSON 7 Lower Park R , Photograp d , Peckham hic , S . E Printer . ,
i ELECTROTYPES OF SUPERIOR i WOOD ENGRAVINGS . HPHE Publishers of the Art Journal respect-- * - ful ] y announce that they have on hand a large and varied Stock of Wood Engravings , which have appeared in that Journal , and in other Illustrated ' Works issued by them ; and that they are now \ ! from prepared these to supp Blocks ly , Electrotypes guaranteed of to work the best equall quality y as I well as the original Wood Engravings . I amounting They comprise in all to a large Miscellaneous Collection , SEVERAL THOUSAND . Copies may be seen at the offices of J . S . VIRTUE information & 00 ., Limited will , 294 be furnished City Koad by , London post . ; or further A very extensive stock of Engraved STEEL Printing PLATES from , in g , on d very cond Moderate ition , are Terms also avai . lable Jot « T ELECTROTYPES . I ¦ MESSRS J ** - & CO . SAMPSON ave prepared LOW a List , MARSTON Works from , which Electros they . This are List willing they will to supp be nappy ly selections to forward of I to Street any , E bond . G . fide purchaser . —Address , 188 Fleet
¦ * - RLIAMEN assorted Stock TAEY of all interesting REPORTS subjects : au Olyett , 5 Endell Street , . Long Acre , London , W . C .
TRADE VALUATION . MR . ADAM HOLDEN , Bookseller & c ., 48 Church Street , I / iverpool , having had a Long and varied experience in the different branches of the Trade of a Bookseller and Statioiter , offers to undertake the Valuation of any Business for of Pro the bate Country Duty , . or- for Sale or Transfer , in any part Terms { moderate ) on application . 48 Church Street , Liverpool .
MR . WILHELM FRICK ( late Faesy and C Publishers ourt , Frick Vienna ) and , Bookseller , Booksellers Oraben to 27 the to , forward will Imperial thank Prospectuses and Eng Eoyal lish and Catalogues of New Books as well as of Old and disposal Rare wholesale Works , and of important will be glad Books to undertake . the
C . BRANSTON & CO ., Draughtsmen & Engravers on Wood , i _ . tx 75 : dg imperial - ^ . t : h 3 buildings oiE / Ous , . ILLUSTRATIONS FOR BOOKS , PERIODICALS , ETC Estimates and Specimens on application .
TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR . THE STATIONER , Oll ) e printer anb < d £ imcg Srabts' | 3 Ugistcr . Terms of Subscription : Home , Colonial , and Foreign , 6 s . 6 d . per annum , post-free . Mr . S . For Chas Ad . vertising Phillips , Rates 160 a , & Fleet c , address Street , E . C .
THE PAPER MAKERS' CIRCULAR , Published on the 10 th of each month . Representative The Oldest Established of the Paper and Trade the Recognised in Great Britain . Offices : 160 a Fleet StreetLondon , E . C . ; and at 19 a Cursitor Street , Chancery , Lane , London , E . C . '
LOW'S REAPING AND PROTECTING COVERS . PROTECTING COVERS for NEWS and - PUBLICATIONS a J- dvantages PAPERS of , a removable MAGAZINES in limp bindings binding , BE of present VIEWS a substantia ail , tne character while in u and » e . effectuall Half-bound y protect roanlettered the orig gilt inal - cover Fun , 2 s . , I Judy ,, , 2 ^ . Illustrated Grap 2 hic « . , 6 2 d s . . London Gd . News , | I Punch Others , on 2 « - App lication . London : Sampson Low , Marston , 8 earle , & Bv ^ ff ^^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 1020, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/124/