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Oct. i, 1S84 The Publishers' Circular mt
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Oct. I, 1s84 The Publishers' Circular Mt
Oct . i , 1 S 84 The Publishers' Circular mt
HOW Post TO free , GROW 6 ^ d . Pu MONEY b li shed by . — Price S . Mason 6 d . 1-6 Tokemhouse Yard , London . Showing how to make a fortune safely and rapidly , without interfering ^ ith ordinary business . All booksellers and bookstalls .
ToHANNES ALT ; Bookseller , Frankfbrt-0 on-Main , begs Booksellers to send him immediatel relating HAND y CATALO BOOKS to Architecture , GUES English of , NEW Building and Forei and , gn Ornament SECOND Books - , Decoration , the Fine Arts , & c , by post , or per Messrs . Sampson Low & Co ., Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , London .
Businesses For Sale, Etc.
TTPPER tl STATIONERY NORWOOD , LIBR . — BOOKSELLING RY , and FANCY , TRADE . Immediate possession . Coining in about £ 126 . Splendid premises , large shop , and apartments could be let to pay rent . —A . B ., 42 Anerley Bill , close to the Crystal Palace . ( The Assistant , 18 , is open to an Engagement . )
PRINTING , STATIONERY , and PIC--t TURK-FRAME BUSINESS for SALE . About £ 325 required . A good business now done , "which may be considerably increased . Xease given in shop and premises . All particulars on application to J . "VV ., Warerley House , Commerce Road , Wood Green , N .
WESTON-SUPER-MARE . —To be of the Proprietor DISPOSED , th OF e PUBLIC , in consequence LIBKAJRY of the , BOOK death - SELLING , and FANCY GOODS BUSINESS late successfull Mr . Charles y carried Robbins on for , the dec last eased 25 . year The s b above y the sp well lendid -known opportunity and high- to class any Business person seeking affords a a Weston genuine ± ' 3 , 000 . — - Business App - l Mare y to of . Mr the . kind Norto . n , Incoming Estate A under gent , super
TO PUBLISHERS . THE ADVERTISERS are prepared to the PUBLISHING INVEST a considerable BUSINESS amoun , and t seek of cap the ital co in - operation of an able , experienced , practical man . chased A promising . The or utmost established confidence Business may -w be ould relied be pur on - . & Address Ireland , ' , Cap IS . S ital . C / , Edinburgh 0 / 0 Messrs . . Fyfe , Miller , Fyfe ,
A YOUNG MAN , with £ 200 , wishes to **• PURCHASE , or have a PARTNERSHIP in , * Address tij *" , £ W . Bookselling g ., / o Mr . , Mellor and Stat , Stationer ionery Business , Selhurs . — t , o . hj .
T - ¦ Basement * O Kowr LET , . a , in WAREHOUSE Loveli ' s Court —Four , P Floors aternoster and & Co ., Lovell Ken ' s Court t mod . erate . —Apply to J . Blackwxi
Booksellers Wantih8 Assistants.
j ^ AVELLER lor North of England WANTED , West , , South on Commission , and Eastern , flfc ^ unties ^ f ^ Bookseiler , for a Publishing Office , Warwick House . —App Lane ly , London by letter . ,
WANTED , an energetic YOUNG MAN to call upon Schools in the North-Eastern Counties . Must be well up in School Books . —Apply , "with photo ., stating salaTy or commission required , A . B . C , c / o Messrs . Simpkin , Marshall , & Co ., Stationers' Hall Court , London , E . C .
STATIONERS' ASSISTANTS . —Wanted , at once , a Young Man who knows his trade . State terms ( in-doors ) , experience , and references , with full particulars ; also C . D . V ., which will be returned . —Edwards , Cheltenham .
WANTED , a well-educated Youth , as APPRENTICE ( in-doors ) to the Bookselling and Stationery . Capital opportunity to learn the W Old . Collins Book , Trade £ The . Old Moderate Book Shop Premium / Stroud . — , Address Glouces- , tershire .
WANTED , an energetic JUNIOR ASSISTANT ( Bookseller and Stationer ) , out-door . One just out of his time preferred . —Apply , stating last employers and salary required , A . B . C . c / o Messrs . Simpkin , Marshall , & Co .
Booksellers' Assistants Wantin8 Situations.
TOWN TRAVELLER . —Advertiser , age 23 , of good appearance and address , is desirous of Representing in Town a Finn of "Wholesale Stationer 3 , Publishers , Bible Warehousemen , Fancy Goods Importers , or others . Experienced in all branches . —Address , Alpha , 217 Victoria Park Knurl K .
LADY of superior education , and tho-A roughly experienced in Stationery , Book , and Fancy Trades , desires a RE-ENGAGEMENT in a : first-class Business , or to Manage a Branch . L . J . M ., 11 Marlborough Road , L pper Holloway , N .
1 WANTED , by a Young Man , age 20 , a SITUATION" as Junior in Bookselling , Sta- \ tionery , and Fancy Business . Five years' experience . Good references . —Address , 31 . H ., 7 Grosxenor Road , Tunbridge Wells .
PUBLISHERS . —As Assistant Publisher . - * - Advertiser ( 21 ) , with good experience , would be pleased to hear of a . VACANCY . Good references . —A . J ., 13 Sydney Villas , Chiswick , "W .
"ENGAGEMENT wanted in the Stationery , rience ¦ E * Book . Good , and references Fancy T . rades —F . . . Brown Eight , 2 ye Gladstone ; Lrs' expe- . Terrace , Crowhnrst Road , Colchester .
WANTED a SITUATION in a good boose of , business by the Advertiser , who hasblished served his Book apprenticeshi , Stationery p , in and one Fancy of the Businesses oldest esta in - the North of England . Good recommendation and 8 hig Frederick hly satisfac Place tory , Weymouth references . . —Address , F . W .
WANTED a RE-ENGAGEMENT as Junior in the Book , Stationery , and Fancy Business . Four years' experience in first-class house . Good reference . — Apply , J . C . c / o Mr . Hankinsoo , Victoria Library , JBottrnemouth . Jlj
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1884, page 1021, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101884/page/125/